; Tento soubor obsahuje makra programu PSPad pro JavaScript ; ; Autor: ing. Jan Fiala pspad@wo.cz ; poslední revize: 14.8.2001 ; ; Klicova slova a detekce prohlizece: ; Update: 28.4.2004 Karel Pavelka ; [Macro definition] ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- [abs | Returns the absolute value of a number] abs(|number) [acos | Returns the arccosine of a number] acos(|number) [Add | Adds a key and item pair to a Dictionary object] Add (|key, item) [Add | Adds a new Folder to a Folders collection] Add (|folderName) [alert | alert] alert ("§|"); [anchor | Places an HTML anchor with a NAME attribute around specified text in the object] anchor(|anchorString) [apply | Applies a method of an object, substituting another object for the current object] apply(|[thisObj[,argArray]]) [asin | Returns the arcsine of a number] asin(|number) [atan | Returns the arctangent of a number] atan(|number) [atan2 | Returns the angle (in radians) from the X axis to a point (y,x)] atan2(|y, x) [atEnd | Returns a Boolean value indicating if the enumerator is at the end of the collection] atEnd()| [big | Places HTML <BIG> tags around text in a String object] big()| [blink | Places HTML <BLINK> tags around text in a String object] blink()| [bold | Places HTML <B> tags around text in a String object] bold()| [BuildPath | Appends a name to an existing path] BuildPath(|path, name) [call | Calls a method of an object, substituting another object for the current object] call(|[thisObj[, arg1[, arg2[,   [, argN]]]]]) [ceil | Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to its numeric argument] ceil(|number) [charAt | Returns the character at the specified index] charAt(|index) [charCodeAt | Returns an integer representing the Unicode encoding of the character at the specified location] charCodeAt(|index) [Close | Closes an open TextStream file] Close();| [compile | Compiles a regular expression into an internal format for faster execution] compile(|pattern, [flags]) [concat | Returns a new array consisting of a combination of two or more arrays] concat(|[item1[, item2[, . . . [, itemN]]]]) [concat | Returns a string value containing the concatenation of two or more supplied strings] concat(|[string2[, string3[, . . . [, stringN]]]]) [Confirm | Confirm] Confirm ("§|"); [Copy | Copies a specified file or folder from one location to another] Copy(| destination[, overwrite] ); [CopyFile | Copies one or more files from one location to another] CopyFile (| source, destination[, overwrite] ) [CopyFolder | Recursively copies a folder from one location to another] CopyFolder (| source, destination[, overwrite] ); [cos | Returns the cosine of a number] cos(|number) [CreateFolder | Creates a folder] CreateFolder(|foldername) [CreateTextFile | Creates a specified file name and returns a TextStream object that can be used to read from or write to the file] CreateTextFile(|filename[, overwrite[, unicode]]) [decodeURI | Returns the unencoded version of an encoded Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)] decodeURI(|URIstring) [decodeURIComponent | Returns the unencoded version of an encoded component of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)] decodeURIComponent(|encodedURIString) [Delete | Deletes a specified file or folder] Delete(| force ); [DeleteFile | Deletes a specified file] DeleteFile (| filespec[, force] ); [DeleteFolder | Deletes a specified folder and its contents] DeleteFolder (| folderspec[, force] ); [dimensions | Returns the number of dimensions in a VBArray] dimensions()| [DriveExists | Returns True if the specified drive exists; False if it does not] DriveExists(|drivespec) [encodeURIComponent | Encodes a text string as a valid component of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)] encodeURIComponent(|encodedURIString) [escape | Encodes String objects so they can be read on all computers] escape(|charString) [eval | Evaluates JScript code and executes it] eval(|codeString) [exec | Executes a search on a string using a regular expression pattern, and returns an array containing the results of that search] exec(|str) [Exists | Returns true if a specified key exists in the Dictionary object, false if it does not] Exists(|key) [exp | Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power] exp(|number) [encodeURI | Encodes a text string as a valid Uniform Resource Identifier (URI] encodeURI(|URIString) [FileExists | Returns True if a specified file exists; False if it does not] FileExists(|filespec) [fixed | Places HTML <TT> tags around text in a String object] fixed()| [floor | Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to its numeric argument] floor(|number) [FolderExists | Returns True if a specified folder exists; False if it does not] FolderExists(|folderspec) [fontcolor | Places an HTML <FONT> tag with the COLOR attribute around the text in a String object] fontcolor(|colorVal) [fontsize | Places an HTML <FONT> tag with the SIZE attribute around the text in a String object] fontsize(|intSize) [fromCharCode | Returns a string from a number of Unicode character values] fromCharCode(|[code1[, code2[, ...