; PSPad clip definition file for Ansys 7.0 ; author: Novotny L. W., www.TOSHULIN.cz ; last revision 31. 12. 2003 21:01 ; [*ABBR | Defines an abbreviation.] *ABBR,Abbr,String [*AFUN | Specifies units for angular functions in parameter expressions.] *AFUN,Lab [*ASK | Prompts the user to input a parameter value.] *ASK,Par,Query,DVAL [*CFCLOS |"Closes the""command""file."] *CFCLOS [*CFOPEN |"Opens a""command""file."] *CFOPEN,Fname,Ext,--,Loc [*CFWRITE |"Writes an ANSYS command (or similar string) to a""command""file."] *CFWRITE,Command [*CREATE | Opens (creates) a macro file.] *CREATE,Fname,Ext,-- [*CYCLE | Bypasses commands within a do loop.] *CYCLE [*DEL | Deletes a parameter or parameters (GUI).] *DEL,Val1,Val2 [*DIM | Defines an array parameter and its dimensions.] *DIM,Par,Type,IMAX,JMAX,KMAX,Var1,Var2,Var3 [*DO | Defines the beginning of a do loop.] *DO,Par,IVAL,FVAL,INC [*ELSE | Separates the final if then else block.] *ELSE [*ELSEIF | Separates an intermediate if then else block.] *ELSEIF,VAL1,Oper,VAL2 [*END | Closes a macro file.] *END [*ENDDO | Ends a do loop and starts the looping action.] *ENDDO [*ENDIF | Ends an if then else.] *ENDIF [*EVAL | Evaluates hyperelastic constants.] *EVAL,ETYPE,EVPARM,CONST,XMIN,XMAX,XVAL,ECALC [*EXIT | Exits a do loop.] *EXIT [*GET | Retrieves a value and stores it as a scalar parameter or part of an array parameter.] *GET,Par,Entity,ENTNUM,Item1,IT1NUM,Item2,IT2NUM [*GO | Causes a specified line on the input file to be read next.] *GO,Base [*IF | Conditionally causes commands to be read.] *IF,VAL1,Oper1,VAL2,Base1,VAL3,Oper2,VAL4,Base2 [*LIST | Displays the contents of an external,coded file.] *LIST,Fname,Ext,-- [*MFOURI | Calculates the coefficients for,or evaluates,a Fourier series.] *MFOURI,Oper,COEFF,MODE,ISYM,THETA,CURVE [*MFUN | Copies or transposes an array parameter matrix.] *MFUN,ParR,Func,Par1 [*MOONEY | Calculates Mooney Rivlin hyperelastic constants from test data.] *MOONEY,STRAIN,STRESS,--,CONST,CALC,SORTSN,SORTSS,Fname,Ext [*MOPER | Performs matrix operations on array parameter matrices.] *MOPER,ParR,Par1,Oper,Par2,Par3,kDim,Ratio,kOut [*MSG | Writes an output message via the ANSYS message subroutine.] *MSG,Lab,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4,VAL5,VAL6,VAL7,VAL8 [*MWRITE | Writes a matrix to a file in a formatted sequence.] *MWRITE,ParR,Fname,Ext,--,Label,n1,n2,n3 [*REPEAT | Repeats the previous command.] *REPEAT,NTOT,VINC1,VINC2,VINC3,VINC4,VINC5,VINC6,VINC7,VINC8,VINC9,VINC10,VINC11 [*SET | Assigns values to user named parameters.] *SET,Par,VALUE,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4,VAL5,VAL6,VAL7,VAL8,VAL9,VAL10 [*STATUS | Lists the current parameters and abbreviations.] *STATUS,Par,IMIN,IMAX,JMIN,JMAX,KMIN,KMAX [*TOPER | Operates on table parameters.] *TOPER,ParR,Par1,Oper,Par2,FACT1,FACT2,CON1 [*TREAD | Reads data from an external file into a table array parameter.] *TREAD,Par,Fname,Ext,--,NSKIP [*ULIB | Identifies a macro library file.] *ULIB,Fname,Ext,-- [*USE | Executes a macro file.] *USE,Name,ARG1,ARG2,ARG3,ARG4,ARG5,ARG6,ARG7,ARG8,ARG9,AR10,AR11,AR12,AR13,AR14,AG15,AR16,AR17,AR18 [*VABS | Applies the absolute value function to array parameters.] *VABS,KABSR,KABS1,KABS2,KABS3 [*VCOL | Specifies the number of columns in matrix operations.] *VCOL,NCOL1,NCOL2 [*VCUM | Allows array parameter results to add to existing results.] *VCUM,KEY [*VEDIT | Allows numerical array parameters to be graphically edited.] *VEDIT,Par [*VFACT | Applies a scale factor to array parameters.] *VFACT,FACTR,FACT1,FACT2,FACT3 [*VFILL | Fills an array parameter.] *VFILL,ParR,Func,CON1,CON2,CON3,CON4,CON5,CON6,CON7,CON8,CON9,CON10 [*VFUN | Performs a function on a single array parameter.] *VFUN,ParR,Func,Par1,CON1,CON2,CON3 [*VGET | Retrieves values and stores them into an array parameter.] *VGET,ParR,Entity,ENTNUM,Item1,IT1NUM,Item2,IT2NUM,KLOOP [*VITRP | Forms an array parameter by interpolation of a table.] *VITRP,ParR,ParT,ParI,ParJ,ParK [*VLEN | Specifies the number of rows to be used in array parameter operations.] *VLEN,NROW,NINC [*VMASK | Specifies an array parameter as a masking vector.] *VMASK,Par [*VOPER | Operates on two array parameters.] *VOPER,ParR,Par1,Oper,Par2,CON1,CON2 [*VPLOT | Graphs columns (vectors) of array parameters.] *VPLOT,ParX,ParY,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6,Y7,Y8 [*VPUT | Restores array parameter values into the ANSYS database.] *VPUT,ParR,Entity,ENTNUM,Item1,IT1NUM,Item2,IT2NUM,KLOOP [*VREAD | Reads data and produces an array parameter vector or matrix.] *VREAD,ParR,Fname,Ext,--,Label,n1,n2,n3,NSKIP [*VSCFUN | Determines properties of an array parameter.] *VSCFUN,ParR,Func,Par1 [*VSTAT | Lists the current specifications for the array parameters.] *VSTAT [*VWRITE | Writes data to a file in a formatted sequence.] *VWRITE,Par1,Par2,Par3,Par4,Par5,Par6,Par7,Par8,Par9,Par10,Par11,Par12,Par13,Par14,Par15,Par16,Par17,Par18,Par19 [/AN3D | Specifies 3 D annotation functions] /AN3D,Kywrd,KEY [/ANFILE | Saves or resumes an animation sequence to or from a file.] /ANFILE,LAB,Fname,Ext,-- [/ANGLE | Rotates the display about an axis.] /ANGLE,WN,THETA,Axis,KINCR [/ANNOT | Activates graphics for annotating displays (GUI).] /ANNOT,Lab,VAL1,VAL2 [/ANUM | Specifies the annotation number,type,and hot spot (GUI).] /ANUM,NUM,TYPE,XHOT,YHOT [/ASSIGN | Reassigns a file name to an ANSYS file identifier.] /ASSIGN,Ident,Fname,Ext,-- [/AUTO |"Resets the focus and distance specifications to""automatically calculated."""] /AUTO,WN [/AUX12 | Enters the radiation processor.] /AUX12 [/AUX15 | Enters the IGES file transfer processor.] /AUX15 [/AUX2 | Enters the binary file dumping processor.] /AUX2 [/AUX3 | Enters the results file editing processor.] /AUX3 [/AXLAB | Labels the X and Y axes on graph displays.] /AXLAB,Axis,Lab [/BATCH |"Sets the program mode to""batch."""] /BATCH,Lab [/CFORMAT | Controls the graphical display of alphanumeric character strings for parameters,components,assemblies,and tables.] /CFORMAT,NFIRST,NLAST [/CLABEL | Specifies contour labeling.] /CLABEL,WN,KEY [/CLEAR | Clears the database.] /CLEAR,Read [/CLOG | Copies the session log file to a named file.] /CLOG,Fname,Ext,-- [/CMAP | Changes an existing or creates a new color mapping table.] /CMAP,Fname,Ext,--,Kywrd,NCNTR [/COLOR | Specifies the color mapping for various items.] /COLOR,Lab,Clab,N1,N2,NINC [/COM | Places a comment in the output.] /COM,Comment [/CONFIG | Assigns values to ANSYS configuration parameters.] /CONFIG,Lab,VALUE [/CONTOUR | Specifies the uniform contour values on stress displays.] /CONTOUR,WN,NCONT,VMIN,VINC,VMAX [/COPY | Copies a file.] /COPY,Fname1,Ext1,--,Fname2,Ext2,-- [/CPLANE | Specifies the cutting plane for section and capped displays.] /CPLANE,KEY [/CTYPE | Specifies the type of contour display.] /CTYPE,KEY,DOTD,DOTS,DSHP,TLEN [/CVAL | Specifies non uniform contour values on stress displays.] /CVAL,WN,V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8 [/CWD | Changes the current working directory.] /CWD,DIRPATH [/CYCEXPAND | Graphically expands displacements,stresses and strains of a cyclically symmetric model.] /CYCEXPAND,WN,OPTION,Value1,Value2 [/DELETE | Deletes a file.] /DELETE,Fname,Ext,-- [/DEVDISP | Controls graphics device options.] /DEVDISP,Label,KEY [/DEVICE | Controls graphics device options.] /DEVICE,Label,KEY [/DIST | Specifies the viewing distance for magnifications and perspective.] /DIST,WN,DVAL,KFACT [/DSCALE | Sets the displacement multiplier for displacement displays.] /DSCALE,WN,DMULT [/DV3D | Sets 3 D device option modes.] /DV3D,Lab,Key [/EDGE |"Displays only the""edges""of an object."] /EDGE,WN,KEY,ANGLE [/EFACET | Specifies the number of facets per element edge for PowerGraphics displays.] /EFACET,NUM [/EOF | Exits the file being read.] /EOF [/ERASE | Specifies that the screen is to be erased before each display.] /ERASE [/ESHAPE | Displays elements with shapes determined from the real constants or section definition.] /ESHAPE,SCALE [/EXIT | Stops the run and returns control to the system.] /EXIT,Slab,Fname,Ext,-- [/EXPAND | Allows the creation of a larger graphic display than represented by the actual finite element analysis model.] /EXPAND,Nrepeat1,Type1,Method1,DX1,DY1,DZ1,Nrepeat2,Type2,Method2,DX2,DY2,DZ2,Nrepeat3,Type3,Method3,DX3,DY3,DZ3 [/FACET | Specifies the facet representation used to form solid model displays.] /FACET,Lab [/FDELE | Deletes a binary file after it is used.] /FDELE,Ident,Stat [/FILNAME | Changes the Jobname for the analysis.] /FILNAME,Fname,Key [/FOCUS | Specifies the focus point (center of the window).] /FOCUS,WN,XF,YF,ZF,KTRANS [/FORMAT | Specifies format controls for tables.] /FORMAT,NDIGIT,Ftype,NWIDTH,DSIGNF,LINE,CHAR [/FTYPE | Assigns an external or internal type to a binary file.] /FTYPE,Ident,Type [/GCMD | Controls the type of element or graph display used for the GPLOT command.] /GCMD,WN,Lab1,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5,Lab6,Lab7,Lab8,Lab9,Lab10,Lab11,Lab12 [/GCOLUMN | Allows the user to apply a label to a specified curve.] /GCOLUMN,CURVE,STRING [/GFILE | Specifies the pixel resolution on Z buffered graphics files.] /GFILE,SIZE [/GFORMAT | Specifies the format for the graphical display of numbers.] /GFORMAT,Ftype,NWIDTH,DSIGNF [/GLINE | Specifies the element outline style.] /GLINE,WN,STYLE [/GMARKER | Specifies the curve marking style.] /GMARKER,CURVE,KEY,INCR [/GO | Reactivates suppressed printout.] /GO [/GOLIST | Reactivates the suppressed data input listing.] /GOLIST [/GOPR | Reactivates suppressed printout.] /GOPR [/GRAPHICS | Defines the type of graphics display.] /GRAPHICS,Key [/GRESUME | Sets graphics settings to the settings on a file.] /GRESUME,Fname,Ext,-- [/GRID | Selects the type of grid on graph displays.] /GRID,KEY [/GROPT | Sets various line graph display options.] /GROPT,Lab,KEY [/GRTYP | Selects single or multiple Y axes graph displays.] /GRTYP,KAXIS [/GSAVE | Saves graphics settings to a file for later use.] /GSAVE,Fname,Ext,-- [/GST | Turns Graphical Solution Tracking (GST) on or off.] /GST,Lab [/GTHK | Sets line thicknesses for graph lines.] /GTHK,Label,THICK [/GTYPE | Controls the entities that the GPLOT command displays.] /GTYPE,WN,LABEL,KEY [/HEADER | Sets page and table heading print controls.] /HEADER,Header,Stitle,Idstmp,Notes,Colhed,Minmax [/ICLWID | Scales the line width of circuit builder icons.] /ICLWID,FACTOR [/ICSCALE | Scales the icon size for elements supported in the circuit builder.] /ICSCALE,WN,FACTOR [/IMAGE | Allows graphics data to be captured and saved.] /IMAGE,Label,Fname,Ext,-- [/INPUT | Switches the input file for the commands that follow.] /INPUT,Fname,Ext,--,LINE,LOG [/INQUIRE | Returns system information to a parameter.] /INQUIRE,StrArray,FUNC [/LARC | Creates annotation arcs (GUI).] /LARC,XCENTR,YCENTR,XLRAD,ANGLE1,ANGLE2 [/LIGHT | Specifies the light direction for the display window.] /LIGHT,WN,NUM,INT,XV,YV,ZV,REFL [/LINE | Creates annotation lines (GUI).] /LINE,X1,Y1,X2,Y2 [/LSPEC | Specifies annotation line attributes (GUI).] /LSPEC,LCOLOR,LINSTL,XLNWID [/LSYMBOL | Creates annotation symbols (GUI).] /LSYMBOL,X,Y,SYMANG,SYMTYP,SYMSIZ,KEYBMP [/MENU | Activates the Graphical User Interface (GUI).] /MENU,Key [/MPLIB | Sets the default material library read and write paths.] /MPLIB,R-W_opt,PATH [/MREP |"Enables you to reissue the graphics command macro""name""during a replot or zoom operation."] /MREP,NAME,ARG1,ARG2,ARG3,ARG4,ARG5,ARG6,ARG7,ARG8,ARG9,ARG10,ARG11,ARG12,ARG13,ARG14,ARG15,ARG16,ARG17,ARG18 [/MSTART | Controls the initial GUI components.] /MSTART,Label,KEY [/NERR | Limits the number of warning and error messages displayed.] /NERR,NMERR,NMABT,--,IFKEY [/NOERASE | Prevents the screen erase between displays.] /NOERASE [/NOLIST | Suppresses the data input listing.] /NOLIST [/NOPR | Suppresses the expanded interpreted input data listing.] /NOPR [/NORMAL | Allows displaying area elements by top or bottom faces.] /NORMAL,WN,KEY [/NUMBER | Specifies whether numbers,colors,or both are used for displays.] /NUMBER,NKEY [/OPT | Enters the design optimizer.] /OPT [/OUTPUT | Redirects text output to a file or to the screen.] /OUTPUT,Fname,Ext,--,Loc [/PAGE | Defines the printout and screen page size.] /PAGE,ILINE,ICHAR,BLINE,BCHAR [/PBC | Shows boundary condition symbols and values on displays.] /PBC,Item,--,KEY,MIN,MAX,ABS [/PBF | Shows magnitude of body force loads on displays.] /PBF,Item,--,KEY [/PCIRCLE | Creates an annotation circle (GUI).] /PCIRCLE,XCENTR,YCENTR,XLRAD [/PCOPY | Automatically generates hard copies for HP Unix work stations.] /PCOPY,KEY [/PDS | Enters the probabilistic design system.] /PDS [/PICE | Shows initial conditions on elements as contours on displays.] /PICE,Item,--,KEY [/PLOPTS | Controls graphics options on subsequent displays.] /PLOPTS,Label,KEY [/PMACRO | Specifies that macro contents be written to the session log file.] /PMACRO [/PMETH | Activates the p method solution options in the Graphical User Interface (GUI).] /PMETH,Key,OPTION [/PMORE | Creates an annotation polygon (GUI).] /PMORE,--,X5,Y5,X6,Y6,X7,Y7,X8,Y8 [/PNUM | Controls entity numbering/coloring on plots.] /PNUM,Label,KEY [/POLYGON | Creates annotation polygons (GUI).] /POLYGON,NVERT,X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4 [/POST1 | Enters the database results postprocessor.] /POST1 [/POST26 | Enters the time history results postprocessor.] /POST26 [/PREP7 | Enters the model creation preprocessor.] /PREP7 [/PSEARCH |"Specifies a directory to be searched for""unknown command""macro files."] /PSEARCH,Pname [/PSF | Shows surface load symbols on model displays.] /PSF,Item,Comp,KEY,KSHELL,Color [/PSPEC | Creates annotation polygon attributes (GUI).] /PSPEC,PCOLOR,KFILL,KBORDR [/PSTATUS | Displays the global or window display specifications.] /PSTATUS,WN [/PSYMB | Shows various symbols on displays.] /PSYMB,Label,KEY [/PWEDGE | Creates an annotation wedge (GUI).] /PWEDGE,XCENTR,YCENTR,XLRAD,ANGLE1,ANGLE2 [/QUIT | Exits a processor.] /QUIT [/RATIO | Distorts the object geometry.] /RATIO,WN,RATOX,RATOY [/RENAME | Renames a file.] /RENAME,Fname1,Ext1,--,Fname2,Ext2,-- [/REPLOT | Automatically reissues the last display command for convenience.] /REPLOT,Label [/RESET | Resets display specifications to their initial defaults.] /RESET [/RGB | Specifies the RGB color values for indices and contours.] /RGB,Kywrd,PRED,PGRN,PBLU,N1,N2,NINC,NCNTR [/RUNST | Enters the run statistics processor.] /RUNST [/SECLIB | Library pathsdefining for SECREAD commandSets the default section library path for the SECREAD command.] /SECLIB,Option,Path [/SEG | Allows graphics data to be stored in the local terminal memory.] /SEG,Label,Aviname,DELAY [/SHADE | Defines the type of surface shading used with Z buffering.] /SHADE,WN,Type [/SHOW | Specifies the device and other parameters for graphics displays.] /SHOW,Fname,Ext,VECT,NCPL [/SHOWDISP | Defines the display driver name.] /SHOWDISP,Dname,--,--,NCPL [/SHRINK | Shrinks elements,lines,areas,and volumes for display clarity.] /SHRINK,RATIO [/SMBC | Controls the display of solid model boundary condition symbols and labels.] /SMBC,Mode [/SOLU | Enters the solution processor.] /SOLU [/SSCALE | Sets the contour multiplier for topographic displays.] /SSCALE,WN,SMULT [/STATUS | Lists the status of items for the run.] /STATUS,Lab [/STITLE | Defines subtitles.] /STITLE,NLINE,Title [/SYP | Passes a command string and arguments to the operating system.] /SYP,String,ARG1,ARG2,ARG3,ARG4,ARG5,ARG6,ARG7,ARG8 [/SYS | Passes a command string to the operating system.] /SYS,String [/TEE | Writes a list of commands to a specified file at the same time that the commands are being executed.] /TEE,Label,Fname,Ext,-- [/TITLE | Defines a main title.] /TITLE,Title [/TLABEL | Creates annotation text (GUI).] /TLABEL,XLOC,YLOC,Text [/TRIAD | Shows the global XYZ coordinate triad on displays.] /TRIAD,Lab [/TRLCY | Specifies the level of translucency.] /TRLCY,Lab,TLEVEL,N1,N2,NINC [/TSPEC | Creates annotation text attributes (GUI).] /TSPEC,TCOLOR,TSIZE,TXTHIC,PANGLE,IANGLE [/TXTRE | Controls application of texture to selected items.] /TXTRE,Lab,NUM,N1,N2,NINC [/TYPE | Defines the type of display.] /TYPE,WN,Type [/UCMD | Assigns a user defined command name.] /UCMD,Cmd,SRNUM [/UDOC | Determines position and content for the multi legend options.] /UDOC,Wind,Class,Key, [/UI | Activates specified GUI dialog boxes.] /UI,Func,Type,Format,Screen,Color,Krev,Orient,Compress,Quality [/UIS | Controls the GUI behavior.] /UIS,Label,VALUE [/UNITS | Annotates the database with the system of units used.] /UNITS,Label,LENFACT,MASSFACT,TIMEFACT,TEMPFACT,TOFFSET,CHARGEFACT,FORCEFACT,HEATFACT [/USER | Conveniently resets /FOCUS and /DIST to USER.] /USER,WN [/VCONE | Defines the view cone angle for perspective displays.] /VCONE,WN,PHI [/VIEW | Defines the viewing direction for the display.] /VIEW,WN,XV,YV,ZV [/VSCALE | Scales the length of displayed vectors.] /VSCALE,WN,VRATIO,KEY [/VUP | Specifies the global Cartesian coordinate system reference orientation.] /VUP,WN,Label [/WAIT | Causes a delay before the reading of the next command.] /WAIT,DTIME [/WINDOW | Defines the window size on the screen.] /WINDOW,WN,XMIN,XMAX,YMIN,YMAX,NCOPY [/XFRM | Controls the centroid or the axis of dynamic