; PSPad clip definition file for Visual Basic .NET ; author: Willem Bogaerts ; last revision 23. Feb 2006 ; [Boolean | Boolean data type] Boolean| [ByRef | ByRef] ByRef § As | [Byte | Byte data type] Byte| [ByVal | ByVal] ByVal § As | [Class | Class] Class §() | End Class [Const | Define a Constant] Const § As | = [CType | General conversion] CType(§, |) [CVS Header | CVS Keywords Header] ' $Revision: $ ' $Date: $ ' $Author: $ [Date | Date data type] Date| [Decimal | Decimal data type] Decimal| [Dim | Dim] Dim § As | [Double | Double data type] Double| [Else | Else block for existing If] Else §| [Friend | Only visible within package] Friend §| [Function | Function] Function §() | End Function [If | If block] If § Then | End If [If Else| If block with else clause] If § Then | Else End If [Inherits | Inherits] Inherits §| [Integer | Integer data type] Integer| [Long | Long data type] Long| [Me | Reference to the current object] Me.§| [Namespace | Namespace] Namespace §() | End Namespace [Private | Only visible within class/instance] Private §| [Protected | Only visible within class/instance and subclasses] Protected §| [Protected Friend | Only visible within package and subclasses] Protected Friend §| [Public | Visible everywhere] Public §| [ReadOnly Property | ReadOnly Property] ReadOnly Property §() As | Get Return End Get End Property [Return | Return] Return §| [Short | Short data type] Short| [Single | Single data type] Single| [String | String data type] String| [Sub | Sub] Sub §() | End Sub [ToDo | ToDo comment to search on]*CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+T ' ToDo [%UserName%]: §| [Throw exception | Throw exception] Throw New §(|) [With | With block] With § | End With ; ; [AndAlso | Lazy and] AndAlso |§