Title: crosstool-ng.tcz Description: A versatile (cross-)toolchain generator. Version: 1.9.3 Author: various Original-site: http://ymorin.is-a-geek.org/projects/crosstool Copying-policy: GPL Size: 2.8M Extension_by: Arslan S. Comments: Example usage: $ ct-ng arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi $ ct-ng menuconfig # set 'Local tarballs directory' in 'Paths and misc options' to a persistent location and create that directory with read/write permissions # you may also set destination directory where toolchain will be installed (default is: ${HOME}/x-tools/${CT_TARGET}) # set 'Tuple's alias' in 'Toolchain options' to 'arm-linux' # unset 'Fortran' and 'Java' in 'C compiler' $ ct-ng build For testing add the compiler to PATH and compile a hello world program $ export PATH=${HOME}/x-tools/${CT_TARGET}/bin:${PATH} $ arm-linux-gcc -o hello hello.c $ file hello For complete list of sample configurations $ ct-ng list-samples This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2011/02/24 First Version 1.9.3 Current: 2011/03/06 Patched to prefer wget over curl