Title: Cg.tcz Description: NVIDIA Cg Toolkit (TESTING) Version: 3.0.0016 Author: NVIDIA Original-site: http://developer.nvidia.com/page/cg_main.html Copying-policy: NVIDIA Copyright Size: 23M Extension_by: robc Comments: This extension requires Xorg-7.5, and its deps. ---------------------------------------------- Please see the man page for additional information. Also see http://developer.nvidia.com/page/cg_main.html for more information. ---------------------------------------------- Change-log: 2010/11/29 Original 2010/12/01 Combined Cg, Cg-doc, and libCg to comply with copyright. 2010/12/07 Updated to 3.0.0015 2011/03/08 Updated to 3.0.0016 Current: 2011/03/08 Updated to 3.0.0016