Title: adeskbar.tcz Description: ADesk Bar is a easy, simple, unobtrusive application launcher for Openbox. Version: 0.3.9 Author: David Art Original-site: http://www.ad-comp.be/?category/ADesk-Bar Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 360K Extension_by: blofsy Comments: Requires python.tcz pygtk.tcz pycairo.tcz python-xlib.tcz vtemodule.tcz dbus-python.tcz Default config file: /usr/local/share/adeskbar/default.cfg To use it place the config file to: ~/.config/adeskbar/default.cfg Note:It will be edited automatically as you configure adeskbar. To run adeskbar: python /usr/local/share/adeskbar/adeskbar > /dev/null 2>&1 & Source and build instructions: http://www.ad-comp.be/public/projets/ADeskBar/adeskbar-0.3.9.tar.bz2 Change-log: --------- Current: Thu Jul 15 11:32:34 CEST 2010, adeskbar 0.3.9