Title: elinks.tcz Description: Elinks - Full-Featured Text WWW Browser Version: 0.13.git Author: M. Patocka, P. Baudis, J. Fonesca et al. Original-site: http://elinks.cz Copying-policy: GPLv2 Extension_by: solorin Comments: Configured with the every feature that works in Tinycore. Features: Standard, Fastmem, No Backtrace, IPv6, gzip, bzip2, UTF-8, Periodic Saving, Viewer (Search History, Timer, Marks), Cascading Style Sheets, Protocol (Authentication, Bittorrent, File, CGI, FTP, Gopher HTTP, NNTP, URI rewrite, User protocols), SSL (OpenSSL), MIME (Option system, Mailcap, Mimetypes files), LED indicators, Bookmarks, Cookies, ECMAScript (Spidermonkey), Form History, Global History, Scripting (Spidermonkey ECMAScript), Exmode, Goto URL History Size: 564K Change-log 2009/04/12 First version 2009/04/15 Added SSL/TLS support 2009/05/10 Compiled for tc2 v0.11.6 2011/08/30 Compiled on tc3.8.3 v0.13.git 2011/09/02 Compiled on tc3.8.4 v0.13.git w/ SSL/TLS Current: 2011/09/21 Revert to v0.12pre5 for javascript support