rotation.] /XFRM,LAB,X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2 [/XRANGE | Specifies a linear abscissa (X) scale range.] /XRANGE,XMIN,XMAX [/YRANGE | Specifies a linear ordinate (Y) scale range.] /YRANGE,YMIN,YMAX,NUM [/ZOOM | Zooms a region of a display window.] /ZOOM,WN,Lab,X1,Y1,X2,Y2 [~CAT5IN | Transfers a .CATPart file into the ANSYS program.] ~CAT5IN,Name,Extension,Path,Entity,FMT,NOCL,NOAN [~CATIAIN | Transfers a CATIA model into the ANSYS program.] ~CATIAIN,Name,Extension,Path,- -,- -,BLANK,- - [~CIFIN | Transfers an electronic layer geometry file in CIF format into the ANSYS program.] ~CIFIN,Filename,Ext,Dir,Scale,Offset [~HEAL |"""Heal""a CAD file,then read it into ANSYS."] ~HEAL,Name,Extension,Path,Method,Check [~PARAIN | Transfers a Parasolid file into the ANSYS program.] ~PARAIN,Name,Extension,Path,Entity,FMT,Scale [~PROEIN | Transfers a Pro/ENGINEER part into the ANSYS program.] ~PROEIN,Name,Extension,Path,Proecomm,FMT [~SATIN | Transfers a .SAT file into the ANSYS program.] ~SATIN,Name,Extension,Path,Entity,FMT,NOCL,NOAN [~UGIN | Transfers a Unigraphics part into the ANSYS program.] ~UGIN,Name,Extension,Path,Entity,LAYER,FMT [A | Defines an area by connecting keypoints.] A,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13,P14,P15,P16,P17,P18 [AADD | Adds separate areas to create a single area.] AADD,NA1,NA2,NA3,NA4,NA5,NA6,NA7,NA8,NA9 [AATT | Associates element attributes with the selected,unmeshed areas.] AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS,SECN [ABBRES | Reads abbreviations from a coded file.] ABBRES,Lab,Fname,Ext,-- [ABBSAV | Writes the current abbreviation set to a coded file.] ABBSAV,Lab,Fname,Ext,-- [ABS | Forms the absolute value of a variable.] ABS,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA [ACCAT | Concatenates multiple areas in preparation for mapped meshing.] ACCAT,NA1,NA2 [ACEL | Specifies the linear acceleration of the structure.] ACEL,ACELX,ACELY,ACELZ [ACLEAR | Deletes nodes and area elements associated with selected areas.] ACLEAR,NA1,NA2,NINC [ADAMS | Performs solutions and writes flexible body information to a modal neutral file (Jobname.MNF) for use in an ADAMS analysis.] ADAMS,NMODES,KSTRESS,KSHELL [ADAPT | Adaptively meshes and solves a model.] ADAPT,NSOLN,STARGT,TTARGT,FACMN,FACMX,KYKPS,KYMAC [ADD | Adds variables.] ADD,IR,IA,IB,IC,Name,--,--,FACTA,FACTB,FACTC [ADDAM | Specifies the acceleration spectrum computation constants for the analysis of shock resistance of shipboard structures.] ADDAM,AF,AA,AB,AC,AD,AMIN [ADELE | Deletes unmeshed areas.] ADELE,NA1,NA2,NINC,KSWP [ADGL | Lists keypoints of an area that lie on a parametric degeneracy.] ADGL,NA1,NA2,NINC [ADRAG | Generates areas by dragging a line pattern along a path.] ADRAG,NL1,NL2,NL3,NL4,NL5,NL6,NLP1,NLP2,NLP3,NLP4,NLP5,NLP6 [AESIZE | Specifies the element size to be meshed onto areas.] AESIZE,ANUM,SIZE, [AFILLT | Generates a fillet at the intersection of two areas.] AFILLT,NA1,NA2,RAD [AFLIST | Lists the current data in the database.] AFLIST [AFSURF | Generates surface elements overlaid on the surface of existing solid elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node.] AFSURF,SAREA,TLINE [AGEN | Generates additional areas from a pattern of areas.] AGEN,ITIME,NA1,NA2,NINC,DX,DY,DZ,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [AGLUE |"Generates new areas by""gluing""areas."] AGLUE,NA1,NA2,NA3,NA4,NA5,NA6,NA7,NA8,NA9 [AINA | Finds the intersection of areas.] AINA,NA1,NA2,NA3,NA4,NA5,NA6,NA7,NA8,NA9 [AINP | Finds the pairwise intersection of areas.] AINP,NA1,NA2,NA3,NA4,NA5,NA6,NA7,NA8,NA9 [AINV | Finds the intersection of an area with a volume.] AINV,NA,NV [AL | Generates an area bounded by previously defined lines.] AL,L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7,L8,L9,L10 [ALIST | Lists the defined areas.] ALIST,NA1,NA2,NINC,Lab [ALLSEL | Selects all entities with a single command.] ALLSEL,LabT,Entity [ALPFILL | Fills in an area loop within an existing 2 D area (for models imported from CAD files).] ALPFILL,LN1,LN2,LN3,LN4,LN5,LN6,LN7,LN8,LN9,LN10 [ALPHAD | Defines the mass matrix multiplier for damping.] ALPHAD,VALUE [AMAP | Generates a 2 D mapped mesh based on specified area corners.] AMAP,AREA,KP1,KP2,KP3,KP4 [AMESH | Generates nodes and area elements within areas.] AMESH,NA1,NA2,NINC [ANCNTR | Produces an animated sequence of a contoured deformed shape.] ANCNTR,NFRAM,DELAY,NCYCL [ANCUT | Produces an animated sequence of Q slices.] ANCUT,NFRAM,DELAY,NCYCL,QOFF,KTOP,TOPOFF,NODE1,NODE2,NODE3 [ANCYC | Applies a traveling wave animation to graphics data in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.] ANCYC,NUMFRAMES,KCYCL,DELAY [ANDATA | Produces a sequential contour animation over a range of results data.] ANDATA,DELAY,NCYCL,RSLTDAT,MIN,MAX,INCR,FRCLST,AUTOCNTRKY [ANDSCL | Produces an animated sequence of a deformed shape.] ANDSCL,NFRAM,DELAY,NCYCL [ANDYNA | Produces an animated sequence of contour values through substeps.] ANDYNA,DELAY,NCYCL,START,END,INC,AUTOCONTOURKEY [ANFLOW | Produces an animated sequence of particle flow in a flowing fluid or a charged particle traveling in an electric or magnetic field.] ANFLOW,NFRAM,DELAY,NCYCL,TIME,SPACING,SIZE,LENGTH [ANHARM | Produces a time transient animated sequence of time harmonic results (ANTYPE,HARMIC).] ANHARM,NFRAM,DELAY,NCYCL [ANIM | Displays graphics data in animated form.] ANIM,NCYCL,KCYCL,DELAY [ANISOS | Produces an animated sequence of an isosurface.] ANISOS,NFRAM,DELAY,NCYCL [ANMODE | Produces an animated sequence of a mode shape.] ANMODE,NFRAM,DELAY,NCYCL,KACCEL [ANMRES | Performs animation of results over multiple results files in an explicit dynamic analysis.] ANMRES,DELAY,MIN,MAX,INC,AUTOCNTRKY,FREQ [ANORM | Reorients area normals.] ANORM,ANUM,NOEFLIP [ANSOL | Specifies averaged nodal data to be stored from the results file in the solution coordinate system.] ANSOL,NVAR,NODE,Item,Comp,Name,Mat,Real,Ename [ANTIME | Produces a sequential contour animation over a range of time.] ANTIME,NFRAM,DELAY,NCYCL,AUTOCNTRKY,RSLTDAT,MIN,MAX [ANTYPE | Specifies the analysis type and restart status.] ANTYPE,Antype,Status,LDSTEP,SUBSTEP,Action [AOFFST | Generates an area,offset from a given area.] AOFFST,NAREA,DIST,KINC [AOVLAP | Overlaps areas.] AOVLAP,NA1,NA2,NA3,NA4,NA5,NA6,NA7,NA8,NA9 [APLOT | Displays the selected areas.] APLOT,NA1,NA2,NINC,DEGEN,SCALE [APPEND | Reads data from the results file and appends it to the database.] APPEND,LSTEP,SBSTEP,FACT,KIMG,TIME,ANGLE,NSET [APTN | Partitions areas.] APTN,NA1,NA2,NA3,NA4,NA5,NA6,NA7,NA8,NA9 [ARCLEN | Activates the arc length method.] ARCLEN,Key,MAXARC,MINARC [ARCOLLAPSE | Collapses specified area to a specified line segment (for models imported from CAD files).] ARCOLLAPSE,AREA,LINE [ARCTRM | Controls termination of the arc length solution.] ARCTRM,Lab,VAL,NODE,DOF [ARDETACH | Detaches areas from neighboring geometrical entities (for models imported from CAD files).] ARDETACH,AREA1,AREA2,AINC [AREAS |"Specifies""Areas""as the subsequent status topic."] AREAS [AREFINE | Refines the mesh around specified areas.] AREFINE,NA1,NA2,NINC,LEVEL,DEPTH,POST,RETAIN [AREVERSE | Reverses the normal of an area,regardless of its connectivity or mesh status.] AREVERSE,ANUM,NOEFLIP [ARFILL | Creates an area based on a set of singly connected lines (for models imported from CAD files).] ARFILL,LN1,LN2,LN3,LN4,LN5,LN6,LN7,LN8,LN9,LN10 [ARMERGE | Merges two or more singly connected adjacent areas (for models imported from CAD files).] ARMERGE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10 [AROTAT | Generates cylindrical areas by rotating a line pattern about an axis.] AROTAT,NL1,NL2,NL3,NL4,NL5,NL6,PAX1,PAX2,ARC,NSEG [ARSCALE | Generates a scaled set of areas from a pattern of areas.] ARSCALE,NA1,NA2,NINC,RX,RY,RZ,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [ARSPLIT | Splits an area between two keypoints (for models imported from CAD files).] ARSPLIT,AREA,KP1,KP2,TOL,Factor [ARSYM | Generates areas from an area pattern by symmetry reflection.] ARSYM,Ncomp,NA1,NA2,NINC,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [ASBA | Subtracts areas from areas.] ASBA,NA1,NA2,SEPO,KEEP1,KEEP2 [ASBL | Subtracts lines from areas.] ASBL,NA,NL,--,KEEPA,KEEPL [ASBV | Subtracts volumes from areas.] ASBV,NA,NV,SEPO,KEEPA,KEEPV [ASBW | Subtracts the intersection of the working plane from areas (divides areas).] ASBW,NA,SEPO,KEEP [ASEL | Selects a subset of areas.] ASEL,Type,Item,Comp,VMIN,VMAX,VINC,KSWP [ASKIN |"Generates an area by""skinning""a surface through guiding lines."] ASKIN,NL1,NL2,NL3,NL4,NL5,NL6,NL7,NL8,NL9 [ASLL | Selects those areas containing the selected lines.] ASLL,Type,ARKEY [ASLV | Selects those areas contained in the selected volumes.] ASLV,Type [ASUB | Generates an area using the shape of an existing area.] ASUB,NA1,P1,P2,P3,P4 [ASUM | Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected areas.] ASUM,LAB [ATAN | Forms the arctangent of a complex variable.] ATAN,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA [ATRAN | Transfers a pattern of areas to another coordinate system.] ATRAN,KCNTO,NA1,NA2,NINC,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [ATYPE |"Specifies""Analysis types""as the subsequent status topic."] ATYPE [AUTOTS | Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping or load stepping.] AUTOTS,Key [AVPRIN | Specifies how principal and vector sums are to be calculated.] AVPRIN,KEY,EFFNU [AVRES | Specifies how results data will be averaged when PowerGraphics is enabled.] AVRES,KEY,Opt [BCSOPTION | Sets memory option for the sparse solver.] BCSOPTION,--,Memory_Option,Memory_Size,--,--,Solve_Info [BELLOW | Defines a bellows in a piping run.] BELLOW,NLOC,LENG,STIFF,FLEX,ELEM [BEND | Defines a bend in a piping run.] BEND,NEL1,NEL2,RAD,NDIV,ESTRT,EINC [BETAD | Defines the stiffness matrix multiplier for damping.] BETAD,VALUE [BF | Defines a nodal body force load.] BF,NODE,Lab,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,PHASE [BFA | Defines a body force load on an area.] BFA,AREA,Lab,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,PHASE [BFADELE | Deletes body force loads on an area.] BFADELE,AREA,Lab [BFALIST | Lists the body force loads on an area.] BFALIST,AREA,Lab [BFCUM | Specifies that nodal body force loads are to be accumulated.] BFCUM,Lab,Oper,FACT,TBASE [BFDELE | Deletes nodal body force loads.] BFDELE,NODE,Lab [BFE | Defines an element body force load.] BFE,ELEM,Lab,STLOC,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4 [BFECUM | Specifies whether to ignore subsequent element body force loads.] BFECUM,Lab,Oper,FACT,TBASE [BFEDELE | Deletes element body force loads.] BFEDELE,ELEM,Lab [BFELIST | Lists the element body force loads.] BFELIST,ELEM,Lab [BFESCAL | Scales element body force loads.] BFESCAL,Lab,FACT,TBASE [BFINT | Activates the body force interpolation operation.] BFINT,Fname1,Ext1,--,Fname2,Ext2,--,KPOS,Clab,KSHS,TOLOUT,TOLHGT [BFK | Defines a body force load at a keypoint.] BFK,KPOI,Lab,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,PHASE [BFKDELE | Deletes body force loads at a keypoint.] BFKDELE,KPOI,Lab [BFKLIST | Lists the body force loads at keypoints.] BFKLIST,KPOI,Lab [BFL | Defines a body force load on a line.] BFL,LINE,Lab,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,PHASE [BFLDELE | Deletes body force loads on a line.] BFLDELE,LINE,Lab [BFLIST | Lists the body force loads on nodes.] BFLIST,NODE,Lab [BFLLIST | Lists the body force loads on a line.] BFLLIST,LINE,Lab [BFSCALE | Scales body force loads at nodes.] BFSCALE,Lab,FACT,TBASE [BFTRAN | Transfers solid model body force loads to the finite element model.] BFTRAN [BFUNIF | Assigns a uniform body force load to all nodes.] BFUNIF,Lab,VALUE [BFV | Defines a body force load on a volume.] BFV,VOLU,Lab,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,PHASE [BFVDELE | Deletes body force loads on a volume.] BFVDELE,VOLU,Lab [BFVLIST | Lists the body force loads on a volume.] BFVLIST,VOLU,Lab [BIOOPT |"Specifies""Biot""Savart options""as the subsequent status topic."] BIOOPT [BIOT | Calculates the Biot Savart source magnetic field intensity.] BIOT,Label [BLC4 | Creates a rectangular area or block volume by corner points.] BLC4,XCORNER,YCORNER,WIDTH,HEIGHT,DEPTH [BLC5 | Creates a rectangular area or block volume by center and corner points.] BLC5,XCENTER,YCENTER,WIDTH,HEIGHT,DEPTH [BLOCK | Creates a block volume based on working plane coordinates.] BLOCK,X1,X2,Y1,Y2,Z1,Z2 [BOOL |"Specifies""Booleans""as the subsequent status topic."] BOOL [BOPTN | Specifies Boolean operation options.] BOPTN,Lab,Value [BRANCH | Defines the starting point for a piping branch.] BRANCH,NODE,X,Y,Z [BSPLIN | Generates a single line from a spline fit to a series of keypoints.] BSPLIN,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,XV1,YV1,ZV1,XV6,YV6,ZV6 [BTOL | Specifies the Boolean operation tolerances.] BTOL,PTOL [BUCOPT | Specifies buckling analysis options.] BUCOPT,Method,NMODE,SHIFT,LDMULTE [C*** | Places a comment in the output.] C***,Comment [CALC |"Specifies""Calculation settings""as the subsequent status topic."] CALC [CBDOF | Activates cut boundary interpolation (for submodeling).] CBDOF,Fname1,Ext1,--,Fname2,Ext2,--,KPOS,Clab,KSHS,TOLOUT,TOLHGT [CDREAD | Reads a file of solid model and database information into the database.] CDREAD,Option,Fname,Ext,--,Fnamei,Exti [CDWRITE | Writes geometry and load database items to a file.] CDWRITE,Option,Fname,Ext,--,Fnamei,Exti,Fmat [CE | Defines a constraint equation relating degrees of freedom.] CE,NEQN,CONST,NODE1,Lab1,C1,NODE2,Lab2,C2,NODE3,Lab3,C3 [CECMOD | Modifies the constant term of a constraint equation during solution.] CECMOD,NEQN,CONST [CECYC | Generates the constraint equations for a cyclic symmetry analysis] CECYC,Lowname,Highname,Nsector,HIndex,Tolerance,Kmove,Kpairs [CEDELE | Deletes constraint equations.] CEDELE,NEQN1,NEQN2,NINC,Nsel [CEINTF | Generates constraint equations at an interface.] CEINTF,TOLER,DOF1,DOF2,DOF3,DOF4,DOF5,DOF6,MoveTol [CELIST | Lists the constraint equations.] CELIST,NEQN1,NEQN2,NINC,Nsel [CENTER | Defines a node at the center of curvature of 2 or 3 nodes.] CENTER,NODE,NODE1,NODE2,NODE3,RADIUS [CEQN |"Specifies""Constraint equations""as the subsequent status topic."] CEQN [CERIG | Defines a rigid region.] CERIG,MASTE,SLAVE,Ldof,Ldof2,Ldof3,Ldof4,Ldof5 [CESGEN | Generates a set of constraint equations from existing sets.] CESGEN,ITIME,INC,NSET1,NSET2,NINC [CFACT | Defines complex scaling factors to be used with operations.] CFACT,RFACTA,IFACTA,RFACTB,IFACTB,RFACTC,IFACTC [CGLOC | Specifies the origin location of the acceleration coordinate system.] CGLOC,XLOC,YLOC,ZLOC [CGOMGA | Specifies the rotational velocity of the global origin.] CGOMGA,CGOMX,CGOMY,CGOMZ [CIRCLE | Generates circular arc lines.] CIRCLE,PCENT,RAD,PAXIS,PZERO,ARC,NSEG [CLOCAL | Defines a local coordinate system relative to the active coordinate system.] CLOCAL,KCN,KCS,XL,YL,ZL,THXY,THYZ,THZX,PAR1,PAR2 [CLOG | Forms the common log of a variable] CLOG,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA,FACTB [CLRMSHLN | Clears meshed entities.] CLRMSHLN [CM | Groups geometry items into a component.] CM,Cname,Entity [CMATRIX | Performs electrostatic field solutions and calculates the self and mutual capacitances between multiple conductors.] CMATRIX,SYMFAC,Condname,NUMCOND,GRNDKEY,Capname [CMDELE | Deletes a component or assembly definition.] CMDELE,Name [CMDOMEGA | Specifies the rotational acceleration of an element component about a user defined rotational axis.] CMDOMEGA,CM_NAME,DOMEGAX,DOMEGAY,DOMEGAZ,X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2 [CMEDIT | Edits an existing assembly.] CMEDIT,Aname,Oper,Cnam1,Cnam2,Cnam3,Cnam4,Cnam5,Cnam6,Cnam7 [CMGRP | Groups components and assemblies into an assembly.] CMGRP,Aname,Cnam1,Cnam2,Cnam3,Cnam4,Cnam5,Cnam6,Cnam7,Cnam8 [CMLIST | Lists the contents of a component or assembly.] CMLIST,Name,Key,Entity [CMMOD | Modifies the specification of a component.] CMMOD,Cname,Keyword,Value [CMOMEGA | Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component about a user defined rotational axis.] CMOMEGA,CM_NAME,OMEGAX,OMEGAY,OMEGAZ,X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,KSPIN [CMPLOT | Plots the entities contained in a component or assembly.] CMPLOT,Label,Entity,Keyword [CMSEL | Selects a subset of components and assemblies.] CMSEL,Type,Name,Entity [CNCHECK | Lists the initial status of contact pairs.] CNCHECK,Levl,RID1,RID2,RINC [CNVTOL | Sets convergence values for nonlinear analyses.] CNVTOL,Lab,VALUE,TOLER,NORM,MINREF [COMPRESS | Deletes all specified sets.] COMPRESS [CON4 | Creates a conical volume anywhere on the working plane.] CON4,XCENTER,YCENTER,RAD1,RAD2,DEPTH [CONE | Creates a conical volume centered about the working plane origin.] CONE,RBOT,RTOP,Z1,Z2,THETA1,THETA2 [CONJUG | Forms the complex conjugate of a variable.] CONJUG,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA [COUPLE |"Specifies""Node coupling""as the subsequent status topic."] COUPLE [COVAL | Defines PSD cospectral values.] COVAL,TBLNO1,TBLNO2,SV1,SV2,SV3,SV4,SV5,SV6,SV7 [CP | Defines (or modifies) a set of coupled degrees of freedom.] CP,NSET,Lab,NODE1,NODE2,NODE3,NODE4,NODE5,NODE6,NODE7,NODE8,NODE9,NODE10,NODE11,NODE12,NODE13,NODE14,NODE15,NODE16,NODE17 [CPCYC | Couples the two side faces of a cyclically symmetric model for loadings that are the same on every segment.] CPCYC,Lab,TOLER,KCN,DX,DY,DZ,KNONROT [CPDELE | Deletes coupled degree of freedom sets.] CPDELE,NSET1,NSET2,NINC,Nsel [CPINTF | Defines coupled degrees of freedom at an interface.] CPINTF,Lab,TOLER [CPLGEN | Generates sets of coupled nodes from an existing set.] CPLGEN,NSETF,Lab1,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5 [CPLIST | Lists the coupled degree of freedom sets.] CPLIST,NSET1,NSET2,NINC,Nsel [CPMERGE | Merges different couple sets with duplicate degrees of freedom into one couple set.] CPMERGE,Lab [CPNGEN | Defines,modifies,or adds to a set of coupled degrees of freedom.] CPNGEN,NSET,Lab,NODE1,NODE2,NINC [CPSGEN | Generates sets of coupled nodes from existing sets.] CPSGEN,ITIME,INC,NSET1,NSET2,NINC [CQC | Specifies the complete quadratic mode combination method.] CQC,SIGNIF,Label [CRPLIM | Specifies the creep criterion for automatic time stepping.] CRPLIM,CRCR,Option [CS | Defines a local coordinate system by three node locations.] CS,KCN,KCS,NORIG,NXAX,NXYPL,PAR1,PAR2 [CSCIR | Locates the singularity for non Cartesian local coordinate systems.] CSCIR,KCN,KTHET,KPHI [CSDELE | Deletes local coordinate systems.] CSDELE,KCN1,KCN2,KCINC [CSKP | Defines a local coordinate system by three keypoint locations.] CSKP,KCN,KCS,PORIG,PXAXS,PXYPL,PAR1,PAR2 [CSLIST | Lists coordinate systems.] CSLIST,KCN1,KCN2,KCINC [CSWPLA | Defines a local coordinate system at the origin of the working plane.] CSWPLA,KCN,KCS,PAR1,PAR2 [CSYS | Activates a previously defined coordinate system.] CSYS,KCN [CURR2D | Calculates current flow in a two dimensional conductor.] CURR2D [CUTCONTROL | Controls time step cutback during a nonlinear solution.] CUTCONTROL,Lab,VALUE,Option [CVAR | Computes covariance between two quantities.] CVAR,IR,IA,IB,ITYPE,DATUM,Name [CYCLIC | Specifies a cyclic symmetry analysis.] CYCLIC,NSECTOR,ANGLE,KCN,Name,USRCOMP [CYCOPT | Specifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry analysis.] CYCOPT,OPTION,Value1,Value2,Value3,Value4,Value5,Value6,Value7 [CYCPHASE | Provides tools for determining minimum and maximum possible result values from frequency couplets produced in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.] CYCPHASE,TYPE,OPTION [CYL4 | Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume anywhere on the working plane.] CYL4,XCENTER,YCENTER,RAD1,THETA1,RAD2,THETA2,DEPTH [CYL5 | Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume by end points.] CYL5,XEDGE1,YEDGE1,XEDGE2,YEDGE2,DEPTH [CYLIND | Creates a cylindrical volume centered about the working plane origin.] CYLIND,RAD1,RAD2,Z1,Z2,THETA1,THETA2 [D | Defines DOF constraints at nodes.] D,NODE,Lab,VALUE,VALUE2,NEND,NINC,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5,Lab6 [DA | Defines DOF constraints on areas.] DA,AREA,Lab,Value1,Value2 [DADELE | Deletes DOF constraints on an area.] DADELE,AREA,Lab [DALIST | Lists the DOF constraints on an area.] DALIST,AREA [DAMORPH | Move nodes in selected areas to conform to structural displacements.] DAMORPH,AREA,XLINE,RMSHKY [DATA | Reads data records from a file into a variable.] DATA,IR,LSTRT,LSTOP,LINC,Name,KCPLX [DATADEF |"Specifies""Directly defined data status""as the subsequent status topic."] DATADEF [DCGOMG | Specifies the rotational acceleration of the global origin.] DCGOMG,DCGOX,DCGOY,DCGOZ [DCUM | Specifies that DOF constraint values are to be accumulated.] DCUM,Oper,RFACT,IFACT,TBASE [DCVSWP | Performs a DC voltage sweep on a ROM element.] DCVSWP,Option,Elem,Cnum,Vmax,Vinc1,Vinc2,Gap [DDELE | Deletes degree of freedom constraints.] DDELE,NODE,Lab,NEND,NINC [DDSOPT | Initializes the Distributed Domain Solver (DDS) settings.] DDSOPT,Configopt,Ndomains,Max_Iter [DEACT |"Specifies""Element birth and death""as the subsequent status topic."] DEACT [DECOMP | Specifies method by which mesh will be decomposed into domains] DECOMP,DDS,Ndomains [DEFINE |"Specifies""Data definition settings""as the subsequent status topic."] DEFINE [DELETE | Specifies sets in the results file to be deleted before postprocessing.] DELETE,SET,Nstart,Nend [DELTIM | Specifies the time step sizes to be used for this load step.] DELTIM,DTIME,DTMIN,DTMAX,Carry [DEMORPH | Move nodes in selected elements to conform to structural displacements.] DEMORPH,ELEM,DIMN,RMSHKY [DERIV | Differentiates a variable.] DERIV,IR,IY,IX,--,Name,--,--,FACTA [DESIZE | Controls default element sizes.] DESIZE,MINL,MINH,MXEL,ANGL,ANGH,EDGMN,EDGMX,ADJF,ADJM [DESOL | Defines or modifies solution results at a node of an element.] DESOL,ELEM,NODE,Item,Comp,V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6 [DETAB | Modifies element table results in the database.] DETAB,ELEM,Lab,V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6 [DIG | Digitizes nodes to a surface.] DIG,NODE1,NODE2,NINC [DIGIT |"Specifies""Node digitizing""as the subsequent status topic."] DIGIT [DISPLAY |"Specifies""Display settings""as the subsequent status topic."] DISPLAY [DK | Defines DOF constraints at keypoints.] DK,KPOI,Lab,VALUE,VALUE2,KEXPND,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5,Lab6 [DKDELE | Deletes DOF constraints at a keypoint.] DKDELE,KPOI,Lab [DKLIST | Lists the DOF constraints at keypoints.] DKLIST,KPOI [DL | Defines DOF constraints on lines.] DL,LINE,AREA,Lab,Value1,Value2 [DLDELE | Deletes DOF constraints on a line.] DLDELE,LINE,Lab [DLIST | Lists DOF constraints.] DLIST,NODE1,NODE2,NINC [DLLIST | Lists DOF constraints on a line.] DLLIST,LINE [DMOVE | Digitizes nodes on surfaces and along intersections.] DMOVE,NODE1,NODE2,NINC [DMPRAT | Sets a constant damping ratio.] DMPRAT,RATIO [DNSOL | Defines or modifies solution results at a node.] DNSOL,NODE,Item,Comp,V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6 [DOF | Adds degrees of freedom to the current DOF set.] DOF,Lab1,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5,Lab6,Lab7,Lab8,Lab9,Lab10 [DOFSEL | Selects a DOF label set for reference by other commands.] DOFSEL,Type,Dof1,Dof2,Dof3,Dof4,Dof5,Dof6 [DOMEGA | Specifies the rotational acceleration of the structure.] DOMEGA,DOMGX,DOMGY,DOMGZ [DSCALE | Scales DOF constraint values.] DSCALE,RFACT,IFACT,TBASE [DSET | Sets the scale and drawing plane orientation for a digitizing tablet.] DSET,NODE1,NODE2,NODE3,DDEV [DSUM | Specifies the double sum mode combination method.] DSUM,SIGNIF,Label,TD [DSURF | Defines the surface upon which digitized nodes lie.] DSURF,KCN,XSURF,YSURF,ZSURF [DSYM | Specifies symmetry or antisymmetry DOF constraints on nodes.] DSYM,Lab,Normal,KCN [DSYS | Activates a display coordinate system for geometry listings and plots.] DSYS,KCN [DTRAN | Transfers solid model DOF constraints to the finite element model.] DTRAN [DUMP | Dumps the contents of a binary file.] DUMP,NSTRT,NSTOP [DVMORPH | Move nodes in selected volumes to conform to structural displacements.] DVMORPH,VOLU,XAREA,RMSHKY [DYNOPT |"Specifies""Dynamic analysis options""as the subsequent status topic."] DYNOPT [E | Defines an element by node connectivity.] E,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P [EALIVE | Reactivates an element (for the birth and death capability).] EALIVE,ELEM [EDADAPT | Activates adaptive meshing in an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDADAPT,PART,Key [EDALE | Assigns mesh smoothing to explicit dynamic elements that use the ALE formulation.] EDALE,Option,--,AFAC,BFAC,--,DFAC,EFAC,START,END [EDASMP | Creates a part assembly to be used in an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDASMP,Option,ASMID,PART1,PART2,PART3,PART4,PART5,PART6,PART7,PART8,PART9,PART10,PART11,PART12,PART13,PART14,PART15,PART16 [EDBOUND | Defines a boundary plane for sliding or cyclic symmetry.] EDBOUND,Option,Lab,Cname,XC,YC,ZC,Cname2,COPT [EDBVIS | Specifies global bulk viscosity coefficients for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDBVIS,QVCO,LVCO [EDBX | Creates a box shaped volume to be used in a contact definition for explicit dynamics.] EDBX,Option,BOXID,XMIN,XMAX,YMIN,YMAX,ZMIN,ZMAX [EDCADAPT | Specifies adaptive meshing controls for an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDCADAPT,FREQ,TOL,OPT,MAXLVL,BTIME,DTIME,LCID,ADPSIZE,ADPASS,IREFLG,ADPENE,ADPTH,MAXEL [EDCGEN | Specifies contact parameters for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDCGEN,Option,Cont,Targ,FS,FD,DC,VC,VDC,V1,V2,V3,V4,BTIME,DTIME,BOXID1,BOXID2 [EDCLIST | Lists contact entity specifications in an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDCLIST,NUM [EDCMORE | Specifies additional contact parameters for a given contact definition in an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDCMORE,Option,NUM,--,VAL1,VAL2 [EDCNSTR | Defines various types of constraints for an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDCNSTR,Option,Ctype,Comp1,Comp2,VAL1 [EDCONTACT | Specifies contact surface controls for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDCONTACT,SFSI,RWPN,IPCK,SHTK,PENO,STCC,ORIE,CSPC,PENCHK [EDCPU | Specifies CPU time limit for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDCPU,CPUTIME [EDCRB | Constrains two rigid bodies to act as one in an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDCRB,Option,NEQN,PARTM,PARTS [EDCSC | Specifies whether to use subcycling in an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDCSC,Key [EDCTS | Specifies mass scaling and scale factor of computed time step for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDCTS,DTMS,TSSFAC [EDCURVE | Specifies data curves for an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDCURVE,Option,LCID,Par1,Par2 [EDDAMP | Defines mass weighted (Alpha) or stiffness weighted (Beta) damping for an explicit dynamics model.] EDDAMP,PART,LCID,VALDMP [EDDBL | Selects a numerical precision type of the explicit dynamics analysis.] EDDBL,KEY [EDDC | Deletes or deactivates/reactivates contact surface specifications in an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDDC,Option,Ctype,Cont,Targ [EDDRELAX | Activates initialization to a prescribed geometry or dynamic relaxation for the explicit analysis.] EDDRELAX,Option,NRCYCK,DRTOL,DFFCTR,DRTERM,TSSFDR,IRELAL,EDTTL [EDDUMP | Specifies output frequency for the explicit dynamic restart file (d3dump).] EDDUMP,NUM,DT [EDELE | Deletes selected elements from the model.] EDELE,IEL1,IEL2,INC [EDENERGY | Specifies energy dissipation controls for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDENERGY,HGEN,SWEN,SIEN,RLEN [EDFPLOT | Allows plotting of explicit dynamics forces and other load symbols.] EDFPLOT,Key [EDGCALE | Defines global ALE controls for an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDGCALE,NADV,METH [EDHGLS | Specifies the hourglass coefficient for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDHGLS,HGCO [EDHIST | Specifies time history output for an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDHIST,Comp [EDHTIME | Specifies the time history output interval for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDHTIME,NSTEP,DT [EDINT | Specifies number of integration points for explicit shell and beam output.] EDINT,SHELLIP,BEAMIP [EDIPART | Defines inertia for rigid parts in an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDIPART,PART,Option,Cvect,TM,IRCS,Ivect,Vvect,CID [EDIS | Specifies stress initialization in an explicit dynamic full restart analysis.] EDIS,Option,PIDN,PIDO [EDLCS | Defines a local coordinate system for use in explicit dynamics analysis.] EDLCS,Option,CID,X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,X3,Y3,Z3 [EDLOAD | Specifies loads for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDLOAD,Option,Lab,KEY,Cname,Par1,Par2,PHASE,LCID,SCALE,BTIME,DTIME [EDMP | Defines material properties for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDMP,Lab,MAT,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4,VAL5,VAL6 [EDNB | Defines a nonreflecting boundary in an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDNB,Option,Cname,AD,AS [EDNDTSD | Allows smoothing of noisy data for explicit dynamics analyses and provides a graphical representation of the data.] EDNDTSD,Vect1,Vect2,DATAP,FITPT,Vect3,Vect4,DISP [EDNROT | Applies a rotated coordinate nodal constraint in an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDNROT,Option,CID,Cname,DOF1,DOF2,DOF3,DOF4,DOF5,DOF6 [EDOPT | Specifies the type of output for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDOPT,Option,--,Value [EDOUT | Specifies time history output (ASCII format) for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDOUT,Option [EDPART | Configures parts for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDPART,Option [EDPC | Selects and plots explicit dynamic contact entities.] EDPC,MIN,MAX,INC [EDPL | Plots a time dependent load curve in an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDPL,LDNUM [EDPVEL | Applies initial velocities to parts or part assemblies in an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDPVEL,Option,PID,VX,VY,VZ,OMEGAX,OMEGAY,OMEGAZ,XC,YC,ZC,ANGX,ANGY,ANGZ [EDRC | Specifies rigid/deformable switch controls in an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDRC,Option,NRBF,NCSF,--,DTMAX [EDRD | Switches a part from deformable to rigid or from rigid to deformable in an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDRD,Option,PART,MRB [EDREAD | Reads explicit dynamics output into variables for time history postprocessing.] EDREAD,NSTART,Label,NUM,STEP1,STEP2 [EDRI | Defines inertia properties for a new rigid body that is created when a deformable part is switched to rigid in an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDRI,Option,PART,XC,YC,ZC,TM,IXX,IYY,IZZ,IXY,IYZ,IXZ [EDRST | Specifies the output interval for an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDRST,NSTEP,DT [EDRUN | Specify LS DYNA serial or parallel processing.] EDRUN,Option,Cons [EDSHELL | Specifies shell computation controls for an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDSHELL,WPAN,SHNU,SHTC,WPBT,SHPL,ITRST [EDSOLV |"Specifies""explicit dynamics solution""as the subsequent status topic."] EDSOLV [EDSP | Specifies small penetration checking for contact entities in an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDSP,Option,MIN,MAX,INC [EDSTART | Specifies status (new or restart) of an explicit dynamics analysis.] EDSTART,RESTART,MEMORY,FSIZE,Dumpfile [EDTERM | Specifies termination criteria for an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDTERM,Option,Lab,NUM,STOP,MAXC,MINC [EDTP | Plots explicit elements based on their time step size.] EDTP,OPTION,VALUE1,VALUE2 [EDVEL | Applies initial velocities to nodes or node components in an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDVEL,Option,Cname,VX,VY,VZ,OMEGAX,OMEGAY,OMEGAZ,XC,YC,ZC,ANGX,ANGY,ANGZ [EDWELD | Defines a massless spotweld or generalized weld for use in an explicit dynamic analysis.] EDWELD,Option,NWELD,N1,N2,SN,SS,EXPN,EXPS,EPSF,TFAIL,NSW,CID [EDWRITE | Writes explicit dynamics input to an LS DYNA input file.] EDWRITE,Option,Fname,Ext,-- [EGEN | Generates elements from an existing pattern.] EGEN,ITIME,NINC,IEL1,IEL2,IEINC,MINC,TINC,RINC,CINC,SINC,DX,DY,DZ [EINTF | Defines two noded elements between coincident or offset nodes.] EINTF,TOLER,K,TLAB,KCN,DX,DY,DZ,KNONROT [EKILL | Deactivates an element (for the birth and death capability).] EKILL,ELEM [ELEM |"Specifies""Elements""as the subsequent status topic."] ELEM [ELIST | Lists the elements and their attributes.] ELIST,IEL1,IEL2,INC,NNKEY,RKEY [EMAGERR | Calculates the relative error in an electrostatic or electromagnetic field analysis.] EMAGERR [EMATWRITE | Forces the writing of all the element matrices to File.EMAT.] EMATWRITE,Key [EMF | Calculates the electromotive force (emf),or voltage drop along a predefined path.] EMF [EMID | Adds or removes midside nodes.] EMID,Key,Edges [EMIS | Specifies emissivity as a material property for the Radiation Matrix method.] EMIS,MAT,EVALU [EMODIF | Modifies a previously defined element.] EMODIF,IEL,STLOC,I1,I2,I3,I4,I5,I6,I7,I8 [EMORE | Adds more nodes to the just defined element.] EMORE,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X [EMSYM | Specifies circular symmetry for electro magnetic sources.] EMSYM,NSECT [EMTGEN | Generates a set of TRANS126 elements.] EMTGEN,Ncomp,Ecomp,PNcomp,DOF,GAP,GAPMIN,FKN,Per0 [EMUNIT | Specifies the system of units for magnetic field problems.] EMUNIT,Lab,VALUE [EN | Defines an element by its number and node connectivity.] EN,IEL,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P [ENGEN | Generates elements from an existing pattern.] ENGEN,IINC,ITIME,NINC,IEL1,IEL2,IEINC,MINC,TINC,RINC,CINC,SINC,DX,DY,DZ [ENORM | Reorients shell element normals.] ENORM,ENUM [ENSYM | Generates elements by symmetry reflection.] ENSYM,IINC,--,NINC,IEL1,IEL2,IEINC [EORIENT | Reorients solid element normals.] EORIENT,Etype,Dir,TOLER [EPLOT | Produces an element display.] EPLOT [EQSLV | Specifies the type of equation solver.] EQSLV,Lab,TOLER,MULT [ERASE | Explicitly erases the current display.] ERASE [EREAD | Reads elements from a file.] EREAD,Fname,Ext,-- [EREFINE | Refines the mesh around specified elements.] EREFINE,NE1,NE2,NINC,LEVEL,DEPTH,POST,RETAIN [ERESX | Specifies extrapolation of integration point results.] ERESX,Key [ERNORM | Controls error estimation calculations.] ERNORM,Key [ERRANG | Specifies the element range to be read from a file.] ERRANG,EMIN,EMAX,EINC [ESEL | Selects a subset of elements.] ESEL,Type,Item,Comp,VMIN,VMAX,VINC,KABS [ESCHECK | Perform element shape checking for a selected element set.] ESCHECK,Sele,Levl,Defkey [ESIZE | Specifies the default number of line divisions.] ESIZE,SIZE,NDIV [ESLA | Selects those elements associated with the selected areas.] ESLA,Type [ESLL | Selects those elements associated with the selected lines.] ESLL,Type [ESLN | Selects those elements attached to the selected nodes.] ESLN,Type,EKEY,NodeType [ESLV | Selects elements associated with the selected volumes.] ESLV,Type [ESOL | Specifies element data to be stored from the results file.] ESOL,NVAR,ELEM,NODE,Item,Comp,Name [ESORT | Sorts the element table.] ESORT,Item,Lab,ORDER,KABS,NUMB [ESSOLV | Performs a coupled electrostatic structural analysis.] ESSOLV,Electit,Strutit,DIMN,MORPHOPT,Mcomp,Xcomp,ELECTOL,STRUTOL,MXLOOP,--,RUSEKY,RESTKY,EISCOMP [ESTIF | Specifies the matrix multiplier for deactivated elements.] ESTIF,KMULT [ESURF | Generates elements overlaid on the free faces of existing selected elements.] ESURF,XNODE,Tlab,Shape [ESYM | Generates elements from a pattern by a symmetry reflection.] ESYM,--,NINC,IEL1,IEL2,IEINC [ESYS | Sets the element coordinate system attribute pointer.] ESYS,KCN [ET | Defines a local element type from the element library.] ET,ITYPE,Ename,KOP1,KOP2,KOP3,KOP4,KOP5,KOP6,INOPR [ETABLE | Fills a table of element values for further processing.] ETABLE,Lab,Item,Comp [ETDELE | Deletes element types.] ETDELE,ITYP1,ITYP2,INC [ETCHG | Changes element types to their corresponding types.] ETCHG,Cnv [ETLIST | Lists currently defined element types.] ETLIST,ITYP1,ITYP2,INC [ETYPE |"Specifies""Element types""as the subsequent status topic."] ETYPE [EUSORT | Restores original order of the element table.] EUSORT [EWRITE | Writes elements to a file.] EWRITE,Fname,Ext,--,KAPPND,Format [EXP | Forms the exponential of a variable.] EXP,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA,FACTB [EXPAND | Displays the results of a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.] EXPAND,Nrepeat,MODAL,HIndex,Icsys,SctAng,--,Phase [EXPASS | Specifies an expansion pass of an analysis.] EXPASS,Key [EXPSOL | Specifies the solution to be expanded for reduced analyses.] EXPSOL,LSTEP,SBSTEP,TIMFRQ,Elcalc [EXTOPT | Controls options relating to the generation of volume elements from area elements.] EXTOPT,Lab,Val1,Val2,Val3 [EXTREM | Lists the extreme values for variables.] EXTREM,NVAR1,NVAR2,NINC [F | Specifies force loads at nodes.] F,NODE,Lab,VALUE,VALUE2,NEND,NINC [FATIGUE |"Specifies""Fatigue data status""as the subsequent status topic."] FATIGUE [FC | Provides failure criteria information and activates a data table to input temperature dependent stress and strain limits.] FC,MAT,Lab1,Lab2,DATA1-6 [FCDELE | Deletes previously defined failure criterion data for the given material.] FCDELE,MAT [FCCHECK | Checks both the strain and stress input criteria for all materials.] FCCHECK [FCLIST | To list what the failure criteria is that you have input.] FCLIST,MAT,,TEMP [FCUM | Specifies that force loads are to be accumulated.] FCUM,Oper,RFACT,IFACT [FDELE | Deletes force loads on nodes.] FDELE,NODE,Lab,NEND,NINC [FE | Defines a set of fatigue event parameters.] FE,NEV,CYCLE,FACT,Title [FEBODY |"Specifies""Body loads on elements""as the subsequent status topic."] FEBODY [FECONS |"Specifies""Constraints on nodes""as the subsequent status topic."] FECONS [FEFOR |"Specifies""Forces on nodes""as the subsequent status topic."] FEFOR [FELIST | Lists the fatigue event parameters.] FELIST,NEV1,NEV2,NINC [FESURF |"Specifies""Surface loads on elements""as the subsequent status topic."] FESURF [FILE | Specifies the data file where results are to be found.] FILE,Fname,Ext,-- [FILEAUX2 | Specifies the binary file to be dumped.] FILEAUX2,Fname,Ident,-- [FILEAUX3 | Specifies the results file to be edited.] FILEAUX3,Fname,Ext,-- [FILEDISP | Specifies the file containing the graphics data.] FILEDISP,Fname,Ext,-- [FILL | Generates a line of nodes between two existing nodes.] FILL,NODE1,NODE2,NFILL,NSTRT,NINC,ITIME,INC,SPACE [FILLDATA | Fills a variable by a ramp function.] FILLDATA,IR,LSTRT,LSTOP,LINC,VALUE,DVAL [FINISH | Exits normally from a processor.] FINISH [FITEM | Identifies items chosen by a picking operation (GUI).] FITEM,NFIELD,ITEM,ITEMY,ITEMZ [FK | Defines force loads at keypoints.] FK,KPOI,Lab,VALUE,VALUE2 [FKDELE | Deletes force loads at a keypoint.] FKDELE,KPOI,Lab [FKLIST | Lists the forces at keypoints.] FKLIST,KPOI,Lab [FL | Defines a set of fatigue location parameters.] FL,NLOC,NODE,SCFX,SCFY,SCFZ,Title [FLANGE | Defines a flange in a piping run.] FLANGE,NLOC,LENG,MASS,SIF,FLEX,ARINS,ELEM [FLDATA | Sets up a FLOTRAN analysis.] FLDATA,Name,Label,Value [FLDATA1 | Controls which features of the solution algorithm are activated.] FLDATA1,SOLU,Label,Value [FLDATA10 | Specifies the COF2 coefficient of the fluid property equation.] FLDATA10,COF2,Label,Value [FLDATA11 | Specifies the COF3 coefficient of the fluid property equation.] FLDATA11,COF3,Label,Value [FLDATA12 | Sets the property update frequency flag.] FLDATA12,PROP,Label,Value [FLDATA13 | Sets the property variation flag.] FLDATA13,VARY,Label,Value [FLDATA14 | Specifies the reference temperature.] FLDATA14,TEMP,Label,Value [FLDATA15 | Specifies the reference pressure.] FLDATA15,PRES,Label,Value [FLDATA16 | Specifies the bulk modulus parameter.] FLDATA16,BULK,Label,Value [FLDATA17 | Specifies the specific heat ratio.] FLDATA17,GAMM,Label,Value [FLDATA18 | Selects the algebraic solver.] FLDATA18,METH,Label,Value [FLDATA19 | Specifies the number of TDMA sweeps.] FLDATA19,TDMA,Label,Value [FLDATA2 | Sets iteration and output controls for steady state analyses.] FLDATA2,ITER,Label,Value [FLDATA20 | Specifies the number of conjugate direction search vectors.] FLDATA20,SRCH,Label,Value [FLDATA20A | Specifies the amount of fill in when preconditioning the coefficient matrix.] FLDATA20A,PGMR,Label,Value [FLDATA20B | Specifies the number of fill ins for the ILU preconditioner.] FLDATA20B,PBCGM,Label,Value [FLDATA21 | Specifies the convergence criterion for FLOTRAN algebraic solvers.] FLDATA21,CONV,Label,Value [FLDATA22 | Specifies the maximum number of semi direct iterations.] FLDATA22,MAXI,Label,Value [FLDATA23 | Specifies the solver minimum normalized rate of change.] FLDATA23,DELT,Label,Value [FLDATA24 | Sets the turbulence model and the constants used in the Standard k epsilon Model and the Zero Equation Turbulence Model.] FLDATA24,TURB,Label,Value [FLDATA24A | Sets constants for the Re Normalized Group Turbulence Model (RNG).] FLDATA24A,RNGT,Label,Value [FLDATA24B | Sets constants for the k ? Turbulence Model due to Shih (NKE).] FLDATA24B,NKET,Label,Value [FLDATA24C | Sets constants for the Nonlinear Turbulence Model of Girimaji (GIR).] FLDATA24C,GIRT,Label,Value [FLDATA24D | Sets constants for the Shih,Zhu,Lumley Turbulence Model (SZL).] FLDATA24D,SZLT,Label,Value [FLDATA25 | Sets solution and property relaxation factors.] FLDATA25,RELX,Label,Value [FLDATA26 | Sets stability controls.] FLDATA26,STAB,Label,Value [FLDATA27 | Controls dependent variable printing.] FLDATA27,PRIN,Label,Value [FLDATA28 | Specifies that variable results are to be replaced.] FLDATA28,MODR,Label,Value [FLDATA29 | Re initializes a results variable.] FLDATA29,MODV,Label,Value [FLDATA3 | Sets the convergence monitors for the degree of freedom set.] FLDATA3,TERM,Label,Value [FLDATA30 | Controls the quadrature orders.] FLDATA30,QUAD,Label,Value [FLDATA31 | Specifies dependent variable caps.] FLDATA31,CAPP,Label,Value [FLDATA32 | Controls restart options.] FLDATA32,REST,Label,Value,Value2,Fname,Ext,-- [FLDATA33 | Specifies the approach to discretize the advection term.] FLDATA33,ADVM,Label,Value [FLDATA34 | Sets modified inertial relaxation factors.] FLDATA34,MIR,Label,Value [FLDATA35 | Specifies tolerances for the lower and upper bound of the volume fraction.] FLDATA35,VFTOL,Label,Value [FLDATA36 | Specifies ambient reference values outside of the fluid for the volume of fluid (VOF) method.] FLDATA36,AMBV,Label,Value [FLDATA37 | Specifies segregated solution or film coefficient algorithms.] FLDATA37,ALGR,Label,Value [FLDATA38 | Specifies the mass type for a fluid transient analysis.] FLDATA38,MASS,Label,Value [FLDATA4 | Sets controls for transient analyses based on transient time and convergence monitors or sets time integration method.] FLDATA4,TIME,Label,Value [FLDATA4A | Sets controls for transient analyses based on the number of time steps.] FLDATA4A,STEP,Label,Value [FLDATA5 | Sets output and storage controls.] FLDATA5,OUTP,Label,Value [FLDATA6 | Controls the output of the convergence monitor.] FLDATA6,CONV,Label,Value [FLDATA7 | Specifies the type of fluid property.] FLDATA7,PROT,Label,Value [FLDATA8 | Specifies the NOMI coefficient of the fluid property equation.] FLDATA8,NOMI,Label,Value [FLDATA9 | Specifies the COF1 coefficient of the fluid property equation.] FLDATA9,COF1,Label,Value [FLIST | Lists force loads on the nodes.] FLIST,NODE1,NODE2,NINC [FLLIST | Lists the fatigue location parameters.] FLLIST,NLOC1,NLOC2,NINC [FLOCHECK | Sets up and runs a zero iteration FLOTRAN analysis.] FLOCHECK,Key [FLOTRAN |"Specifies""FLOTRAN data settings""as the subsequent status topic."] FLOTRAN [FLREAD | Reads the residual file written by the FLOTRAN CFD option.] FLREAD,Fname,Ext,-- [FLST | Specifies data required for a picking operation (GUI).] FLST,NFIELD,NARG,TYPE,Otype,LENG [FLUXV | Calculates the flux passing through a closed contour.] FLUXV [FMAGBC | Applies force and torque boundary conditions to an element component.] FMAGBC,Cnam1,Cnam2,Cnam3,Cnam4,Cnam5,Cnam6,Cnam7,Cnam8,Cnam9 [FMAGSUM | Summarizes electromagnetic force calculations on element components.] FMAGSUM,Cnam1,Cnam2,Cnam3,Cnam4,Cnam5,Cnam6,Cnam7,Cnam8,Cnam9 [FOR2D | Calculates magnetic forces on a body.] FOR2D [FORCE | Selects the element nodal force type for output.] FORCE,Lab [FORM | Specifies the format of the file dump.] FORM,Lab [FP | Defines the fatigue S vs. N and Sm vs. T tables.] FP,STITM,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6 [FPLIST | Lists the property table stored for fatigue evaluation.] FPLIST [FREQ | Defines the frequency points for the SV vs. FREQ tables.] FREQ,FREQ1,FREQ2,FREQ3,FREQ4,FREQ5,FREQ6,FREQ7,FREQ8,FREQ9 [FS | Stores fatigue stress components at a node.] FS,NODE,NEV,NLOD,STITM,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6 [FSAN | Turns a fluid solid interaction analysis on or off.] FSAN,Key [FSCALE | Scales force load values in the database.] FSCALE,RFACT,IFACT [FSCO | Sets convergence values for a fluid solid interaction analysis.] FSCO,Lab,VALUE [FSDELE | Deletes a stress condition for a fatigue location,event,and loading.] FSDELE,NLOC,NEV,NLOD [FSDT | Sets time step increment for a fluid solid interaction analysis.] FSDT,INC [FSIN | Specifies the interface load transfer option for a fluid solid interaction analysis.] FSIN,Opt [FSIT | Sets the maximum number of stagger iterations for a fluid solid interaction analysis.] FSIT,Val1 [FSLIST | Lists the stresses stored for fatigue evaluation.] FSLIST,NLOC1,NLOC2,NINC,NEV,NLOD [FSNODE | Calculates and stores the stress components at a node for fatigue.] FSNODE,NODE,NEV,NLOD [FSOR | Specifies analysis order for a fluid solid interaction analysis.] FSOR,First,Second [FSOU | Sets output frequency for a fluid solid interaction analysis.] FSOU,Freq [FSPLOT | Displays a fatigue stress item for a fatigue location and event.] FSPLOT,NLOC,NEV,ITEM [FSRE | Sets relaxation values for a fluid solid interaction analysis.] FSRE,Lab,VALUE [FSRS | Specifies time or load step number for restart of a fluid structure interaction analysis.] FSRS,Opt,VALUE [FSSECT | Calculates and stores total linearized stress components.] FSSECT,RHO,NEV,NLOD,KBR [FSSOLV | Performs a coupled steady state fluid structural analysis.] FSSOLV,Fluitit,Strutit,DIMN,Mcomp,Xcomp,FORCTOL,MOMETOL,STRUTOL,MXLOOP,FLUITER,RUSEKY,RESTKY [FSSTAT | Lists the settings for a fluid solid interaction analysis.] FSSTAT [FSTI | Sets end time and load time for a fluid solid interaction analysis.] FSTI,ENDTIME,LOADTIME [FSTR | Specifies static or transient analyses for a fluid solid interaction analysis.] FSTR,Field,Type [FSUM | Sums the nodal force and moment contributions of elements.] FSUM,LAB,ITEM [FTCALC | Performs fatigue calculations for a particular node location.] FTCALC,NLOC,NODE [FTRAN | Transfers solid model forces to the finite element model.] FTRAN [FTSIZE | Defines the fatigue data storage array.] FTSIZE,MXLOC,MXEV,MXLOD [FTWRITE | Writes all currently stored fatigue data on a file.] FTWRITE,Fname,Ext,-- [FVMESH | Generates nodes and tetrahedral volume elements from detached exterior area elements (facets).] FVMESH,KEEP [GAP |"Specifies""Reduced transient gap conditions""as the subsequent status topic."] GAP [GAPF | Defines the gap force data to be stored in a variable.] GAPF,NVAR,NUM,Name [GAPFINISH | Exits from the CAD import topology repair stage.] GAPFINISH [GAPLIST | Lists all joined or disjoined lines in a model (for models imported from CAD files).] GAPLIST,Lab [GAPMERGE | Merges adjacent disjoined lines (for models imported from CAD files).] GAPMERGE,Lab,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3 [GAPOPT | Sets preferences for the CAD import repair commands.] GAPOPT,Lab,Value [GAPPLOT | Plots all joined or disjoined lines (for models imported from CAD files).] GAPPLOT,Lab [GAUGE | Gauges the problem domain for an edge element formulation.] GAUGE,Opt [GCGEN | Generates 2 D or 3 D contact elements.] GCGEN,Ccomp,Tcomp,NUMC,RADC,Tlab,Shape [GENOPT |"Specifies""General options""as the subsequent status topic."] GENOPT [GEOM | Defines the geometry specifications for the radiation matrix calculation.] GEOM,K2D,NDIV [GEOMETRY |"Specifies""Geometry""as the subsequent status topic."] GEOMETRY [GMFACE | Specifies the facet representation used to form solid models.] GMFACE,Lab,N [GP | Defines a gap condition for transient analyses.] GP,NODE1,NODE2,Lab,STIF,GAP,DAMP [GPDELE | Deletes gap conditions.] GPDELE,GAP1,GAP2,GINC [GPLIST | Lists the gap conditions.] GPLIST,GAP1,GAP2,GINC [GPLOT | Controls general plotting.] GPLOT [GRP | Specifies the grouping mode combination method.] GRP,SIGNIF,Label [GSBDATA | Specifies the constraints or applies the load at the ending point for generalized plane strain option.] GSBDATA,LabZ,VALUEZ,LabX,VALUEX,LabY,VALUEY [GSGDATA | Specifies the reference point and defines the geometry in the fiber direction for the generalized plane strain element option.] GSGDATA,LFIBER,XREF,YREF,ROTX0,ROTY0 [GSLIST | When using generalized plane strain,lists the input data or solutions.] GSLIST,Lab [GSSOL | Specifies which results to store from the results file when using generalized plane strain.] GSSOL,NVAR,Item,Comp,Name [GSUM | Calculates and prints geometry items.] GSUM [HARFRQ | Defines the frequency range in the harmonic response analysis.] HARFRQ,FREQB,FREQE [HELP | Displays help information on ANSYS commands and element types.] HELP,Name [HELPDISP | Displays help information on DISPLAY program commands.] HELPDISP,Commandname [HEMIOPT | Specifies options for Hemicube view factor calculation.] HEMIOPT,HRES [HFANG | Defines or displays spatial angles of a spherical radiation surface for antenna parameter calculations.] HFANG,Lab,PHI1,PHI2,THETA1,THETA2 [HFEIGOPT | Specifies high frequency electromagnetic modal analysis options.] HFEIGOPT,Lab,Val1 [HFEREFINE | Refines 3 D High Frequency Tetrahedral elements (HF119).] HFEREFINE,FACTOR [HFNEAR | Calculates the electromagnetic field at points in the near zone exterior to the equivalent source surface (flagged with the Maxwell surface flag in the preprocessor).] HFNEAR,Lab,VAL,X,Y,Z,CS [HFPCSWP | Calculates the propagating constants of a transmission line or waveguide over a frequency range.] HFPCSWP,FREQB,FREQE,FREQINC,Nummode [HFPORT | Specifies a time harmonic guided wave excitation for a waveguide port.] HFPORT,Portnum,Porttype,Local,Opt1,Opt2,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4,VAL5 [HFSCAT | Specifies a high frequency scattering analysis.] HFSCAT,Lab [HFSWEEP | Performs a harmonic response for a high frequency electromagnetic wave guide analysis.] HFSWEEP,FREQB,FREQE,FREQINC,Portin,Port2,Port3,Port4,Pvolt,Pang,Pdist,Vpath,Ipath,Vsymm,Isymm [HFSYM | Indicates the presence of symmetry planes for the computation of high frequency electromagnetic fields in the near and far field domains (beyond the finite element region).] HFSYM,KCN,Xkey,Ykey,Zkey [HMAGSOLV | Specifies 2 D or axisymmetric harmonic magnetic solution options and initiates the solution.] HMAGSOLV,FREQ,NRAMP,CNVA,CNVV,CNVC,CNVE,NEQIT [HPGL | Specifies various HP options.] HPGL,Kywrd,Opt1,Opt2 [HPTCREATE | Defines a hard point.] HPTCREATE,TYPE,ENTITY,NHP,LABEL,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3 [HPTDELETE | Deletes selected hardpoints.] HPTDELETE,NP1,NP2,NINC [HRCPLX | Computes and stores in the database the time harmonic solution at a prescribed