[, codeN]]]]) [GetAbsolutePathName | Returns a complete and unambiguous path from a provided path specification] GetAbsolutePathName(|pathspec) [GetBaseName | Returns a string containing the base name of the last component, less any file extension, in a path] GetBaseName(|path) [getDate | Returns the day of the month value in a Date object using local time] getDate()| [getDay | Returns the day of the week value in a Date object using local time] getDay()| [GetDrive | Returns a Drive object corresponding to the drive in a specified path] GetDrive (| drivespec ); [GetDriveName | Returns a string containing the name of the drive for a specified path] GetDriveName(|path) [GetExtensionName | Returns a string containing the extension name for the last component in a path] GetExtensionName(|path) [GetFile | Returns a File object corresponding to the file in a specified path] GetFile(|filespec) [GetFileName | Returns the last component of specified path that is not part of the drive specification] GetFileName(|pathspec) [getFileVersion | Returns the version number of a specified file] GetFileVersion(|pathspec) [GetFolder | Returns a Folder object corresponding to the folder in a specified path] GetFolder(|folderspec) [getFullYear | Returns the year value in the Date object using local time] getFullYear()| [getHours | Returns the hours value in a Date object using local time] getHours()| [getItem | Returns the item at the specified location] getItem(|dimension1[, dimension2, ...], dimensionN) [getMilliseconds | Returns the milliseconds value in a Date object using local time] getMilliseconds()| [getMinutes | Returns the minutes value in a Date object using local time] getMinutes()| [getMonth | Returns the month value in the Date object using local time] getMonth()| [GetParentFolderName | Returns a string containing the name of the parent folder of the last component in a specified path] GetParentFolderName(|path) [getSeconds | Returns the seconds value in a Date object using local time] getSeconds()| [GetSpecialFolder | Returns the special folder object specified] GetSpecialFolder(|folderspec) [GetTempName | Returns a randomly generated temporary file or folder name that is useful for performing operations that require a temporary file or folder] GetTempName ();| [getTime | Returns the time value in a Date object] getTime()| [getTimezoneOffset | Returns the difference in minutes between the time on the host computer and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] getTimezoneOffset()| [getUTCDate | Returns the date in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] getUTCDate()| [getUTCDay | Returns the day of the week value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] getUTCDay()| [getUTCFullYear | Returns the year value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] getUTCFullYear()| [getUTCHours | Returns the hours value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] getUTCHours()| [getUTCMilliseconds | Returns the milliseconds value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] getUTCMilliseconds()| [getUTCMinutes | Returns the minutes value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] getUTCMinutes()| [getUTCMonth | Returns the month value value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] getUTCMonth()| [getUTCSeconds | Returns the seconds value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] getUTCSeconds()| [getVarDate | Returns the VT_DATE value in a Date object] getVarDate()| [getYear | Returns the year value in a Date object] getYear()| [hasOwnProperty | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an object has a property with the specified name] hasOwnProperty(|proName) [indexOf | Returns the character position where the first occurrence of a substring occurs within a String object] indexOf(|subString[, startIndex]) [isFinite | Returns a Boolean value that indicates if a supplied number is finite] isFinite(|number) [isNaN | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a value is the reserved value NaN (not a number)] isNaN(|numValue) [isPrototypeOf | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an object exists in another object's prototype