Title: bluez.tcz Description: bluetooth stack Version: 4.84 Author: see list of sites below Original-site: see list of sites below Copying-policy: see list of sites below Size: 532KB Extension_by: juanito Comments: Official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack ---------- Optionally can use the alsa/pulseaudio extensions for sound over bluetooth. Optionally can use the gstreamer and gstplugins-base extensions Optionally can use the obex and fuse extensions to transfer files ..and mount file systems over bluetooth. Optionally can use the bluez-gnome/blueman extensions and deps to pair Optionally can use the python, dbus-python and pygobject.. extensions with simple-agent to pair ---------- This extension contains: bluez-4.80 - GPLv2 - http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/bluetooth/bluez-4.80.tar.gz ---------- Howto: $ sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/bluez [start|stop|restart|status] ..in my case, this loads all required modules ---------- Howto pair: $ sudo simple-agent hci0 00:12:EE:A6:1D:F4 ... Enter PIN Code: XXXX (0000 for a bluetooth headset) ---------- To enable sound with alsa: $ cp /etc/alsa/example_.asoundrc /home/tc edit the bluetooth address ..to test bt headphones $ aplay -Dplug:bluetooth -v /usr/local/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav ..to test bt headset "testing, testing, 1, 2, 3.." $ arecord -D bluetooth -f S16_LE | aplay -D bluetooth -f S16_LE ---------- To enable sound with pulseudio: use blueman-2.7 to pair right-click on bt headphones and select "trust" and "audio sink" use pavucontrol to select bt headphones as output device use rhythmbox-2.7 to play to bt headphones ---------- Change-log: 2009/05/01 Added simple-agent and other applets, updated 4.37 -> 4.41 2009/06/17 Added pand support, updated 4.41 -> 4.43 2009/06/17 updated 4.43 -> 4.53, moved /etc/bluetooth, dbus-1, udev -> /usr/local added bluetooth cups printer support 2009/09/22 removed start on loading extension 2010/01/31 updated 4.53 -> 4.63, added gstreamer support 2010/04/11 updated init.d script to pass status to services app 2010/05/28 updated 4.63 -> 4.80 2010/11/29 updated 4.80 -> 4.81 and stripped out dev files Current: 2011/01/07