phase angle.] HRCPLX,LOADSTEP,SUBSTEP,OMEGAT,1STLCASE,2NDLCASE [HREXP | Specifies the phase angle for the harmonic analysis expansion pass.] HREXP,ANGLE [HROPT | Specifies harmonic analysis options.] HROPT,Method,MAXMODE,MINMODE [HROUT | Specifies the harmonic analysis output options.] HROUT,Reimky,Clust,Mcont [CHECK | Checks current database items for completeness.] CHECK,Sele,Levl [CHKMSH | Checks area and volume entities for previous meshes.] CHKMSH,Comp [IC | Specifies initial conditions at nodes.] IC,NODE,Lab,VALUE,VALUE2,NEND,NINC [ICDELE | Deletes initial conditions at nodes.] ICDELE [ICE | Specifies initial conditions on elements.] ICE,ELEM,Lab,VALUE [ICEDELE | Deletes initial conditions on elements.] ICEDELE,ELEM,Lab [ICELIST | Lists initial conditions on elements.] ICELIST,ELEM,Lab [ICLIST | Lists the initial conditions.] ICLIST,NODE1,NODE2,NINC,Lab [ICVFRC | Sets the initial volume fraction field for a geometry.] ICVFRC,Geom,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4 [IGESIN | Transfers IGES data from a file into ANSYS.] IGESIN,Fname,Ext,-- [IGESOUT | Writes solid model data to a file in IGES Version 5.1 format.] IGESOUT,Fname,Ext,--,ATT [IMAGIN | Forms an imaginary variable from a complex variable.] IMAGIN,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA [IMESH | Generates nodes and interface elements along lines or areas.] IMESH,LAKY,NSLA,NTLA,KCN,DX,DY,DZ,TOL [IMMED | Allows immediate display of a model as it is generated.] IMMED,KEY [IMPD | Calculates the impedance of a conductor at a reference plane.] IMPD,Vpath,Ipath,Vsymm,Isymm [INRES | Identifies the data to be retrieved from the results file.] INRES,Item1,Item2,Item3,Item4,Item5,Item6,Item7,Item8 [INRTIA |"Specifies""Inertial loads""as the subsequent status topic."] INRTIA [INT1 | Integrates a variable.] INT1,IR,IY,IX,ÔÇö,Name,ÔÇö,ÔÇö,FACTA,FACTB,CONST [INTSRF | Integrates nodal results on an exterior surface.] INTSRF,Lab [IOPTN | Controls options relating to importing a model.] IOPTN,Lab,VAL1 [IRLF | Specifies that inertia relief calculations are to be performed.] IRLF,KEY [IRLIST | Prints inertia relief summary table.] IRLIST [ISFILE | Reads an initial stress state from a file into ANSYS.] ISFILE,Option,Fname,Ext,--,LOC,MAT1,MAT2,MAT3,MAT4,MAT5,MAT6,MAT7,MAT8,MAT9,MAT10 [ISTRESS | Defines a set of initial stress values.] ISTRESS,Sx,Sy,Sz,Sxy,Syz,Sxz,MAT1,MAT2,MAT3,MAT4,MAT5,MAT6,MAT7,MAT8,MAT9,MAT10 [ISWRITE | Writes an ASCII file containing the initial stress values.] ISWRITE,Switch [JPEG | Provides JPEG file export for ANSYS displays.] JPEG,Kywrd,OPT [K | Defines a keypoint.] K,NPT,X,Y,Z [KATT | Associates attributes with the selected,unmeshed keypoints.] KATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS [KBC | Specifies stepped or ramped loading within a load step.] KBC,KEY [KBETW | Creates a keypoint between two existing keypoints.] KBETW,KP1,KP2,KPNEW,Type,VALUE [KCALC | Calculates stress intensity factors in fracture mechanics analyses.] KCALC,KPLAN,MAT,KCSYM,KLOCPR [KCENTER | Creates a keypoint at the center of a circular arc defined by three locations.] KCENTER,Type,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4,KPNEW [KCLEAR | Deletes nodes and point elements associated with selected keypoints.] KCLEAR,NP1,NP2,NINC [KDELE | Deletes unmeshed keypoints.] KDELE,NP1,NP2,NINC [KDIST | Calculates and lists the distance between two keypoints.] KDIST,KP1,KP2 [KEEP | Stores POST26 definitions and data during active session.] KEEP,Key [KESIZE | Specifies the edge lengths of the elements nearest a keypoint.] KESIZE,NPT,SIZE,FACT1,FACT2 [KEYOPT | Sets element key options.] KEYOPT,ITYPE,KNUM,VALUE [KEYPTS |"Specifies""Keypoints""as the subsequent status topic."] KEYPTS [KEYW | Sets a keyword used by the GUI for context filtering (GUI).] KEYW,Keyword,KEY [KFILL | Generates keypoints between two keypoints.] KFILL,NP1,NP2,NFILL,NSTRT,NINC,SPACE [KGEN | Generates additional keypoints from a pattern of keypoints.] KGEN,ITIME,NP1,NP2,NINC,DX,DY,DZ,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [KL | Generates a keypoint at a specified location on an existing line.] KL,NL1,RATIO,NK1 [KLIST | Lists the defined keypoints or hard points.] KLIST,NP1,NP2,NINC,Lab [KMESH | Generates nodes and point elements at keypoints.] KMESH,NP1,NP2,NINC [KMODIF | Modifies an existing keypoint.] KMODIF,NPT,X,Y,Z [KMOVE | Calculates and moves a keypoint to an intersection.] KMOVE,NPT,KC1,X1,Y1,Z1,KC2,X2,Y2,Z2 [KNODE | Defines a keypoint at an existing node location.] KNODE,NPT,NODE [KPLOT | Displays the selected keypoints.] KPLOT,NP1,NP2,NINC,Lab [KPSCALE | Generates a scaled set of (meshed) keypoints from a pattern of keypoints.] KPSCALE,NP1,NP2,NINC,RX,RY,RZ,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [KREFINE | Refines the mesh around specified keypoints.] KREFINE,NP1,NP2,NINC,LEVEL,DEPTH,POST,RETAIN [KSCALE | Generates a scaled pattern of keypoints from a given keypoint pattern.] KSCALE,KINC,NP1,NP2,NINC,RX,RY,RZ [KSCON | Specifies a keypoint about which an area mesh will be skewed.] KSCON,NPT,DELR,KCTIP,NTHET,RRAT [KSEL | Selects a subset of keypoints or hard points.] KSEL,Type,Item,Comp,VMIN,VMAX,VINC,KABS [KSLL | Selects those keypoints contained in the selected lines.] KSLL,Type [KSLN | Selects those keypoints associated with the selected nodes.] KSLN,Type [KSUM | Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected keypoints.] KSUM [KSYMM | Generates a reflected set of keypoints.] KSYMM,Ncomp,NP1,NP2,NINC,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [KTRAN | Transfers a pattern of keypoints to another coordinate system.] KTRAN,KCNTO,NP1,NP2,NINC,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [KUSE | Specifies whether or not to reuse the triangularized matrix.] KUSE,KEY [KWPAVE | Moves the working plane origin to the average location of keypoints.] KWPAVE,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9 [KWPLAN | Defines the working plane using three keypoints.] KWPLAN,WN,KORIG,KXAX,KPLAN [L | Defines a line between two keypoints.] L,P1,P2,NDIV,SPACE,XV1,YV1,ZV1,XV2,YV2,ZV2 [L2ANG | Generates a line at an angle with two existing lines.] L2ANG,NL1,NL2,ANG1,ANG2,PHIT1,PHIT2 [L2TAN | Generates a line tangent to two lines.] L2TAN,NL1,NL2 [LANG | Generates a straight line at an angle with a line.] LANG,NL1,P3,ANG,PHIT,LOCAT [LARC | Defines a circular arc.] LARC,P1,P2,PC,RAD [LAREA | Generates the shortest line between two keypoints on an area.] LAREA,P1,P2,NAREA [LARGE | Finds the largest (the envelope) of three variables.] LARGE,IR,IA,IB,IC,Name,--,--,FACTA,FACTB,FACTC [LATT | Associates element attributes with the selected,unmeshed lines.] LATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,--,KB,KE,SECNUM [LAYER | Specifies the element layer for which data are to be processed.] LAYER,NUM [LAYERP26 | Specifies the element layer for which data are to be stored.] LAYERP26,NUM [LAYLIST | Lists real constants material properties for layered elements.] LAYLIST,IEL,LAYR1,LAYR2,Mplab1,Mplab2 [LAYPLOT | Displays the layer stacking sequence for layered elements.] LAYPLOT,IEL,LAYR1,LAYR2 [LCABS | Specifies absolute values for load case operations.] LCABS,LCNO,KABS [LCASE | Reads a load case into the database.] LCASE,LCNO [LCCALC |"Specifies""Load case settings""as the subsequent status topic."] LCCALC [LCCAT | Concatenates multiple lines into one line for mapped meshing.] LCCAT,NL1,NL2 [LCDEF | Creates a load case from a set of results on a results file.] LCDEF,LCNO,LSTEP,SBSTEP,KIMG [LCFACT | Defines scale factors for load case operations.] LCFACT,LCNO,FACT [LCFILE | Creates a load case from an existing load case file.] LCFILE,LCNO,Fname,Ext,-- [LCLEAR | Deletes nodes and line elements associated with selected lines.] LCLEAR,NL1,NL2,NINC [LCOMB | Combines adjacent lines into one line.] LCOMB,NL1,NL2,KEEP [LCOPER | Performs load case operations.] LCOPER,Oper,LCASE1,Oper2,LCASE2 [LCSEL | Selects a subset of load cases.] LCSEL,Type,LCMIN,LCMAX,LCINC [LCSL | Divides intersecting lines at their point(s) of intersection.] LCSL,NL1,NL2,NL3,NL4,NL5,NL6,NL7,NL8,NL9 [LCSUM | Specifies whether to process non summable items in load case operations.] LCSUM,Lab [LCWRITE | Creates a load case by writing results to a load case file.] LCWRITE,LCNO,Fname,Ext,-- [LCZERO | Zeroes the results portion of the database.] LCZERO [LDELE | Deletes unmeshed lines.] LDELE,NL1,NL2,NINC,KSWP [LDIV | Divides a single line into two or more lines.] LDIV,NL1,RATIO,PDIV,NDIV,KEEP [LDRAG | Generates lines by sweeping a keypoint pattern along path.] LDRAG,NK1,NK2,NK3,NK4,NK5,NK6,NL1,NL2,NL3,NL4,NL5,NL6 [LDREAD | Reads results from the results file and applies them as loads.] LDREAD,Lab,LSTEP,SBSTEP,TIME,KIMG,Fname,Ext,-- [LESIZE | Specifies the divisions and spacing ratio on unmeshed lines.] LESIZE,NL1,SIZE,ANGSIZ,NDIV,SPACE,KFORC,LAYER1,LAYER2,KYNDIV [LEXTND | Extends a line at one end by using its slope.] LEXTND,NL1,NK1,DIST,KEEP [LFILLT | Generates a fillet line between two intersecting lines.] LFILLT,NL1,NL2,RAD,PCENT [LFSURF | Generates surface elements overlaid on the edge of existing solid elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node.] LFSURF,SLINE,TLINE [LGEN | Generates additional lines from a pattern of lines.] LGEN,ITIME,NL1,NL2,NINC,DX,DY,DZ,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [LGLUE |"Generates new lines by""gluing""lines."] LGLUE,NL1,NL2,NL3,NL4,NL5,NL6,NL7,NL8,NL9 [LGWRITE | Writes the database command log to a file.] LGWRITE,Fname,Ext,--,Kedit [LINA | Finds the intersection of a line with an area.] LINA,NL,NA [LINE |"Specifies""Lines""as the subsequent status topic."] LINE [LINES | Specifies the length of a printed page.] LINES,N [LINL | Finds the common intersection of lines.] LINL,NL1,NL2,NL3,NL4,NL5,NL6,NL7,NL8,NL9 [LINP | Finds the pairwise intersection of lines.] LINP,NL1,NL2,NL3,NL4,NL5,NL6,NL7,NL8,NL9 [LINV | Finds the intersection of a line with a volume.] LINV,NL,NV [LIST | Lists out the sets in the results file.] LIST,LEVEL [LLIST | Lists the defined lines.] LLIST,NL1,NL2,NINC,Lab [LMATRIX | Calculates an inductance matrix and the total flux linkage for an N winding coil system.] LMATRIX,Symfac,Coilname,Curname,Indname [LMESH | Generates nodes and line elements along lines.] LMESH,NL1,NL2,NINC [LNCOLLAPSE | Collapse a line segment to a keypoint (for models imported from CAD files).] LNCOLLAPSE,LINE,KEYPOINT [LNDETACH | Detaches lines from neighboring geometric entity (for models imported from CAD files).] LNDETACH,LINE1,LINE2,LNINC [LNFILL | Creates a straight line between two keypoints (for models imported from CAD files).] LNFILL,KP1,KP2 [LNMERGE | Merges two or more connected line segments (for models imported from CAD files).] LNMERGE,LN1,LN2,LN3,LN4,LN4,LN6,LN7,LN8,LN9,LN10 [LNSPLIT | Splits a line segment into two line segments (for models imported from CAD files).] LNSPLIT,LINE,PARAM [LNSRCH | Activates a line search to be used with Newton Raphson.] LNSRCH,Key [LOCAL | Defines a local coordinate system by a location and orientation.] LOCAL,KCN,KCS,XC,YC,ZC,THXY,THYZ,THZX,PAR1,PAR2 [LOVLAP | Overlaps lines.] LOVLAP,NL1,NL2,NL3,NL4,NL5,NL6,NL7,NL8,NL9 [LPLOT | Displays the selected lines.] LPLOT,NL1,NL2,NINC [LPTN | Partitions lines.] LPTN,NL1,NL2,NL3,NL4,NL5,NL6,NL7,NL8,NL9 [LREFINE | Refines the mesh around specified lines.] LREFINE,NL1,NL2,NINC,LEVEL,DEPTH,POST,RETAIN [LREVERSE | Reverses the normal of a line,regardless of its connectivity or mesh status.] LREVERSE,LNUM,NOEFLIP [LROTAT | Generates circular lines by rotating a keypoint pattern about an axis.] LROTAT,NK1,NK2,NK3,NK4,NK5,NK6,PAX1,PAX2,ARC,NSEG [LSBA | Subtracts areas from lines.] LSBA,NL,NA,SEPO,KEEPL,KEEPA [LSBL | Subtracts lines from lines.] LSBL,NL1,NL2,SEPO,KEEP1,KEEP2 [LSBV | Subtracts volumes from lines.] LSBV,NL,NV,SEPO,KEEPL,KEEPV [LSBW | Subtracts the intersection of the working plane from lines (divides lines).] LSBW,NL,SEPO,KEEP [LSCLEAR | Clears loads and load step options from the database.] LSCLEAR,Lab [LSDELE | Deletes load step files.] LSDELE,LSMIN,LSMAX,LSINC [LSEL | Selects a subset of lines.] LSEL,Type,Item,Comp,VMIN,VMAX,VINC,KSWP [LSLA | Selects those lines contained in the selected areas.] LSLA,Type [LSLK | Selects those lines containing the selected keypoints.] LSLK,Type,LSKEY [LSOPER |"Specifies""Load step operations""as the subsequent status topic."] LSOPER [LSREAD | Reads load and load step option data into the database.] LSREAD,LSNUM [LSSCALE | Generates a scaled set of lines from a pattern of lines.] LSSCALE,NL1,NL2,NINC,RX,RY,RZ,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [LSSOLVE | Reads and solves multiple load steps.] LSSOLVE,LSMIN,LSMAX,LSINC [LSTR | Defines a straight line irrespective of the active coordinate system.] LSTR,P1,P2 [LSUM | Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected lines.] LSUM [LSWRITE | Writes load and load step option data to a file.] LSWRITE,LSNUM [LSYMM | Generates lines from a line pattern by symmetry reflection.] LSYMM,Ncomp,NL1,NL2,NINC,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [LTAN | Generates a line at the end of,and tangent to,an existing line.] LTAN,NL1,P3,XV3,YV3,ZV3 [LTRAN | Transfers a pattern of lines to another coordinate system.] LTRAN,KCNTO,NL1,NL2,NINC,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [LUMPM | Specifies a lumped mass matrix formulation.] LUMPM,Key [LVSCALE | Scales the load vector for mode superposition analyses.] LVSCALE,FACT [LWPLAN | Defines the working plane normal to a location on a line.] LWPLAN,WN,NL1,RATIO [M | Defines master degrees of freedom for reduced and superelement generation analyses.] M,NODE,Lab1,NEND,NINC,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5,Lab6 [MAGOPT | Specifies options for a 3 D magnetostatic field analysis.] MAGOPT,VALUE [MAGSOLV | Specifies magnetic solution options and initiates the solution.] MAGSOLV,OPT,NRAMP,CNVCSG,CNVFLUX,NEQIT,BIOT [MASTER |"Specifies""Master DOF""as the subsequent status topic."] MASTER [MAT | Sets the element material attribute pointer.] MAT,MAT [MATER |"Specifies""Material properties""as the subsequent status topic."] MATER [MDAMP | Defines the damping ratios as a function of mode.] MDAMP,STLOC,V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6 [MDELE | Deletes master degrees of freedom.] MDELE,NODE,Lab1,NEND,NINC,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5,Lab6 [MEMM | Allows the current session to keep allocated memory] MEMM,Lab,Kywrd [MESHING |"Specifies""Meshing""as the subsequent status topic."] MESHING [MGEN | Generates additional MDOF from a previously defined set.] MGEN,ITIME,INC,NODE1,NODE2,NINC [MCHECK | Checks mesh connectivity.] MCHECK,Lab [MITER | Defines a mitered bend in a piping run.] MITER,NEL1,NEL2,RAD,NDIV,ESTRT,EINC [MLIST | Lists the MDOF of freedom.] MLIST,NODE1,NODE2,NINC [MMF | Calculates the magnetomotive force along a path.] MMF [MODE | Specifies the harmonic loading term for this load step.] MODE,MODE,ISYM [MODIFY | Changes the listed values of the data in a set.] MODIFY,SET,LSTEP,ITER,CUMIT,TIME,Ktitle [MODMSH | Controls the relationship of the solid model and the FE model.] MODMSH,Lab [MODOPT | Specifies modal analysis options.] MODOPT,Method,NMODE,FREQB,FREQE,PRMODE,Nrmkey,,Cekey [MONITOR | Controls contents of three variable fields in nonlinear solution monitor file.] MONITOR,VAR,Node,Lab [MOPT | Specifies meshing options.] MOPT,Lab,Value [MOVE | Calculates and moves a node to an intersection.] MOVE,NODE,KC1,X1,Y1,Z1,KC2,X2,Y2,Z2 [MP | Defines a linear material property as a constant or a function of temperature.] MP,Lab,MAT,C0,C1,C2,C3,C4 [MPAMOD | Modifies temperature dependent coefficients of thermal expansion.] MPAMOD,MAT,DEFTEMP [MPCOPY | Copies linear material model data from one material reference number to another.] MPCOPY,--,MATF,MATT [MPDATA | Defines property data to be associated with the temperature table.] MPDATA,Lab,MAT,STLOC,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6 [MPDELE | Deletes linear material properties.] MPDELE,Lab,MAT1,MAT2,INC [MPDRES | Reassembles existing material data with the temperature table.] MPDRES,LabF,MATF,LabT,MATT [MPCHG | Changes the material number attribute of an element.] MPCHG,MAT,ELEM [MPLIST | Lists linear material properties.] MPLIST,MAT1,MAT2,INC,Lab,TEVL [MPPLOT | Plots linear material properties as a function of temperature.] MPPLOT,Lab,MAT,TMIN,TMAX,PMIN,PMAX [MPREAD | Reads a file containing material properties.] MPREAD,Fname,Ext,--,LIB [MPRINT | Specifies that radiation matrices are to be printed.] MPRINT,KEY [MPTEMP | Defines a temperature table for material properties.] MPTEMP,STLOC,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6 [MPTGEN | Adds temperatures to the temperature table by generation.] MPTGEN,STLOC,NUM,TSTRT,TINC [MPTRES | Restores a temperature table previously defined.] MPTRES,Lab,MAT [MPWRITE | Writes linear material properties in the database to a file (if the LIB option is not specified) or writes both linear and nonlinear material properties (if LIB is specified) from the database to a file.] MPWRITE,Fname,Ext,--,LIB,MAT [MSADV | Specifies the approach to discretize the advection term in a species transport equation.] MSADV,SPNUM,MTHA [MSAVE | Memory savingwhen generating stiffness