chain] isPrototypeOf(|object2) [italics | Places HTML <I> tags around text in a String object] italics(| ) [item | Returns the current item in the collection] item()| [Items | Returns an array containing all the items in a Dictionary object] Items()| [join | Returns a string value consisting of all the elements of an array concatenated together and separated by the specified separator character] join(|separator) [Keys | Returns an array containing all existing keys in a Dictionary object] Keys()| [lastIndexOf | Returns the last occurrence of a substring within a String object] lastIndexOf(|substring[, startindex]) [lbound | Returns the lowest index value used in the specified dimension of a VBArray] lbound(|dimension) [link | Places an HTML anchor with an HREF attribute around the text in a String object] link(|linkstring) [localeCompare | Returns a value indicating whether two strings are equivalent in the current locale] localeCompare(|stringExp) [log | Returns the natural logarithm of a number] log(|number) [match | Executes a search on a string using a regular expression pattern, and returns an array containing the results of that search] match(|rgExp) [max | Returns the greater of zero or more supplied numeric expressions] max(|[number1[, number2[. . . [, numberN]]]]) [min | Returns the lesser of zero or more supplied numeric expressions] min(|[number1[, number2[. . . [,numberN]]]]) [Move | Moves a specified file or folder from one location to another] Move(| destination ); [MoveFile | Moves one or more files from one location to another] MoveFile (| source, destination ); [moveFirst | Resets the current item in the collection to the first item] moveFirst(| ) [MoveFolder | Moves one or more folders from one location to another] MoveFolder (| source, destination ); [moveNext | Moves the current item to the next item in the collection] moveNext()| [OpenAsTextStream | Opens a specified file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to read from, write to, or append to the file] OpenAsTextStream(|[iomode, [format]]) [OpenTextFile | Opens a specified file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to read from, write to, or append to the file] OpenTextFile(|filename[, iomode[, create[, format]]]) [parse | Parses a string containing a date, and returns the number of milliseconds between that date and midnight, January 1, 1970] parse(|dateVal) [parseFloat | Returns a floating-point number converted from a string] parseFloat(|numString) [parseInt | Returns an integer converted from a string] parseInt(|numString, [radix]) [pop | Removes the last element from an array and returns it] pop()| [pow | Returns the value of a base expression taken to a specified power] pow(|base, exponent) [Prompt | Prompt] Prompt ("§|"); [push | Appends new elements to an array, and returns the new length of the array] push(|[item1 [item2 [. . . [itemN ]]]]) [random | Returns a pseudorandom number between 0 and 1] random(| ) [Read | Reads a specified number of characters from a TextStream file and returns the resulting string] Read(|characters) [ReadAll | Reads an entire TextStream file and returns the resulting string] ReadAll();| [ReadLine | Reads an entire line (up to, but not including, the newline character) from a TextStream file and returns the resulting string] ReadLine()| [Remove | Removes a key, item pair from a Dictionary object] Remove(|key) [RemoveAll | The RemoveAll method removes all key, item pairs from a Dictionary object] RemoveAll()| [replace | Returns a copy of a string with text replaced using a regular expression or search string] replace(|rgExp, replaceText) [reverse | Returns an Array object with the elements reversed] reverse(| ) [round | Returns a supplied numeric expression rounded to the nearest integer] round(|number) [search | Returns the position of the first substring match in a regular expression search] search(|rgExp) [setDate | Sets the numeric date of the Date object using local time] setDate(|numDate) [setFullYear | Sets the year value in the Date object using local time] setFullYear(|numYear[, numMonth[, numDate]]) [setHours | Sets the hour value in the Date object using local time] setHours(|numHours[, numMin[, numSec[, numMilli]]]) [setMilliseconds | Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using local time] setMilliseconds(|numMilli) [setMinutes | Sets the minutes value in the Date object using local time] setMinutes(|numMinutes[, numSeconds[, numMilli]]) [setMonth | Sets the month value in the Date object using local time] setMonth(|numMonth[, dateVal]) [setSeconds | Sets the seconds value in the Date object using local time] setSeconds(|numSeconds[, numMilli]) [setTime | Sets the date and time value in the Date object] setTime(|milliseconds) [setUTCDate | Sets the numeric date in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] setUTCDate(|numDate) [setUTCFullYear | Sets the year value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] setUTCFullYear(|numYear[, numMonth[, numDate]]) [setUTCHours | Sets the hours value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] setUTCHours(|numHours[, numMin[, numSec[, numMilli]]]) [setUTCMilliseconds | Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] setUTCMilliseconds(|numMilli) [setUTCMinutes | Sets the minutes value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] setUTCMinutes(|numMinutes[, numSeconds[, numMilli]]) [setUTCMonth | Sets the month value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] setUTCMonth(|numMonth[, dateVal]) [setUTCSeconds | Sets the seconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] setUTCSeconds(|numSeconds[, numMilli]) [setYear | Sets the year value in the Date object] setYear(|numYear) [shift | Removes the first element from an array and returns it] shift()| [sin | Returns the sine of a number] sin(|number) [Skip | Skips a specified number of characters when reading a TextStream file] Skip(|characters) [SkipLine | Skips the next line when reading a TextStream file] SkipLine()| [slice | Returns a section of an array] slice(|start, [end]) [slice | Returns a section of a string] slice(|start, [end]) [small | Places HTML <SMALL> tags around text in a String object] small(| ) [sort | Returns an Array object with the elements sorted] sort(|sortFunction) [splice | Removes elements from an array and, if necessary, inserts new elements in their place, returning the deleted elements] splice(|start, deleteCount, [item1[, item2[, . . . [,itemN]]]]) [split | Returns the array of strings that results when a string is separated into substrings] split(|[separator[, limit]]) [sqrt | Returns the square root of a number] sqrt(|number) [strike | Places HTML <STRIKE> tags around text in a String object] strike(| ) [sub | Places HTML <SUB> tags around text in a String object] sub(| ) [substr | Returns a substring beginning at a specified location and having a specified length] substr(|start [, length ]) [substring | Returns the substring at the specified location within a String object] substring(|start, end) [sup | Places HTML <SUP> tags around text in a String object] sup(| ) [tan | Returns the tangent of a number] tan(|number) [test | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether or not a pattern exists in a searched string] test(|str) [toArray | Returns a standard JScript array converted from a VBArray] toArray(| ) [toDateString | Returns a date as a string value] toDateString()| [toExponential | Returns a string containing a number represented in exponential notation] toExponential(|[fractionDigits]) [toFixed | Returns a string representing a number in fixed-point notation] toFixed(|[fractionDigits]) [toGMTString | Returns a date converted to a string using Greenwich Mean Time(GMT)] toGMTString()| [toLocaleDateString | Returns a date as a string value appropriate to the host environment’s current locale] toLocaleDateString()| [toLocaleLowerCase | Returns a string where all alphabetic characters have been converted to lowercase, taking into account the host environment's current locale] tolocaleLowerCase()| [toLocaleString | Returns a date converted to a string using the current locale] toLocaleString()| [toLocaleTimeString | Returns a time as a string value appropriate to the host environment’s current locale] toLocaleTimeString()| [toLocaleUpperCase | Returns a string where all alphabetic characters have been converted to uppercase, taking into account the host environment's current locale] tolocaleUpperCase()| [toLowerCase | Returns a string where all alphabetic characters have been converted to lowercase] toLowerCase(| ) [toPrecision | Returns a string containing a number represented either in exponential or fixed-point notation with a specified number of digits] toPrecision (|[precision]) [toString | Returns a string representation of an object] toString(|[radix]) [toTimeString | Returns a time as a string value] toTimeString()| [toUpperCase | Returns a string where all alphabetic characters have been converted to uppercase] toUpperCase(| ) [toUTCString | Returns a date converted to a string using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)] toUTCString()| [ubound | Returns the highest index value used in the specified dimension of the VBArray] ubound(|dimension) [unescape | Decodes String objects encoded with the escape