;; PSPad code template for Code V interferogram ;; Author: Francois Riguet ;; Update: 27/06/2006 ;; Update: 28/10/2013 => added WVL 1 into the header generated by @PGM_TO_INT ;; to enable importing into Gwyddion [Macro definition] %00title%=@E, Title,,Code V interferogram %nodata%=@E, No data value,,32767 %numterms%=@E, Number of terms,,9 %routinename%=@E, Routine name,,,,' %datafile%=@E, External data file,,,,' %wavelength%=@E, Wavelength in microns,,0.6328 %scale%=@E, Scale size,,32760 %xyratio%=@E, X/Y ratio,,1 %x%=@E, X number of points,,10 %y%=@E, Y nbr of points or R,,10 %01datatype%=@C Data format type,,GRD,GRD;ZRN;ZFR;UDI, %02val1%=@E, X GRD / Nterms ZRN/ZFR/UDI, %03val2%=@E, Y or R for GRD, %04filetype%=@C File type,,FIL,BIR;CAO;FIL;SUR;THV;WFR, %05wvl%=@K, Wavelength ?,WVL, %06val3%=@E, Wvl in µm (0.6328),,, %07nnb%=@K, Nearest neighbor ?,NNB, %08val4%=@E, Scale size (<=>1 for FIL),,32760, %09nda%=@K, No data,NDA, %10val5%=@E, No data value (32767),, %11xsc%=@K, X/Y ratio ?,XSC, %12val6%=@E, X/Y ratio, %13umr%=@K, Subroutine ?, %14val7%=@E, Subroutine (for UDI),,,,' %15umf%=@K, External data file ?, %16val8%=@E, Ext. data file (for UDI),,,,' %01Xpixels%=@E Number of X pixels ?,, %02Ypixels%=@E Number of Y pixels ?,, %03ssz%=@E Normalizing value,,255 [&TEMPLATE | Create interferogram header ] %00title% %01datatype% %02val1% %03val2% %04filetype% %05wvl% %06val3% %07nnb% SSZ %08val4% %09nda% %10val5% %11xsc% %12val6% %13umr% %14val7% %15umf% %16val8% | [@PGM TO INT | Change PGM header to INT format ] %00title% GRD %01Xpixels% %02Ypixels% FIL WVL 1 SSZ %03ssz% %11xsc% %12val6% | [COMMENT | Insert comment ] ! | [BIR | Birefringence magnitude file ] BIR | [CAO | Crystal axis orientation file ] CAO | [FIL | Intensity apodization file ] FIL | [GRD | Grid data ] GRD %x% %y% | [NDA | No data value ] NDA %nodata% | [NNB | Nearest neighbor ] NNB | [R | Radial grid data ] R | [SSZ | Scale size ] SSZ %scale% | [SUR | Surface interferogram ] SUR | [THV | Coating thickness variation file ] THV | [UDI | User-defined data ] UDI %numterms% | [UMF | User-defined external data file ] UMF %datafile% | [UMR | User-defined subroutine / macro ] UMR %routinename% | [WFR | Wavefront interferogram ] WFR | [WVL | Wavelength ] WVL %wavelength% | [XSC | X scale ] XSC %xyratio% | [ZFR | Fringe Zernike data ] ZFR %numterms% | [ZRN | Zernike data ] ZRN %numterms% |