Title: dsniff.tcz Description: dsniff suite Version: 2.4b1 Author: Dug Song & Michael Robin Original-site: http://www.monkey.org/~dugsong/dsniff/ Copying-policy: BSD Size: 140K Extension_by: andriscom Comments: dsniff is a suite of tools created by Dug Song. These tools focus on breaching the confidentiality of networks by sniffing, man-in-the-middle, and other techniques. This is a modified release version by Michael Robin. Patches added: https://api.opensuse.org/public/source/network:utilities/dsniff/dsniff-libnet-1.1.diff?rev=dcf43a82231b459dc74b3802a5a1c137& https://api.opensuse.org/public/source/network:utilities/dsniff/dsniff-sshow-clk_tck.diff?rev=dcf43a82231b459dc74b3802a5a1c137& Sniffing tools in the suite: dsniff - password capture for FTP, Telnet, SMTP, HTTP, POP, poppass, NNTP, IMAP, SNMP, LDAP, Rlogin, RIP, OSPF, PPTP MS-CHAP, NFS, VRRP, YP/NIS, SOCKS, X11, CVS, IRC, AIM, ICQ, Napster, PostgreSQL, Meeting Maker, Citrix ICA, Symantec pcAnywhere, NAI Sniffer, Microsoft, SMB, Oracle SQL*Net, Sybase and Microsoft SQL filesnarf - dumps whole files sent via NFS filenamesnarf - dumps filenames mailsnarf - dumps emails in readable form from SMTP and POP msgsnarf - dumps instant messages urlsnarf - captures URL's in http webspy - mirrors web pages browsed by a user in real time Attack tools in the suite: arpspoof - poisons a target's arp cache dnsspoof - poisons a target's dns lookups macof - floods switches with MAC addresses to fail them to repeaters sshmitm - performs ssh man in the middle webmitm - performs ssl man in the middle Built with CFLAGS: -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe Built with CXXFLAGS: -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe Built with LDFLAGS: -Wl,-O1 Built with the following options: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local For man entries you can install the dsniff-doc.tcz package or visit: http://linux.die.net/man/8/dsniff Source: http://monkey.org/~dugsong/dsniff/beta/dsniff-2.4b1.tar.gz Change-log: 2010/11/28 Version: 2.4b2 2011/07/06 Version: 2.4b1, recompiled with libnet1.1 patch and sshow patch Current: 2011/07/06 Version: 2.4b1, recompiled with libnet1.1 patch and sshow patch