Title: cftp-0.12.tcz Description: A "comfortable" full-screen ftp client (TESTING) Version: 0.12 Author: Dieter Baron Original-site: http://ftp.giga.or.at/but/nih/cftp Copying-policy: GPL Size: 106K Extension_by: hlavery Comments: The advantage of cftp over standard FTP clients is its full-screen presentation of the remote directory tree which then can be navigated with arrow keys, etc. Supports FTP active/assive, IPv4 and IPv6 plus SFTP most basic command is cftp (site) ie cftp ibiblio.org cftp -h will print an overview of options. Also possible to tag (t) multiple files and get them all at once (D)...get your tcz's downloaded wholesale type :exit to quit cftp or :help for command info. Current: 2009/11/14 Original