method] unescape(|charString) [unshift | Returns an array with specified elements inserted at the beginning] unshift(|[item1[, item2 [, . . . [, itemN]]]]) [UTC | Returns the number of milliseconds between midnight, January 1, 1970 Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) (or GMT) and the supplied date] UTC(|year, month, day[, hours[, minutes[, seconds[,ms]]]]) [valueOf | Returns the primitive value of the specified object] valueOf(| ) [Write | Writes a specified string to a TextStream file] Write(|string) [WriteBlankLines | Writes a specified number of newline characters to a TextStream file] WriteBlankLines(|lines) [WriteLine | Writes a specified string and newline character to a TextStream file] WriteLine(|[string]) [arguments | Returns the arguments object for the currently executing Function object] arguments| [AtEndOfLine | Returns true if the file pointer is positioned immediately before the end-of-line marker in a TextStream file; false if it is not. Read-only] AtEndOfLine| [AtEndOfStream | Returns true if the file pointer is at the end of a TextStream file; false if it is not. Read-only] AtEndOfStream| [Attributes | Sets or returns the attributes of files or folders. Read/write or read-only, depending on the attribute] Attributes |[= newattributes] [AvailableSpace | Returns the amount of space available to a user on the specified drive or network share] AvailableSpace| [callee | Returns the Function object being executed, that is the body text of the specified Function object] ]arguments.callee| [caller | Returns a reference to the function that invoked the current function] caller| [Column | Read-only property that returns the column number of the current character position in a TextStream file] Column| [CompareMode | Sets and returns the comparison mode for comparing string keys in a Dictionary object] CompareMode|[ = compare] [constructor | Specifies the function that creates an object] constructor| [Count | Returns the number of items in a collection or Dictionary object. Read-only] Count| [DateCreated | Returns the date and time that the specified file or folder was created. Read-only] DateCreated| [DateLastAccessed | Returns the date and time that the specified file or folder was last accessed. Read-only] DateLastAccessed| [DateLastModified | Returns the date and time that the specified file or folder was last modified. Read-only] DateLastModified| [description | Returns or sets the descriptive string associated with a specific error] description |[= stringExpression] [Drive | Returns the drive letter of the drive on which the specified file or folder resides. Read-only] Drive| [DriveLetter | Returns the drive letter of a physical local drive or a network share. Read-only] DriveLetter| [Drives | Returns a Drives collection consisting of all Drive objects available on the local machine] Drives| [DriveType | Returns a value indicating the type of a specified drive] DriveType| [E | Returns Euler's constant, the base of natural logarithms. The E property is approximately equal to 2.718] E| [Files | Returns a Files collection consisting of all File objects contained in the specified folder, including those with hidden and system file attributes set] Files| [FileSystem | Returns the type of file system in use for the specified drive] FileSystem| [FreeSpace | Returns the amount of free space available to a user on the specified drive or network share. Read-only] FreeSpace| [global | Returns a Boolean value indicating the state of the global flag (g) used with a regular expression. Default is false. Read-only] global| [ignoreCase | Returns a Boolean value indicating the state of the ignoreCase flag (i) used with a regular expression. Default is false. Read-only] ignoreCase| [index | Returns the character position where the first successful match begins in a searched string. Read-only] index| [Infinity | Returns an initial value of Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY] Infinity| [input | Returns the string against which a regular expression search was performed. Read-only] input| [IsReady | Returns True if the specified drive is ready; False if it is not] IsReady| [IsRootFolder | Returns True if the specified folder is the root folder; False if it is not] IsRootFolder| [Item | Sets or returns an item for a specified key in a Dictionary object. For collections, returns an item based on the specified key. Read/write] Item(|key)[ = newitem] [Key | Sets a key in a Dictionary object] Key(|key) = newkey [lastIndex | Returns the character position where  the next match begins in a searched string] lastIndex| [lastMatch | Returns the last matched characters from any regular expression