Title: dirwin.tcz BETA TESTING VERSION! Description: File Manager Version: 0.7.4 Author: Michael A. Losh Original-site: http://tinycorelinux.com Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 24K Extension_by: Michael A. Losh Comments: PPI compatible. DirWin is a window that shows you the contents of one directory and lets you perform certain functions on those files. DirWin uses the FLTK user interface library, which makes it especially efficient on TinyCore Linux. The source code of DirWin is released under the GNU license. This file manager features directory path input field; file command-line; keyboard, menu, and drag-and-drop file manipulations; automatic configurable program associations; and more! Executable less than 55 KB. NOTE: Caution! This is a BETA-level software release and is for careful testing by adventurous users only! While care was taken to eliminate bugs, this release likely still still contains bugs and may crash and/or unintentional file deletion or corruption. Use at your own risk! Thoughtful and detailed feedback on bugs, usability issues, and improvement ideas is appreciated. Change-log: 2011/05/30 (Initial beta release for testing) 2011/05/30 0.7.1 Current: 2011/07/04 0.7.4 Fixes a few segfault crashes Uses environ. var to hold selected file items for commands Has a "Usage" button if you want to see disk space used by selected files/directories Retains selections after more commands Esc key unselects items if the file list has keyboard focus