;User conversion definition file for PSPad editor [Settings] ;name for Left to Right conversion. If you don't fill name or delete it, ;it won't allow conversion. E.g. if you want to offer one direction conversion only ;For regular expressions style forward direction is allowed only ForwardName=UTF-8 fix double chars ;BackwardName=This name will describe conversion from right to left ;ignore char case - it tells convertor to ignore char case in specific direction ForwardIgnoreCase=0 BackWardIgnoreCase=0 ;ConversionStyle=strings - convertor will use string replacement from [Strings] section ;ConversionStyle=chars - convertor will use conversion table from [Chars] section ;ConversionStyle=regexpressions - convertor will use regular expression [RegExpressions] section - not yet implemented ; regular expression style is one directional only! ConversionStyle=strings ;expression from|expression to [Strings] S¡|Š e´|é