Title: dmenu-mod.tcz Description: Generic menu for X that sucks less. Version: 4.1.1 Author: Anselm R., Garbe, Sander van Dijk, M. Janeczek Original-site: http://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/ Copying-policy: MIT Size: 12K Extension_by: blofsy Comments: Requires: Xorg-7.5-lib.tcz Type dmenu_run. Further info: http://man.suckless.org/tools/1/dmenu I modified dmenu_path thus dmenu's behaviour changed: First create your cache file that will hold your menu items. touch ~/.dmenu_cache Open the file with your favourite text editor and add the desired application names i.e.: appbrowser cpanel etc. You have to manually add menu items to your .dmenu_cache and only those items will be displayed. Note that if you enter a valid application name which isn't part of your cache file the application will start regardless. So if you don't use firefox too often you don't have to add it to your dmenu_cache file. Just run dmenu then type firefox and press enter. My config with openbox (put this in your rc.xml file's keyboard section): dmenu_run -nb '#E50000' -nf '#000000' -sb '#a6b38d' -sf '#070806' When you are done reconfigure your openbox (openbox --reconfigure) and press Alt+Space. Enjoy. Source and build instructions: http://dl.suckless.org/tools/dmenu-4.1.1.tar.gz Current: Fri Jul 23 20:05:36 CEST 2010, dmenu-mod 4.1.1