search. Read-only] lastMatch| [lastParen | Returns the last parenthesized submatch from any regular expression search, if any. Read-only] lastParen| [leftContext | Returns the characters from the beginning of a searched string up to the position before the beginning of the last match. Read-only] leftContext| [length | Returns the actual number of arguments passed to a function by the caller] ]arguments.length| [length | Returns an integer value one higher than the highest element defined in an array] length| [length | Returns the number of arguments defined for a function] length| [length | Returns the length of a String object] length| [Line | Read-only property that returns the current line number in a TextStream file] Line| [LN10 | Returns the natural logarithm of 10] LN10| [LN2 | Returns the natural logarithm of 2] LN2| [LOG10E | Returns the base-10 logarithm of e, Euler's constant] LOG10E| [LOG2E | Returns the base-2 logarithm of e, Euler's constant] LOG2E| [MAX_VALUE | Returns the largest number representable in JScript. Equal to approximately 1.79E+308] MAX_VALUE| [message | Returns an error message string] message| [MIN_VALUE | Returns the number closest to zero representable in JScript. Equal to approximately 5.00E-324] MIN_VALUE| [multiline | Returns a Boolean value indicating the state of the multiline flag (m) used with a regular expression. Default is false. Read-only] multiline| [Name | Sets or returns the name of a specified file or folder. Read/write] Name |[= newname] [name | Returns the name of an error] name| [NaN | Returns the special value NaN indicating that an expression is not a number] NaN| [NaN | A special value that indicates an arithmetic expression returned a value that was not a number] NaN| [NEGATIVE_INFINITY | Returns a value more negative than the largest negative number (-Number.MAX_VALUE) representable in JScript] NEGATIVE_INFINITY| [number | Returns or sets the numeric value associated with a specific error. The Error object's default property is number] number |[= errorNumber] [ParentFolder | Returns the folder object for the parent of the specified file or folder. Read-only] ParentFolder| [Path | Returns the path for a specified file, folder, or drive] Path| [PI | Returns the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, approximately 3.141592653589793] PI| [POSITIVE_INFINITY | Returns a value larger than the largest number (Number.MAX_VALUE) that can be represented in JScript] POSITIVE_INFINITY| [propertyIsEnumerable | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a specified property is part of an object and if it is enumerable] propertyIsEnumerable(|proName) [prototype | Returns a reference to the prototype for a class of objects] prototype| [rightContext | Returns the characters from the position following the last match to the end of the searched string. Read-only] rightContext| [RootFolder | Returns a Folder object representing the root folder of a specified drive. Read-only] RootFolder| [SerialNumber | Returns the decimal serial number used to uniquely identify a disk volume] SerialNumber| [ShareName | Returns the network share name for a specified drive] ShareName| [ShortName | Returns the short name used by programs that require the earlier 8.3 naming convention] ShortName| [ShortPath | Returns the short path used by programs that require the earlier 8.3 file naming convention] ShortPath| [Size | For files, returns the size, in bytes, of the specified file. For folders, returns the size, in bytes, of all files and subfolders contained in the folder] Size| [source | Returns a copy of the text of the regular expression pattern. Read-only] source| [SQRT1_2 | Returns he square root of 0.5, or one divided by the square root of 2] SQRT1_2| [SQRT2 | Returns the square root of 2] SQRT2| [SubFolders | Returns a Folders collection consisting of all folders contained in a specified folder, including those with hidden and system file attributes set] SubFolders| [TotalSize | Returns the total space, in bytes, of a drive or network share] TotalSize| [Type | Returns information about the type of a file or folder. For example, for files ending in .TXT, "Text Document" is returned] Type| [undefined | Returns an initial value of undefined] undefined| [VolumeName | Sets or returns the volume name of the specified drive. Read/write] VolumeName |[= newname] ; ; ; [IE5 | Detection MSIE 5.0] var ie5 = document.all && !document.fireEvent && !window.opera; [IE55 | Detection MSIE 5.5] var ie55 = document.all && document.fireEvent && !document.createComment; [IE6 | Detection MSIE 6.0] var ie6 = document.all && document.fireEvent && document.createComment; [NS6 | Detection Netscape 6+] var ns6 = !document.all && document.getElementById; [opera7 | Detection Opera 7] var opera7 = window.opera && document.createComment; ; [Keywords] abs() abstract acceptCharset acos() action Add() alert() all anchor() Arrays.concat() Arrays.join() Arrays.length Arrays.reverse() Arrays.slice() Arrays.sort() Arrays.toString() Arrays.valueOf() attributes autocomplete begin big() blink() blur() bold() boolean border byte case catch class clearTimeout() complete confirm() const continue createComment Date.getDate() Date.getDay() Date.getFullYear() Date.getHours() Date.getMinutes() Date.getMonth() Date.getSeconds() Date.getTime() Date.getTimeZoneOffset() Date.getYear() Date.parse() Date.setDate() Date.setHours() Date.setMinutes() Date.setMonth() Date.setSeconds() Date.setTime() Date.setYear() Date.toGMTString() Date.toLocalString() default delete description do document.alinkColor document.anchors document.anchors[] document.applets[] document.arguments[] document.bgColor document.clear() document.close() document.cookie document.elements[] document.embeds document.embeds[] document.fgColor document.forms document.forms[] document.frames[] document.getselection() document.history[] document.images[] document.lastModified document.linkColor document.links document.links[] document.loadedDate document.location document.onAfterUpdate document.onBeforeUpdate document.onClick document.onDblClick document.onDragStart document.onErrorUpdate document.onHelp document.onKeyDown document.onKeyPress document.onKeyUp document.onLoad document.onMouseDown document.onMouseMove document.onMouseOut document.onMouseOver document.onMouseUp document.onReadyStateChange document.onRowEnter document.onRowExit document.onSelectStart document.onUnLoad document.open() document.options[] document.plugins[] document.referrer document.title document.userAgent document.vlinkColor document.write() document.writeln() double elements elements.blur() elements.click() elements.defaultChecked elements.defaultSelected elements.defaultValue elements.focus() elements.form elements.checked elements.length elements.name elements.select() elements.selected elements.selectedIndex elements.text elements.type elements.value else encoding escape() eval() extends false filename final finally fireEvent fixed() float focus() fontcolor() fontsize() for Form.action Form.elements.blur() Form.elements.click() Form.elements.defaultChecked Form.elements.defaultSelected Form.elements.defaultValue Form.elements.focus() Form.elements.form Form.elements.checked Form.elements.length Form.elements.name Form.elements.select() Form.elements.selected Form.elements.selectedIndex Form.elements.text Form.elements.type Form.elements.value Form.encoding Form.length Form.method Form.name Form.parent Form.reset() Form.submit() Form.target frames Frames.length function Function.arguments[] Function.caller getDate() getDay() getElementById getHours() getMinutes() getMonth() getSeconds() getTime() getTimezoneOffset() getYear() goto hash height history.back() history.current history.forward() history.go() history.length host hostname href hspace char charAt() if images.border images.complete images.height images.hspace images.length images.lowsrc images.name images.src images.vspace images.width implements import in indexOf() instanceof int interface italics() lastIndexOf() lastIndexOf(,) length link() location.assign() location.hash location.host location.hostname location.href location.pathname location.port location.protocol location.reload() location.replace() location.search location.toString() long lowsrc Math.abs() Math.acos() Math.asin() Math.atan() Math.ceil() Math.cos() Math.e Math.exp() Math.floor() Math.ln10 Math.ln2 Math.LN32 Math.LN4 Math.log() Math.log10e Math.log2e Math.LOG32E Math.LOG4E Math.max() Math.min() Math.pi Math.pow() Math.random() Math.round() Math.sin() Math.sqrt() Math.sqrt1_2 Math.sqrt2 Math.SQRT3_4 Math.SQRT4 Math.tan() method name native navigator.appCodeName navigator.appName navigator.appVersion navigator.javaEnabled() navigator.mimeTypes navigator.mimeTypes.description navigator.mimeTypes.enabledPlugin navigator.mimeTypes.length navigator.mimeTypes.suffixes navigator.mimeTypes.type navigator.mimeTypes[] navigator.plugins navigator.plugins.description navigator.plugins.filename navigator.plugins.length navigator.plugins.name navigator.plugins[] navigator.preference navigator.userAgent new null number() Number.MAX_VALUE Number.MIN_VALUE Number.NaN Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY onAbort onabort="" onactivate="" onafterprint="" onAfterUpdate 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