Title: advcomp.tcz Description: AdvanceComp Version: 1.15 Author: Various Original-site: http://advancemame.sf.net Copying-policy: GPL Size: 108K Extension_by: Curaga Comments: A must for extension-making. - Advdef and advzip of AdvanceComp included. They are used to repack zlib streams using an improved algorithm, saving space. This does not affect decompression. - Advdef handles png, and anything gzipped (tgz, svgz..) Advzip handles zip files. - With png files the usual saving is about 20%, with gzipped files about 10%. This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2008/10/10 Original 2009/06/17 Updated TCZ extension with user.tar.gz Current: 2009/09/25 Removed tar. (Jason W)