Title: Mplayer-nodeps.tcz Description: Mplayer that depends on nothing Version: SVN-33811 Author: Mplayer team Original-site: http://mplayerhq.hu Copying-policy: GPL Size: 4.8M Extension_by: Curaga Comments: Many of us (me, heh) like to watch movies in the framebuffer. Or just would rather not download a graphical toolkit just to play a movie. - Here's one without any deps. Play in FB or X, with vidix/XV accel or none. - For sound you'll of course need OSS or alsa. Change-log: 2008/09/27 Original 2008/10/27 Added subfont.ttf symlink to luxisr.ttf 2009/05/05 Update to r29256 2009/07/24 Used startup script to check for and create font symlink. 2010/02/20 Update to r30660 2011/07/03 Update to r33803 Current: 2011/07/05 Update to r33811