matrixSets the solver memory saving option. This option only applies to the PCG solver.Solver,memory saving feature] MSAVE,Key [MSCAP | Activates and controls mass fraction capping for a species.] MSCAP,SPNUM,Capkey,UPPER,LOWER [MSDATA | Defines multiple species data applicable to all species.] MSDATA,ALGEB,UGAS [MSHAPE | For elements that support multiple shapes,specifies the element shape to be used for meshing.] MSHAPE,KEY,Dimension [MSHCOPY | Simplifies the generation of meshes that have matching node element patterns on two different line groups (in 2 D) or area groups (3 D).] MSHCOPY,KEYLA,LAPTRN,LACOPY,KCN,DX,DY,DZ,TOL,LOW,HIGH [MSHKEY | Specifies whether free meshing or mapped meshing should be used to mesh a model.] MSHKEY,KEY [MSHMID | Specifies placement of midside nodes.] MSHMID,KEY [MSHPATTERN | Specifies pattern to be used for mapped triangle meshing.] MSHPATTERN,KEY [MSMASS | Specifies the mass type for a transient species analysis.] MSMASS,SPNUM,Value [MSMETH | Specifies the method of solution of the species transport equations.] MSMETH,SPNUM,KEY [MSMIR | Sets modified inertial relaxation factors for multiple species.] MSMIR,SPNUM,Value [MSNOMF | Specifies the initial value of nominal mass fraction for a species.] MSNOMF,SPNUM,FRACTION [MSPROP | Defines the fluid properties of a species.] MSPROP,SPNUM,Label,Type,NOMINAL,COF1,COF2,COF3 [MSQUAD | Specifies the quadrature order for multiple species elements.] MSQUAD,QDIF,QSRC [MSRELAX | Specifies relaxation factors for a multiple species transport analysis.] MSRELAX,SPNUM,CONC,MDIF,EMDI,STAB [MSSOLU | Specifies solution options for multiple species transport.] MSSOLU,SPNUM,NSWEEP,MAXI,NSRCH,CONV,DELMAX [MSSPEC | Specifies the name,molecular weight,and Schmidt number of a species.] MSSPEC,SPNUM,Name,MOLWT,SCHMIDT [MSTERM | Sets the convergence monitors for species.] MSTERM,SPNUM,STER,TTER [MSVARY | Allows species properties to vary between global iterations.] MSVARY,SPNUM,Lab,Key [MXPAND | Specifies the number of modes to expand and write for a modal or buckling analysis.] MXPAND,NMODE,FREQB,FREQE,Elcalc,SIGNIF [N | Defines a node.] N,NODE,X,Y,Z,THXY,THYZ,THZX [NANG | Rotates a nodal coordinate system by direction cosines.] NANG,NODE,X1,X2,X3,Y1,Y2,Y3,Z1,Z2,Z3 [NCNV | Sets the key to terminate an analysis.] NCNV,KSTOP,DLIM,ITLIM,ETLIM,CPLIM [NDELE | Deletes nodes.] NDELE,NODE1,NODE2,NINC [NDIST | Calculates and lists the distance between two nodes.] NDIST,ND1,ND2 [NDSURF | Generates surface elements overlaid on the edge of existing elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node.] NDSURF,Snode,Telem,DIMN [NEQIT | Specifies the maximum number of equilibrium iterations for nonlinear analyses.] NEQIT,NEQIT [NFORCE | Sums the nodal forces and moments of elements attached to nodes.] NFORCE,ITEM [NGEN | Generates additional nodes from a pattern of nodes.] NGEN,ITIME,INC,NODE1,NODE2,NINC,DX,DY,DZ,SPACE [NKPT | Defines a node at an existing keypoint location.] NKPT,NODE,NPT [NLGEOM | Includes large deflection effects in a static or full transient analysis.] NLGEOM,Key [NLIST | Lists nodes.] NLIST,NODE1,NODE2,NINC,Lcoord,SORT1,SORT2,SORT3 [NLOG | Forms the natural log of a variable.] NLOG,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA,FACTB [NLOPT |"Specifies""Nonlinear analysis options""as the subsequent status topic."] NLOPT [NMODIF | Modifies an existing node.] NMODIF,NODE,X,Y,Z,THXY,THYZ,THZX [NOCOLOR | Removes color from graphics displays.] NOCOLOR,KEY [NODES |"Specifies""Nodes""as the subsequent status topic."] NODES [NOOFFSET | Prevents the CDREAD command from offsetting specified data items] NOOFFSET,Label [NOORDER | Re establishes the original element ordering.] NOORDER,Lab [NORA | Rotates nodal coordinate systems to surface normal] NORA,AREA,NDIR [NORL | Rotates nodal coordinate systems perpendicular to line normal] NORL,LINE,AREA,NDIR [NPLOT | Displays nodes.] NPLOT,KNUM [NPRINT | Defines which time points stored are to be listed.] NPRINT,N [NREAD | Reads nodes from a file.] NREAD,Fname,Ext,-- [NREFINE | Refines the mesh around specified nodes.] NREFINE,NN1,NN2,NINC,LEVEL,DEPTH,POST,RETAIN [NRLSUM | Specifies the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) sum mode combination method.] NRLSUM,SIGNIF,Label [NROPT | Specifies the Newton Raphson options in a static or full transient analysis.] NROPT,Option,--,Adptky [NROTAT | Rotates nodal coordinate systems into the active system.] NROTAT,NODE1,NODE2,NINC [NRRANG | Specifies the range of nodes to be read from the node file.] NRRANG,NMIN,NMAX,NINC [NRRES | Writes Newton Raphson residual information to a file for the specified number of equilibrium iterations.] NRRES,Key,MaxFile [NSCALE | Generates a scaled set of nodes from a pattern of nodes.] NSCALE,INC,NODE1,NODE2,NINC,RX,RY,RZ [NSEL | Selects a subset of nodes.] NSEL,Type,Item,Comp,VMIN,VMAX,VINC,KABS [NSLA | Selects those nodes associated with the selected areas.] NSLA,Type,NKEY [NSLE | Selects those nodes attached to the selected elements.] NSLE,Type,NodeType,Num [NSLK | Selects those nodes associated with the selected keypoints.] NSLK,Type [NSLL | Selects those nodes associated with the selected lines.] NSLL,Type,NKEY [NSLV | Selects those nodes associated with the selected volumes.] NSLV,Type,NKEY [NSMOOTH | Smooths selected nodes among selected elements.] NSMOOTH,NPASS [NSOL | Specifies nodal data to be stored from the results file.] NSOL,NVAR,NODE,Item,Comp,Name [NSORT | Sorts nodal data.] NSORT,Item,Comp,ORDER,KABS,NUMB,SEL [NSTORE | Defines which time points are to be stored.] NSTORE,TINC [NSUBST | Specifies the number of substeps to be taken this load step.] NSUBST,NSBSTP,NSBMX,NSBMN,Carry [NSVR | Defines the number of variables for user programmable element options.] NSVR,ITYPE,NSTV [NSYM | Generates a reflected set of nodes.] NSYM,Ncomp,INC,NODE1,NODE2,NINC [NUMCMP | Compresses the numbering of defined items.] NUMCMP,Label [NUMEXP | Specifies solutions to be expanded from reduced analyses.] NUMEXP,NUM,BEGRNG,ENDRNG,Elcalc [NUMMRG | Merges coincident or equivalently defined items.] NUMMRG,Label,TOLER,GTOLER,Action,Switch [NUMOFF | Adds a number offset to defined items.] NUMOFF,Label,VALUE [NUMSTR | Establishes starting numbers for automatically numbered items.] NUMSTR,Label,VALUE [NUMVAR | Specifies the number of variables allowed in POST26.] NUMVAR,NV [NUSORT | Restores original order for nodal data.] NUSORT [NWPAVE | Moves the working plane origin to the average location of nodes.] NWPAVE,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9 [NWPLAN | Defines the working plane using three nodes.] NWPLAN,WN,NORIG,NXAX,NPLAN [NWRITE | Writes nodes to a file.] NWRITE,Fname,Ext,--,KAPPND [OMEGA | Specifies the rotational velocity of the structure.] OMEGA,OMEGX,OMEGY,OMEGZ,KSPIN [OPADD | Forms a set of optimization parameters by adding two sets.] OPADD,NRES,NUM1,NUM2,C1,C2 [OPANL | Defines the analysis file to be used for optimization looping.] OPANL,Fname,Ext,-- [OPCLR | Clears the optimization database.] OPCLR [OPDATA | Identifies the file where optimization data is to be saved.] OPDATA,Fname,Ext,-- [OPDEL | Deletes optimization design sets.] OPDEL,NSET1,NSET2 [OPEQN | Controls curve fitting for the subproblem approximation method.] OPEQN,KFOBJ,KFSV,KWGHT,KOPPR,INOPT [OPERATE |"Specifies""Operation data""as the subsequent status topic."] OPERATE [OPEXE | Initiates optimization looping.] OPEXE [OPFACT | Defines the type of factorial evaluation to be performed.] OPFACT,Type [OPFRST | Defines specifications for the first order optimization method.] OPFRST,NITR,SIZE,DELTA [OPGRAD | Specifies which design set will be used for gradient evaluation.] OPGRAD,Dset,DELTA [OPKEEP | Specifies whether to save the best set results and database file.] OPKEEP,Key [OPLFA | Displays the results of a factorial evaluation.] OPLFA,Name,Effect,EMIN,EMAX [OPLGR | Graphs the results of a gradient evaluation.] OPLGR,Pname,Dvnam1,Dvnam2,Dvnam3,Dvnam4,Dvnam5,Dvnam6 [OPLIST | Displays the parameters for design sets.] OPLIST,SET1,SET2,LKEY [OPLOOP | Specifies controls for optimization looping.] OPLOOP,Read,Dvar,Parms [OPLSW | Graphs the results of a global sweep generation.] OPLSW,Pname,Dvnam1,Dvnam2,Dvnam3,Dvnam4,Dvnam5,Dvnam6 [OPMAKE | Creates a design set using active scalar parameter values.] OPMAKE [OPNCONTROL | Sets decision parameter for automatically increasing the time step interval.] OPNCONTROL,Lab,VALUE,NUMSTEP [OPPRNT | Activates detailed optimization summary printout.] OPPRNT,Key [OPRAND | Defines the number of iterations for a random optimization.] OPRAND,NITR,NFEAS [OPRESU | Reads optimization data into the optimization database.] OPRESU,Fname,Ext,-- [OPRFA | Prints the results of a factorial evaluation.] OPRFA,Name [OPRGR | Prints the results of a gradient evaluation.] OPRGR,Name [OPRSW | Prints the results of a global sweep generation.] OPRSW,Name [OPSAVE | Writes all optimization data to a file.] OPSAVE,Fname,Ext,-- [OPSEL | Selects design sets for subsequent optimization looping.] OPSEL,NSEL [OPSUBP | Defines number of iterations for subproblem approximation method.] OPSUBP,NITR,NINFS [OPSWEEP | Specifies the reference point and number of evaluation points for a sweep generation.] OPSWEEP,Dset,NSPS [OPTYPE | Specifies the optimization method to be used.] OPTYPE,Mname [OPUSER | Defines specifications for user supplied external optimization.] OPUSER,NITR,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4,VAL5,VAL6,VAL7,VAL8 [OPVAR | Specifies the parameters to be treated as optimization variables.] OPVAR,Name,Type,MIN,MAX,TOLER [OUTOPT |"Specifies""Output options""as the subsequent status topic."] OUTOPT [OUTPR | Controls the solution printout.] OUTPR,Item,FREQ,Cname [OUTRES | Controls the solution data written to the database.] OUTRES,Item,FREQ,Cname [PADELE | Deletes a defined path.] PADELE,DELOPT [PAGET | Writes current path information into an array variable.] PAGET,PARRAY,POPT [PAPUT | Retrieves path information from an array variable.] PAPUT,PARRAY,POPT [PARESU | Restores previously saved paths from a file.] PARESU,Lab,Fname,Ext,-- [PARRES | Reads parameters from a file.] PARRES,Lab,Fname,Ext,-- [PARSAV | Writes parameters to a file.] PARSAV,Lab,Fname,Ext,-- [PARTSEL | Selects a subset of parts in an explicit dynamic analysis.] PARTSEL,Type,PMIN,PMAX,PINC [PASAVE | Saves selected paths to an external file.] PASAVE,Lab,Fname,Ext,-- [PATH | Defines a path name and establishes parameters for the path.] PATH,NAME,nPts,nSets,nDiv [PCALC | Forms additional labeled path items by operating on existing path items.] PCALC,Oper,LabR,Lab1,Lab2,FACT1,FACT2,CONST [PCIRC | Creates a circular area centered about the working plane origin.] PCIRC,RAD1,RAD2,THETA1,THETA2 [PCONV | Sets convergence values for p method solutions.] PCONV,TOLER,Item,Comp,NODE,Surf [PCORRO | Specifies the allowable exterior corrosion thickness for a piping run.] PCORRO,CTK [PCROSS | Calculates the cross product of two path vectors along the current path.] PCROSS,LabXR,LabYR,LabZR,LabX1,LabY1,LabZ1,LabX2,LabY2,LabZ2 [PDANL | Defines the analysis file to be used for probabilistic looping.] PDANL,Fname,Ext,-- [PDCDF | Plots the cumulative distribution function.] PDCDF,Rlab,Name,Type,CONF,NMAX [PDCFLD | Calculates a correlation field and stores it into an ANSYS array.] PDCFLD,ParR,Entity,Ctype,CLENGTH [PDCLR | Clears the probabilistic design database.] PDCLR,Type [PDCMAT | Prints the correlation coefficient matrix.] PDCMAT,Rlab,Matrix,Name1,Name2,Corr,SLEVEL,Popt [PDCORR | Specifies the correlation between two random input variables.] PDCORR,Name1,Name2,CORR [PDDMCS | Specifies options for Monte Carlo Simulations using direct sampling.] PDDMCS,NSIM,--,Astop,ACCMEAN,ACCSTDEV,CHECK,Seed [PDDOEL | Defines design of experiment levels for an individual random input variable.] PDDOEL,Name,Method,Vtype,Lopt,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4,VAL5 [PDEF | Interpolates an item onto a path.] PDEF,Lab,Item,Comp,Avglab [PDEXE | Executes the probabilistic analysis.] PDEXE,Slab,MRUN,NFAIL,FOPT,Fname [PDHIST | Plots the frequency histogram.] PDHIST,Rlab,Name,NCL,Type [PDINQR | Evaluates statistical characteristics of a random input variable.] PDINQR,Rpar,Name,Type,VAL [PDLHS | Specifies options for Monte Carlo Simulations using Latin Hypercube sampling.] PDLHS,NSIM,NREP,ISopt,--,Astop,ACCMEAN,ACCSTDV,CHECK,Seed [PDMETH | Specifies the probabilistic analysis method.] PDMETH,Method,Samp [PDOT | Calculates the dot product of two path vectors along the current path.] PDOT,LabR,LabX1,LabY1,LabZ1,LabX2,LabY2,LabZ2 [PDPINV | Prints the result of the inversion of a probability.] PDPINV,Rlab,Name,PROB,--,CONF [PDPLOT | Plots the distribution curves of a defined random input variable.] PDPLOT,Name,PLOW,PUP [PDPROB | Prints a probability result.] PDPROB,Rlab,Name,Relation,LIMIT,--,CONF [PDRAG | Defines the external fluid drag loading for a piping run.] PDRAG,PX1,PY1,PZ1,H1,PX2,PY2,PZ2,H2,Kcord [PDRESU | Reads the probabilistic model data and loads it into the database.] PDRESU,Fname,Ext,-- [PDROPT | Specifies the options for an HTML report.] PDROPT,RVAR,CORR,STAT,SHIS,HIST,CDF,SENS,CMAT,CONF [PDSAVE | Writes the probabilistic model data to a file.] PDSAVE,Fname,Ext,-- [PDSCAT | Plots a scatter graph.] PDSCAT,Rlab,Name1,Name2,Type,ORDER,NMAX [PDSENS | Plots the probabilistic sensitivities.] PDSENS,Rlab,Name,Chart,Type,SLEVEL [PDSHIS | Plots the sample history values.] PDSHIS,Rlab,Name,Type,CONF [PDUSER | Specifies options for user specified sampling methods.] PDUSER,Fname,Ext,-- [PDVAR | Specifies the parameters to be treated as probabilistic design variables.] PDVAR,Name,Type,PAR1,PAR2,PAR3,PAR4 [PDWRITE | Generates an HTML report for the probabilistic analyses.] PDWRITE,File,Fnam,Lnam [PEMOPTS | Defines percentage tolerance and error estimation method for electrostatic p Method solution.] PEMOPTS,TOLER,Method [PERBC2D | Generates periodic constraints for 2 D planar magnetic field analyses.] PERBC2D,LOC1,LOC2,LOCTOL,R1,R2,TOLR,OPT,PLNOPT [PERI | Specifies periodic boundary conditions in an incompressible flow analysis.] PERI,DX,DY,DZ [PEXCLUDE | Specifies elements to be excluded from p level escalations.] PEXCLUDE,ELEM [PFACT | Calculates participation factors for the PSD or multi point response spectrum table.] PFACT,TBLNO,Excit,Parcor [PFLUID | Defines the contained fluid density for a piping run.] PFLUID,DENS [PGAP | Defines a spring gap constraint in a piping run.] PGAP,NLOC,K,DX,DY,DZ,GAP,ELEM [PGRAPH | Specifies the location from which graphics data will be retrieved for viewing.] PGRAPH,Option,Fname,Fext,-- [PGRSET | Defines the data set to be read from the PGR file.] PGRSET,Lstep,SBSTEP,--,KIMG,TIME,--,NSET [PGSAVE | Creates a PowerGraphics (PGR) file from results data.] PGSAVE,Fname,Fext,--,DataType,InteriorKey,Append [PGSELE | Select a subset of elements for display with the PGR viewer.] PGSELE,Type,Item,,VMIN,VMAX,VINC [PGWRITE | Writes selected solution data to the PGR file for faster post processing access.] PGWRITE,Label,Fname,Fext,--,DataType,InteriorKey,Append [PHYSICS | Writes,reads,or lists all element information] PHYSICS,Option,Title,Fname,Ext,-- [PINCLUDE | Specifies elements to be included in p level escalations.] PINCLUDE,ELEM [PINSUL | Defines the external insulation constants in a piping run.] PINSUL,DENS,ITK [PIPE |"Specifies""Pipe modeling""as the subsequent status topic."] PIPE [PIVCHECK | Prevents a batch mode,linear static analysis from stopping when a negative or zero equation solver pivot value is encountered.] PIVCHECK,KEY [PLCONV | Plots the convergence curve for specified items from a p method solution.] PLCONV,Item,Comp,NODE,Surf [PLCPLX | Specifies the part of a complex variable to display.] PLCPLX,KEY [PLCRACK | Displays cracking and crushing locations in SOLID65 elements.] PLCRACK,LOC,NUM [PLDISP | Displays the displaced structure.] PLDISP,KUND [PLESOL | Displays the solution results as discontinuous element contours.] PLESOL,Item,Comp,KUND,Fact [PLETAB | Displays element table items.] PLETAB,Itlab,Avglab [PLF2D | Generates a contour line plot of equipotentials.] PLF2D,NCONT,OLAY,ANUM,WIN [PLHFFAR | Displays electromagnetic far fields far field parameters.] PLHFFAR,Opt,Lab,PHI1,PHI2,NPHI,THETA1,THETA2,NTHETA,RADIUS,CS,Comp [PLLS | Displays element table items as contoured areas along elements.] PLLS,LabI,LabJ,Fact,KUND [PLNSOL | Displays results as continuous contours.] PLNSOL,Item,Comp,KUND,Fact,FileID [PLOT | Forms a display.] PLOT,NSTRT,NEND,NINC [PLOTTING |"Specifies""Plotting settings""as the subsequent status topic."] PLOTTING [PLPAGM | Displays path items along the path geometry.] PLPAGM,Item,Gscale,Nopt [PLPATH | Displays path items on a graph.] PLPATH,Lab1,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5,Lab6 [PLSECT | Displays membrane and membrane plus bending linearized stresses.] PLSECT,Item,Comp,RHO,KBR [PLSP | Displays S parameters on an XY graph.] PLSP,Opt,Pnum1,Pnum2,Pnum3,Pnum4,Pnum5,Pnum6 [PLTIME | Defines the time range for which data are to be displayed.] PLTIME,TMIN,TMAX [PLTRAC | Displays a particle flow or charged particle trace on an element display.] PLTRAC,Analopt,Item,Comp,TRPNum,Name,MXLOOP,TOLER,OPTION [PLVAR | Displays up to ten variables in the form of a graph.] PLVAR,NVAR1,NVAR2,NVAR3,NVAR4,NVAR5,NVAR6,NVAR7,NVAR8,NVAR9,NVAR10 [PLVAROPT | Displays up to ten parameters in the form of a graph.] PLVAROPT,Lab1,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5,Lab6,Lab7,Lab8,Lab9,Lab10 [PLVECT | Displays results as vectors.] PLVECT,Item,Lab2,Lab3,LabP,Mode,Loc,Edge [PLVFRC | Displays volume fractions in a volume of fluid (VOF) analysis.] PLVFRC,CONT [PLWAVE | Specifies a free space time harmonic incident plane electromagnetic wave.] PLWAVE,Ex,Ey,Ez,AngX,AngZ [PMAP | Creates mapping of the path geometry by defining path interpolation division points.] PMAP,FORM,DISCON [PMETH |"Specifies""p""Method""as the subsequent status topic."] PMETH [PMGTRAN | Summarizes electromagnetic results from a transient analysis.] PMGTRAN,Fname,FREQ,Fcnam1,Fcnam2,Pcnam1,Pcnam2,Ecnam1,Ccnam1 [PMLOPT | Defines perfectly matched layers (PMLs) for a high frequency analysis.] PMLOPT,ESYS,Lab,Xminus,Xplus,Yminus,Yplus,Zminus,Zplus [PMOPTS | Defines percentage tolerance for a p Method solution.] PMOPTS,TOLER [PNGR | Provides PNG file export for ANSYS displays.] PNGR,Kywrd,OPT,VAL [POINT |"Specifies""Point flow tracing settings""as the subsequent status topic."] POINT [POLY | Creates a polygonal area based on working plane coordinate pairs.] POLY [POPT | Selects the piping analysis standard for a piping run.] POPT,Lop1 [POUTRES | controls the nodal DOF and computed element results graphics data that is written to the PGR file.] POUTRES,Item1,Item2,Item2,.........Item12, [POWERH | Calculates the rms power loss in a conductor or lossy dielectric.] POWERH [PPATH | Defines a path by picking or defining nodes,or locations on the currently active working plane,or by entering specific coordinate locations.] PPATH,POINT,NODE,X,Y,Z,CS [PPLOT | Displays an element plot indicating each element's final p level.] PPLOT [PPRANGE | Specifies a range of p level values for use in a p method solution.] PPRANGE,START,MAX [PPRES | Defines the internal pressure for a piping run.] PPRES,PRESS [PRANGE | Determines the pathrange.] PRANGE,LINC,VMIN,VMAX,XVAR [PRCONV | Lists convergence values versus characteristic p level.] PRCONV [PRCPLX | Defines the output form for complex variables.] PRCPLX,KEY [PRECISION | Specifies machine precision for solvers (currently valid only for PCG solvers).] PRECISION,LABEL [PRED | Activates a predictor in a nonlinear analysis.] PRED,Sskey,--,Lskey [PRERR | Prints SEPC and TEPC.] PRERR [PRESOL | Prints the solution results for elements.] PRESOL,Item,Comp [PRETAB | Prints the element table items.] PRETAB,Lab1,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5,Lab6,Lab7,Lab8,Lab9 [PRHFFAR | Prints electromagnetic far fields and far field parameters.] PRHFFAR,Opt,Lab,PHI1,PHI2,NPHI,THETA1,THETA2,NTHETA,RADIUS,CS,Comp [PRI2 | Creates a polygonal area or a prism volume by vertices (GUI).] PRI2,P51X,Z1,Z2 [PRIM |"Specifies""Solid model primitives""as the subsequent status topic."] PRIM [PRINT |"Specifies""Print settings""as the subsequent status topic."] PRINT [PRISM | Creates a prism volume based on working plane coordinate pairs.] PRISM,Z1,Z2 [PRITER | Prints solution summary data.] PRITER [PRNLD | Prints the summed element nodal loads.] PRNLD,Lab,TOL,Item [PRNSOL | Prints the nodal solution results.] PRNSOL,Item,Comp [PROD | Multiplies variables.] PROD,IR,IA,IB,IC,Name,--,--,FACTA,FACTB,FACTC [PRPATH | Prints path items along a geometry path.] PRPATH,Lab1,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5,Lab6 [PRRFOR | Used with the FORCE command. Prints the constrained node reaction solution.] PRRFOR,Lab [PRRSOL | Prints the constrained node reaction solution.] PRRSOL,Lab [PRSECT | Calculates and prints linearized stresses along a section path.] PRSECT,RHO,KBR [PRSSOL | Prints BEAM188 and BEAM189 section results.] PRSSOL,Item,Comp [PRTIME | Defines the time range for which data are to be listed.] PRTIME,TMIN,TMAX [PRVAR | Lists variables vs. time (or frequency).] PRVAR,NVAR1,NVAR2,NVAR3,NVAR4,NVAR5,NVAR6 [PRVAROPT | Lists up to ten optimization parameters.] PRVAROPT,Lab1,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5,Lab6,Lab7,Lab8,Lab9,Lab10 [PRVECT | Prints results as vector magnitude and direction cosines.] PRVECT,Item,Lab2,Lab3,LabP [PSCR | Specifies various PostScript options.] PSCR,Kywrd,KEY [PSDCOM | Specifies the power spectral density mode combination method.] PSDCOM,SIGNIF,COMODE [PSDFRQ | Defines the frequency points for the input spectrum vs. FREQ tables of PSD and multi point spectrum analyses.] PSDFRQ,TBLNO1,TBLNO2,FREQ1,FREQ2,FREQ3,FREQ4,FREQ5,FREQ6,FREQ7 [PSDGRAPH | Displays input PSD curves] PSDGRAPH,TBLNO1,TBLNO2 [PSDRES | Controls solution output written to the results file from a PSD analysis.] PSDRES,Lab,RelKey [PSDSPL | Defines a partially correlated excitation in a PSD analysis.] PSDSPL,TBLNO,RMIN,RMAX [PSDUNIT | Defines the type of PSD or multi point response spectrum.] PSDUNIT,TBLNO,Type,GVALUE [PSDVAL | Defines PSD or multi point response spectrum values.] PSDVAL,TBLNO,SV1,SV2,SV3,SV4,SV5,SV6,SV7 [PSDWAV | Defines a wave propagation excitation in a PSD analysis.] PSDWAV,TBLNO,VX,VY,VZ [PSEL | Selects a path or paths.] PSEL,Type,Pname1,Pname2,Pname3,Pname4,Pname5,Pname6,Pname7,Pname8,Pname9,Pname10 [PSMESH | Create and mesh a pretension section] PSMESH,SECID,Name,P0,Egroup,NUM,KCN ,KDIR,VALUE,NDPLANE,PSTOL,PSTYPE,ECOMP,NCOMP [PSOLVE | Directs the program to perform a partial solution.] PSOLVE,Lab [PSPEC | Defines pipe material and dimensions.] PSPEC,MAT,DNOM,SCHED,OD,TK [PSPRNG | Defines a spring constraint in a piping run.] PSPRNG,NLOC,TYPE,K,DX,DY,DZ,ELEM [PSTRES | Specifies whether prestress effects are to be included.] PSTRES,Key [PTEMP | Defines the pipe wall temperatures in a piping run.] PTEMP,TOUT,TIN [PTXY | Defines coordinate pairs for use in polygons and prisms.] PTXY,X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4 [PUNIT | Selects the system of length units to be used in a piping run.] PUNIT,KOPT [PVECT | Interpolates a set of items onto a path.] PVECT,Oper,LabXR,LabYR,LabZR [QDVAL | Defines PSD quadspectral values.] QDVAL,TBLNO1,TBLNO2,SV1,SV2,SV3,SV4,SV5,SV6,SV7 [QFACT | Calculates the quality factor for high frequency electromagnetic resonators.] QFACT [QSOPT | Specifies quasi static radiation options.] QSOPT,Opt [QUAD | Generates a quadratic line of nodes from three nodes.] QUAD,NODE1,NINTR,NODE2,NFILL,NSTRT,NINC,PKFAC [QUOT | Divides two variables.] QUOT,IR,IA,IB,--,Name,--,--,FACTA,FACTB [R | Defines the element real constants.] R,NSET,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6 [RACE |"Defines a""racetrack""current source."] RACE,XC,YC,RAD,TCUR,DY,DZ,--,--,Cname [RADOPT | Specifies Gauss Seidel Radiosity Solver options.] RADOPT,FLUXRELX,FLUXTOL,SOLVER,MAXITER,TOLER,OVERRLEX [RALL | Calculates solver statistics and run time estimates.] RALL [RAPPND | Appends results data from the database to the results file.] RAPPND,LSTEP,TIME [RATE | Specifies whether the effect of creep strain rate will be used in the solution of a load step.] RATE,Option [RBE3 | Distributes the force/moment applied at the master node to a set of slave nodes,taking into account the geometry of the slave nodes as well as weighting factors.] RBE3,Master,DOF,Slaves,Wtfact [RCON |"Specifies""Real constants""as the subsequent status topic."] RCON [RDELE | Deletes real constant sets.] RDELE,NSET1,NSET2,NINC [REAL | Sets the element real constant set attribute pointer.] REAL,NSET [REALVAR | Forms a variable using only the real part of a complex variable.] REALVAR,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA [RECTNG | Creates a rectangular area anywhere on the working plane.] RECTNG,X1,X2,Y1,Y2 [REDUCE | Defines a reducer in a piping run.] REDUCE,NLOC,LENG,ELEM [REFLCOEF |"Calculates the voltage reflection coefficient (REFLC),standing wave ratio (VSWR),and return loss (RL) in a COAX fed device; at postprocessing of an HF electromagnetic analysis."] REFLCOEF,Portin,Pvolt,Pang,Pdist,Vpathy [REORDER |"Specifies""Model reordering""as the subsequent status topic."] REORDER [RESCONTROL | Controls file writing for multiframe restarts.] RESCONTROL,Action,Ldstep,Frequency,MAXFILES [RESET | Resets all POST1 or POST26 specifications to initial defaults.] RESET [RESP | Generates a response spectrum.] RESP,IR,LFTAB,LDTAB,ITYPE,RATIO,DTIME,TMIN,TMAX [RESUME | Resumes the database from the database file.] RESUME,Fname,Ext,--,NOPAR,KNOPLOT [REXPORT | Exports displacements from an implicit run to ANSYS LS DYNA.] REXPORT,Target,--,--,LSTEP,SBSTEP,Fname,Ext,-- [RFILSZ | Estimates file sizes.] RFILSZ [RFORCE | Specifies the total reaction force data to be stored.] RFORCE,NVAR,NODE,Item,Comp,Name [RIGID | Specifies known rigid body modes (if any) of the model.] RIGID,Dof1,Dof2,Dof3,Dof4,Dof5,Dof6 [RIMPORT | Imports initial stresses from an explicit dynamics run into ANSYS.] RIMPORT,Source,Type,Loc,LSTEP,SBSTEP,Fname,Ext,--,SPSCALE,MSCALE [RITER | Supplies an estimate of the number of iterations for time estimates.] RITER,NITER [RLIST | Lists the real constant sets.] RLIST,NSET1,NSET2,NINC [RMALIST | Lists all defined master nodes for a ROM method.] RMALIST [RMANL | Assigns model database,dimensionality,and operating direction for the ROM method.] RMANL,Fname,Ext,--,Dimn,Oper [RMASTER | Defines master nodes for the ROM method.] RMASTER,Node,Lab [RMCAP | Defines lumped capacitance pairs between conductors C1 and C2 for a ROM method.] RMCAP,RefName,C1,C2 [RMCLIST | Lists all lumped capacitance pairs defined.] RMCLIST [RMEMRY | Prints memory statistics for the current model.] RMEMRY [RMLVSCALE | Defines element load vector scaling for a ROM use pass.] RMLVSCALE,Nload,Fact1,Fact2,Fact3,Fact4,Fact5 [RMMLIST | Lists all mode specifications for the ROM method.] RMMLIST [RMMRANGE | Defines and edits various modal parameters for the ROM method.] RMMRANGE,Mode,Key,Min,Max,Nstep,Damp,Scale [RMMSELECT | Selects modes for the ROM method.] RMMSELECT,Nmode,Method,Dmin,Dmax [RMNDISP | Extracts neutral plane displacements from a test load or element load solution for the ROM method.] RMNDISP,LoadT,Loc [RMNEVEC | Extracts neutral plane eigenvectors from a modal analysis for the ROM method.] RMNEVEC [RMODIF | Modifies real constant sets.] RMODIF,NSET,STLOC,V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6 [RMORE | Adds real constants to a set.] RMORE,R7,R8,R9,R10,R11,R12 [RMPORDER | Defines polynomial orders for ROM functions.] RMPORDER,Ord1,Ord2,Ord3,Ord4,Ord5,Ord6,Ord7,Ord8,Ord9 [RMRESUME | Resumes ROM data from a file.] RMRESUME,Fname,Ext,-- [RMRGENERATE | Performs fitting procedure for all ROM functions to generate response surfaces.] RMRGENERATE [RMROPTIONS | Defines options for ROM response surface fitting.] RMROPTIONS,RefName,Type,Invert [RMRPLOT | Plots response surface of ROM function or its derivatives with respect to the dominant mode(s).] RMRPLOT,RefName,Type,Mode1,Mode2 [RMRSTATUS | Prints status of response surface for ROM function.] RMRSTATUS,RefName [RMSAVE | Saves ROM data to file.] RMSAVE,Fname,Ext,-- [RMSMPLE | Runs finite element solutions and obtains sample points for the ROM method.] RMSMPLE,Nlgeom,Cap,Seqslv,Eeqslv [RMUSE | Activates ROM use pass for ROM elements.] RMUSE,Option,Usefil [RMXPORT | Exports ROM model to external VHDL AMS simulator.] RMXPORT [ROCK | Specifies a rocking response spectrum.] ROCK,CGX,CGY,CGZ,OMX,OMY,OMZ [RPOLY | Creates a regular polygonal area centered about the working plane origin.] RPOLY,NSIDES,LSIDE,MAJRAD,MINRAD [RPR4 | Creates a regular polygonal area or prism volume anywhere on the working plane.] RPR4,NSIDES,XCENTER,YCENTER,RADIUS,THETA,DEPTH [RPRISM | Creates a regular prism volume centered about the working plane origin.] RPRISM,Z1,Z2,NSIDES,LSIDE,MAJRAD,MINRAD [RPSD | Computes response power spectral density (PSD).] RPSD,IR,IA,IB,ITYPE,DATUM,Name [RSFIT | Fit a response surface for an output parameter in a solution set.] RSFIT,RSlab,Slab,Name,Rmod,Ytrans,Yval,Xfilt,CONF [RSPEED | Supplies system performance information for use in time estimates.] RSPEED,MIPS,SMFLOP,VMFLOP [RSPLOT | Plot a response surface.] RSPLOT,RSlab,YName,X1Name,X2Name,Type,NPTS,PLOW,PUP [RSPRNT | Print a response surface.] RSPRNT,RSlab,YName [RSSIMS | Performs Monte Carlo simulations on response surface(s).] RSSIMS,RSlab,NSIM,Seed [RSTAT | Prints the FE model statistics of the model.] RSTAT [RSYS | Activates a coordinate system for printout or display of results.] RSYS,KCN [RTHICK | Defines variable thickness at nodes for shell elements.] RTHICK,Par,ILOC,JLOC,KLOC,LLOC [RTIMST | Prints runtime estimates.] RTIMST [RUN | Defines a pipe run.] RUN,DX,DY,DZ,NDIV,NEND,ESTRT,EINC [RWFRNT | Generates wavefront statistics and memory requirements.] RWFRNT [SABS | Specifies absolute values for element table operations.] SABS,KEY [SADD | Forms an element table item by adding two existing items.] SADD,LabR,Lab1,Lab2,FACT1,FACT2,CONST [SALLOW | Defines the allowable stress table for safety factor calculations.] SALLOW,STRS1,STRS2,STRS3,STRS4,STRS5,STRS6 [SARPLOT | Displays areas smaller than a specified size (for models imported from CAD files).] SARPLOT,Prefer,VALUE [SAVE | Saves all current database information.] SAVE,Fname,Ext,--,Slab [SBCLIST | Lists solid model boundary conditions.] SBCLIST [SBCTRAN | Transfers solid model loads and boundary conditions to the FE model.] SBCTRAN [SDELETE | DeletingsectionsCross sectionsSectionsDeletes cross sections from the ANSYS database.] SDELETE,SFIRST,SLAST,SINC,KNOCLEAN [SE | Defines a superelement.] SE,File,--,--,TOLER [SECCONTROLS | Overrides program calculated properties.] SECCONTROLS VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4,VAL5,VAL6,VAL7 [SECDATA | Sectionsdescribing geometry ofSubtypes of sectionsSectionssubtypesDescribes the geometry of a section.] SECDATA,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4,VAL5,VAL6,VAL7,VAL8,VAL9,VAL10 [SECFUNCTION | Specifies shell section thickness as a tabular function.] SECFUNCTION,TABLE [SECMODIF | Modifies a pretension section] SECMODIF,SECID,Kywrd [SECNUM | Section IDSets the element section attribute pointer.] SECNUM,SECID [SECOFFSET | Sectionsdefining offset ofOffsets for sectionsDefines the section offset for cross sections.] SECOFFSET,Location,OFFSET1,OFFSET2,CG-Y,CG-Z,SH-Y,SH-Z [SECPLOT | PlottingsectionsPlots the geometry of a beam or shell section to scale.] SECPLOT,SECID,VAL1,VAL2 [SECREAD | Readinguser defined section libraryReads a customized beam section library or a user defined beam section mesh into ANSYS.] SECREAD,Fname,Ext,--,Option [SECTYPE | Sectionsassociating subtype with ID numberAssociates section type information with a section ID number.] SECTYPE,SECID,Type,Subtype,Name,REFINEKEY [SECWRITE | User mesh section filesWritinguser mesh section informationCreates an ASCII file containing user mesh section information.] SECWRITE,Fname,Ext,--,ELEM_TYPE [SED | Defines the excitation direction for a single point response spectrum.] SED,SEDX,SEDY,SEDZ [SEDLIST | Lists the DOF solution of a superelement after the use pass.] SEDLIST,Sename,KOPT [SEEXP | Specifies options for the substructure expansion pass.] SEEXP,Sename,Usefil,Imagky [SELIST | Lists the contents of a superelement matrix file.] SELIST,Sename,KOPT [SELM |"Specifies""Superelements""as the subsequent status topic."] SELM [SENERGY | Determines the stored magnetic energy or co energy.] SENERGY,OPT,ANTYPE [SEOPT | Specifies substructure analysis options.] SEOPT,Sename,SEMATR,SEPR,SESST,EXPMTH [SESYMM | Performs a symmetry operation on a superelement within the use pass.] SESYMM,Sename,Ncomp,INC,File,Ext,-- [SET | Defines the data set to be read from the results file.] SET,Lstep,SBSTEP,FACT,KIMG,TIME,ANGLE,NSET,ORDER [SETRAN | Creates a superelement from an existing superelement.] SETRAN,Sename,KCNTO,INC,File,Ext,--,DX,DY,DZ,NOROT [SEXP | Forms an element table item by exponentiating and multiplying.] SEXP,LabR,Lab1,Lab2,EXP1,EXP2 [SF | Specifies surface loads on nodes.] SF,Nlist,Lab,VALUE,VALUE2 [SFA | Specifies surface loads on the selected areas.] SFA,AREA,LKEY,Lab,VALUE,VALUE2 [SFACT | Allows safety factor or margin of safety calculations to be made.] SFACT,TYPE [SFADELE | Deletes surface loads from areas.] SFADELE,AREA,LKEY,Lab [SFALIST | Lists the surface loads for the specified area.] SFALIST,AREA,Lab [SFBEAM | Specifies surface loads on beam elements.] SFBEAM,ELEM,LKEY,Lab,VALI,VALJ,VAL2I,VAL2J,IOFFST,JOFFST [SFCALC | Calculates the safety factor or margin of safety.] SFCALC,LabR,LabS,LabT,TYPE [SFCUM | Specifies that surface loads are to be accumulated.] SFCUM,Lab,Oper,FACT,FACT2 [SFDELE | Deletes surface loads.] SFDELE,Nlist,Lab [SFE | Specifies surface loads on elements.] SFE,ELEM,LKEY,Lab,KVAL,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4 [SFEDELE | Deletes surface loads from elements.] SFEDELE,ELEM,LKEY,Lab [SFELIST | Lists the surface loads for elements.] SFELIST,ELEM,Lab [SFFUN | Specifies a varying surface load.] SFFUN,Lab,Par,Par2 [SFGRAD | Specifies a gradient (slope) for surface loads.] SFGRAD,Lab,SLKCN,Sldir,SLZER,SLOPE [SFL | Specifies surface loads on lines of an area.] SFL,LINE,Lab,VALI,VALJ,VAL2I,VAL2J [SFLDELE | Deletes surface loads from lines.] SFLDELE,LINE,Lab [SFLIST | Lists surface loads.] SFLIST,NODE,Lab [SFLLIST | Lists the surface loads for lines.] SFLLIST,LINE,Lab [SFSCALE | Scales surface loads on elements.] SFSCALE,Lab,FACT,FACT2 [SFTRAN | Transfer the solid model surface loads to the finite element model.] SFTRAN [SHELL | Selects a shell element or shell layer location for results output.] SHELL,Loc [SHPP | Controls element shape checking.] SHPP,Lab,VALUE1,VALUE2 [SLIST | Listingsection propertiesSummarizes the section properties for all defined sections in the current session of ANSYS.] SLIST,SFIRST,SLAST,SINC,Details,Type [SLOAD | Load a pretension section.] SLOAD,SECID,STLOC,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4,VAL5,VAL6 [SLPPLOT | Displays line loops smaller than a specified size (for models imported from CAD files).] SLPPLOT,Prefer,VALUE [SLSPLOT | Displays line segments smaller than a specified size (for models imported from CAD files).] SLSPLOT,Prefer,VALUE [SMALL | Finds the smallest of three variables.] SMALL,IR,IA,IB,IC,Name,--,--,FACTA,FACTB,FACTC [SMAX | Forms an element table item from the maximum of two other items.] SMAX,LabR,Lab1,Lab2,FACT1,FACT2 [SMBODY |"Specifies""Body loads on the solid model""as the subsequent status topic."] SMBODY [SMCONS |"Specifies""Constraints on the solid model""as the subsequent status topic."] SMCONS [SMFOR |"Specifies""Forces on the solid model""as the subsequent status topic."] SMFOR [SMIN | Forms an element table item from the minimum of two other items.] SMIN,LabR,Lab1,Lab2,FACT1,FACT2 [SMOOTH | Allows smoothing of noisy data and provides a graphical representation of the data.] SMOOTH,Vect1,Vect2,DATAP,FITPT,Vect3,Vect4,DISP [SMRTSIZE | Specifies meshing parameters for automatic (smart) element sizing.] SMRTSIZE,SIZLVL,FAC,EXPND,TRANS,ANGL,ANGH,GRATIO,SMHLC,SMANC,MXITR,SPRX [SMSURF |"Specifies""Surface loads on the solid model""as the subsequent status topic."] SMSURF [SMULT | Forms an element table item by multiplying two other items.] SMULT,LabR,Lab1,Lab2,FACT1,FACT2 [SOLCONTROL | Specifies whether to use optimized nonlinear solution defaults and some enhanced internal solution algorithms.] SOLCONTROL,Key1,Key2,Key3,Vtol [SOLU | Specifies solution summary data per substep to be stored.] SOLU,NVAR,Item,Comp,Name [SOLUOPT |"Specifies""Solution options""as the subsequent status topic."] SOLUOPT [SOLVE | Starts a solution.] SOLVE [SORT |"Specifies""Sort settings""as the subsequent status topic."] SORT [SOURCE | Defines a default location for undefined nodes or keypoints. ] SOURCE,X,Y,Z [SPACE | Defines a space node for radiation using the Radiation Matrix method. ] SPACE,NODE [SPARM | Calculates scattering (S) parameters between ports of a network system. ] SPARM,Porti,Portj [SPCNOD | Defines a space node for radiation using the Radiosity method. ] SPCNOD,ENCL,NODE [SPCTEMP | Defines a free space ambient temperature for radiation using the Radiosity method. ] SPCTEMP,ENCL,TEMP [SPEC |"Specifies""Miscellaneous specifications""as the subsequent status topic."] SPEC [SPH4 | Creates a spherical volume anywhere on the working plane. ] SPH4,XCENTER,YCENTER,RAD1,RAD2 [SPH5 | Creates a spherical volume by diameter end points.] SPH5,XEDGE1,YEDGE1,XEDGE2,YEDGE2 [SPHERE | Creates a spherical volume centered about the working plane origin.] SPHERE,RAD1,RAD2,THETA1,THETA2 [SPLINE | Generates a segmented spline through a series of keypoints.] SPLINE,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,XV1,YV1,ZV1,XV6,YV6,ZV6 [SPLOT | Displays the selected areas and a faceted view of their underlying surfaces] SPLOT,NA1,NA2,NINC,MESH [SPOINT | Defines a point for moment summations.] SPOINT,NODE,X,Y,Z [SPOPT | Selects the spectrum type and other spectrum options.] SPOPT,Sptype,NMODE,Elcalc [SPREAD | Turns on a dashed tolerance curve for the subsequent curve plots.] SPREAD,VALUE [SPSWP | Computes S parameters over a frequency range and writes them to a file.] SPSWP,FREQB,FREQE,FREQINC,SwpOpt,EFAcc,OutPut,FileOpt [SPTOPT |"Specifies""Spectrum analysis options""as the subsequent status topic."] SPTOPT [SQRT | Forms the square root of a variable.] SQRT,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA [SRSS | Specifies the square root of sum of squares mode combination method.] SRSS,SIGNIF,Label [SSLN | Selects and displays small lines in the model.] SSLN,FACT,SIZE [SSTIF | Activates stress stiffness effects in a nonlinear analysis.] SSTIF,Key [SSUM | Calculates and prints the sum of element table items.] SSUM [STAT | Displays the status of database settings.] STAT [STEF | Specifies Stefan Boltzmann radiation constant.] STEF,VALUE [STORE | Stores data in the database for the defined variables.] STORE,Lab,NPTS [SUBOPT | Specifies options for subspace iteration eigenvalue extraction.] SUBOPT,SUBSIZ,NPAD,NPERBK,NUMSSI,NSHIFT,Strmck,JCGITR [SUBSET | Reads results for the selected portions of the model.] SUBSET,Lstep,SBSTEP,FACT,KIMG,TIME,ANGLE,NSET [SUMTYPE | Sets the type of summation to be used in the following load case operations.] SUMTYPE,Label [SV | Defines spectrum values to be associated with frequency points.] SV,DAMP,SV1,SV2,SV3,SV4,SV5,SV6,SV7,SV8,SV9 [SVTYP | Defines the type of single point response spectrum.] SVTYP,KSV,FACT [SXFREQ | Defines the frequency as input variable for the FS Module or the FEMXplorer.] SXFREQ,Name,MIN,MAX,INC,RedOpt [TALLOW | Defines the temperature table for safety factor calculations.] TALLOW,TEMP1,TEMP2,TEMP3,TEMP4,TEMP5,TEMP6 [TB | Activates a data table for nonlinear material properties or special element input.] TB,Lab,MAT,NTEMP,NPTS,TBOPT,EOSOPT [TBCOPY | Copies a data table from one material to another (see ).] TBCOPY,Lab,MATF,MATT [TBDATA | Defines data for the data table.] TBDATA,STLOC,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6 [TBDELE | Deletes previously defined data tables.] TBDELE,Lab,MAT1,MAT2,INC [TBFT | Performs curve fitting operations on materials.] TBFT,Oper,ID,Option1,Option2,Option3,Option4,Option5,Option6,Option7 [TBLE |"Specifies""Data table properties""as the subsequent status topic."] TBLE [TBLIST | Lists the data tables.] TBLIST,Lab,MAT [TBMODIF | Modifies data for the data table (GUI).] TBMODIF,ROW,COL,VALUE [TBPLOT | Displays the data table.] TBPLOT,Lab,MAT,TBOPT,TEMP,SEGN [TBPT | Defines a point on a stress strain,B H,or gasket pressure closure curve.] TBPT,Oper,X,Y [TBTEMP | Defines a temperature for the data table.] TBTEMP,TEMP,KMOD [TEE | Defines a tee in a piping run.] TEE,NCENT,TYPE,ELEM,EINC,L1,L2,L3 [TERM | Specifies various terminal driver options.] TERM,Kywrd,Opt1,Opt2,Opt3 [THOPT | Nonlinear transient thermal solution option.] THOPT,Refopt,REFORMTOL,NTABPOINTS,TEMPMIN,TEMPMAX [TCHG | Converts 20 node degenerate tetrahedral elements to their 10 node non degenerate counterparts.] TCHG,ELEM1,ELEM2,ETYPE2 [TIFF | Provides TIFF file Export for ANSYS Displays.] TIFF,Kywrd,OPT [TIME | Sets the time for a load step.] TIME,TIME [TIMERANGE | Specifies the time range for which data are to be stored.] TIMERANGE,TMIN,TMAX [TIMINT | Turns on transient effects.] TIMINT,Key,Lab [TIMP | Improves the quality of tetrahedral elements that are not associated with a volume.] TIMP,ELEM,CHGBND,IMPLEVEL [TINTP | Defines transient integration parameters.] TINTP,GAMMA,ALPHA,DELTA,THETA,OSLM,TOL,--,--,AVSMOOTH [TLSPRM | Computes S parameters of a transmission line port.] TLSPRM,Nr,Ns,Vpath1,Ipath1,Vpath2,Ipath2,Vsymm1,Isymm1,Vsymm2,Isymm2 [TOCOMP | Defines single or multiple compliance as the topological optimization function.] TOCOMP,Refname,Type,NUMLC,LCARR [TODEF | Defines parameters for and initializes topological optimization.] TODEF,ACCUR [TOEXE | Executes one topological optimization iteration.] TOEXE [TOFFST | Specifies the temperature offset from absolute zero to zero.] TOFFST,VALUE [TOFREQ | Defines single or mean frequency formulation as the topological optimization function.] TOFREQ,Refname,Type,Nfreq,Frqarr,Targval [TOGRAPH | Plots iteration solution of topological optimization.] TOGRAPH,Type,Refname [TOLIST | Lists all topological optimization functions currently defined.] TOLIST [TOLOOP | Execute several topological optimization iterations.] TOLOOP,NITER,PLOT [TOPLOT | Plot current topological density distribution.] TOPLOT,AVRG [TOPRINT | Print iteration solution history of topological optimization.] TOPRINT,Type,Refname [TORQ2D | Calculates torque on a body in a magnetic field.] TORQ2D [TORQC2D | Calculates torque on a body in a magnetic field based on a circular path.] TORQC2D,RAD,NUMN,LCSYS [TORQSUM | Summarizes electromagnetic torque calculations on element components.] TORQSUM,Cnam1,Cnam2,Cnam3,Cnam4,Cnam5,Cnam6,Cnam7,Cnam8,Cnam9 [TORUS | Creates a toroidal volume.] TORUS,RAD1,RAD2,RAD3,THETA1,THETA2 [TOSTAT | Displays topological optimization status and results information.] TOSTAT [TOTAL | Specifies automatic MDOF generation.] TOTAL,NTOT,NRMDF [TOTYPE | Specifies solution method for topological optimization.] TOTYPE,Type [TOVAR | Specifies the objective and constraints for the topological optimization problem.] TOVAR,Refname,Type,LOWER,UPPER,Boundtype [TRANS | Reformats File.GRPH for improved performance with plotters.] TRANS,Fname,Ext,-- [TRANSFER | Transfers a pattern of nodes to another coordinate system.] TRANSFER,KCNTO,INC,NODE1,NODE2,NINC [TREF | Defines the reference temperature for the thermal strain calculations.] TREF,TREF [TRNOPT | Specifies transient analysis options.] TRNOPT,Method,MAXMODE,Dmpkey,MINMODE [TRPDEL | Deletes particle flow or charged particle trace points.] TRPDEL,NTRP1,NTRP2,TRPINC [TRPLIS | Lists the particle flow or charged particle trace points.] TRPLIS,NTRP1,NTRP2,TRPINC [TRPOIN | Defines a point through which a particle flow or charged particle trace will travel.] TRPOIN,X,Y,Z,VX,VY,VZ,CHRG,MASS [TRTIME | Defines the options used for the PLTRAC (particle flow or charged particle trace) command.] TRTIME,TIME,SPACING,OFFSET,SIZE,LENGTH [TSHAP | Defines simple 2 D and 3 D geometric surfaces for target segment elements. ] TSHAP,Shape [TSRES | Defines an array of keytimes at which the time stepping strategy changes. ] TSRES,Array [TUNIF | Assigns a uniform temperature to all nodes. ] TUNIF,TEMP [TVAR | Changes time to the cumulative iteration number. ] TVAR,KEY [TYPE | Sets the element type attribute pointer. ] TYPE,ITYPE [TZAMESH | Meshes the areas of a volume to create Trefftz nodes. ] TZAMESH,Tvolu,SIZE,NDIV [TZDELE | Deletes the Trefftz superelement,associated constraint equations and all supporting Trefftz files. ] TZDELE [TZEGEN | Generates a Trefftz domain substructure and defines a Trefftz superelement for use in electrostatic analysis. ] TZEGEN [UIMP | Defines constant material properties (GUI).] UIMP,MAT,Lab1,Lab2,Lab3,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3 [UNDELETE | Removes results sets from the group of sets selected for editing.] UNDELETE,Option,Nstart,Nend [UNDO | Allows the user to modify or save commands issued since the last RESUME or SAVE command.] UNDO,Kywrd [UPCOORD | Modifies the coordinates of the active set of nodes,based on the current displacements.] UPCOORD,FACTOR,Key [UPGEOM | Adds displacements from a previous analysis and updates the geometry of the finite element model to the deformed configuration.] UPGEOM,FACTOR,LSTEP,SBSTEP,Fname,Ext,-- [USRCAL | Allows user solution subroutines to be activated or deactivated.] USRCAL,Rnam1,Rnam2,Rnam3,Rnam4,Rnam5,Rnam6,Rnam7,Rnam8,Rnam9 [V | Defines a volume through keypoints.] V,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8 [V2DOPT | Specifies 2 D/axisymmetric view factor calculation options.] V2DOPT,GEOM,NDIV,HIDOPT,NZONE [VA | Generates a volume bounded by existing areas.] VA,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10 [VADD | Adds separate volumes to create a single volume.] VADD,NV1,NV2,NV3,NV4,NV5,NV6,NV7,NV8,NV9 [VALVE | Defines a valve in a piping run.] VALVE,NLOC,LENG,MASS,SIF,FLEX,ARINS,ELEM [VARDEL | Deletes a variable (GUI).] VARDEL,NVAR [VARNAM | Names (or renames) a variable.] VARNAM,IR,Name [VATT | Associates element attributes with the selected,unmeshed volumes.] VATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS [VCLEAR | Deletes nodes and volume elements associated with selected volumes.] VCLEAR,NV1,NV2,NINC [VCROSS | Forms element table items from the cross product of two vectors.] VCROSS,LabXR,LabYR,LabZR,LabX1,LabY1,LabZ1,LabX2,LabY2,LabZ2 [VCVFILL | Fills cavities and bosses in volumes (for models imported from CAD files).] VCVFILL,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A9,A9,A10 [VDDAM | Specifies the velocity spectrum computation constants for the analysis of shock resistance of shipboard structures.] VDDAM,VF,VA,VB,VC [VDELE | Deletes unmeshed volumes.] VDELE,NV1,NV2,NINC,KSWP [VDGL | Lists keypoints of a volume that lie on a parametric degeneracy.] VDGL,NV1,NV2,NINC [VDOT | Forms an element table item from the dot product of two vectors.] VDOT,LabR,LabX1,LabY1,LabZ1,LabX2,LabY2,LabZ2 [VDRAG | Generates volumes by dragging an area pattern along a path.] VDRAG,NA1,NA2,NA3,NA4,NA5,NA6,NLP1,NLP2,NLP3,NLP4,NLP5,NLP6 [VEXT | Generates additional volumes by extruding areas.] VEXT,NA1,NA2,NINC,DX,DY,DZ,RX,RY,RZ [VFCALC | Computes and stores Hemicube view factors.] VFCALC,Fname,Ext,-- [VFOPT | Specifies options for view factor file.] VFOPT,Opt,Filename,Ext,Dir,Format [VFQUERY | Queries and prints element Hemicube view factors and average view factor.] VFQUERY,SRCELEM,TARELEM [VGEN | Generates additional volumes from a pattern of volumes.] VGEN,ITIME,NV1,NV2,NINC,DX,DY,DZ,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [VGET | Moves a variable into an array parameter vector.] VGET,Par,IR,TSTRT,KCPLX [VGLUE |"Generates new volumes by""gluing""volumes."] VGLUE,NV1,NV2,NV3,NV4,NV5,NV6,NV7,NV8,NV9 [VIMP | Improves the quality of the tetrahedral elements in the selected volume(s).] VIMP,VOL,CHGBND,IMPLEVEL [VINP | Finds the pairwise intersection of volumes.] VINP,NV1,NV2,NV3,NV4,NV5,NV6,NV7,NV8,NV9 [VINV | Finds the intersection of volumes.] VINV,NV1,NV2,NV3,NV4,NV5,NV6,NV7,NV8,NV9 [VLIST | Lists the defined volumes.] VLIST,NV1,NV2,NINC [VLSCALE | Generates a scaled set of volumes from a pattern of volumes.] VLSCALE,NV1,NV2,NINC,RX,RY,RZ,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [VMESH | Generates nodes and volume elements within volumes.] VMESH,NV1,NV2,NINC [VOFFST | Generates a volume,offset from a given area.] VOFFST,NAREA,DIST,KINC [VOLUMES |"Specifies""Volumes""as the subsequent status topic."] VOLUMES [VOVLAP | Overlaps volumes.] VOVLAP,NV1,NV2,NV3,NV4,NV5,NV6,NV7,NV8,NV9 [VPLOT | Displays the selected volumes.] VPLOT,NV1,NV2,NINC,DEGEN,SCALE [VPTN | Partitions volumes.] VPTN,NV1,NV2,NV3,NV4,NV5,NV6,NV7,NV8,NV9 [VPUT | Moves an array parameter vector into a variable.] VPUT,Par,IR,TSTRT,KCPLX [VROTAT | Generates cylindrical volumes by rotating an area pattern about an axis.] VROTAT,NA1,NA2,NA3,NA4,NA5,NA6,PAX1,PAX2,ARC,NSEG [VSBA | Subtracts areas from volumes.] VSBA,NV,NA,SEPO,KEEPV,KEEPA [VSBV | Subtracts volumes from volumes.] VSBV,NV1,NV2,SEPO,KEEP1,KEEP2 [VSBW | Subtracts intersection of the working plane from volumes (divides volumes).] VSBW,NV,SEPO,KEEP [VSEL | Selects a subset of volumes.] VSEL,Type,Item,Comp,VMIN,VMAX,VINC,KSWP [VSLA | Selects those volumes containing the selected areas.] VSLA,Type,VLKEY [VSUM | Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected volumes.] VSUM,LAB [VSWEEP | Fills an existing unmeshed volume with elements by sweeping the mesh from an adjacent area through the volume.] VSWEEP,VNUM,SRCA,TRGA,LSMO [VSYMM | Generates volumes from a volume pattern by symmetry reflection.] VSYMM,Ncomp,NV1,NV2,NINC,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [VTRAN | Transfers a pattern of volumes to another coordinate system.] VTRAN,KCNTO,NV1,NV2,NINC,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE [VTYPE | Specifies the viewing procedure used to determine the form factors for the Radiation Matrix method.] VTYPE,NOHID,NZONE [WAVES | Initiates reordering.] WAVES,Wopt,OLDMAX,OLDRMS [WERASE | Erases all reordering wave lists.] WERASE [WFRONT | Estimates wavefront statistics.] WFRONT,KPRNT,KCALC [WMID | Specifies reordering options for the WAVES command.] WMID,Key [WMORE | Adds more nodes to the starting wave list.] WMORE,NODE1,NODE2,NINC,ITIME,INC [WPAVE | Moves the working plane origin to the average of specified points.] WPAVE,X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,X3,Y3,Z3 [WPCSYS | Defines the working plane location based on a coordinate system.] WPCSYS,WN,KCN [WPLANE | Defines a working plane to assist in picking operations.] WPLANE,WN,XORIG,YORIG,ZORIG,XXAX,YXAX,ZXAX,XPLAN,YPLAN,ZPLAN [WPOFFS | Offsets the working plane.] WPOFFS,XOFF,YOFF,ZOFF [WPROTA | Rotates the working plane.] WPROTA,THXY,THYZ,THZX [WPSTYL | Controls the display and style of the working plane.] WPSTYL,SNAP,GRSPAC,GRMIN,GRMAX,WPTOL,WPCTYP,GRTYPE,WPVIS,SNAPANG [WRITE | Writes the radiation matrix file.] WRITE,Fname [WSORT | Initiates element reordering based upon a geometric sort.] WSORT,Lab,KORD,--,Wopt,OLDMAX,OLDRMS [WSPRINGS | Creates weak springs on corner nodes of a bounding box of the currently selected elements.] WSPRINGS [WSTART | Defines a starting wave list.] WSTART,NODE1,NODE2,NINC,ITIME,INC [XVAR | Specifies the X variable to be displayed.] XVAR,N [XVAROPT | Specifies the parameter to be used as the X axis variable.] XVAROPT,Lab