Title: fcitx-4.0.tcz Description: the free chinese input toy Version: 4.0 Author: Yuking, CSSlayer Original-site: http://fcitx.googlecode.com Copying-policy: GPL Size: 3.1M Extension_by: david.w Comments: This package = binary + pinyin data only fcitx-4.0.tcz supports following extension: For input method other than Pinyin, install the corresponding data table. for example: fcitx-4.0-table-wb.tcz For smarter phrase suggestion, install fcitx-sunpunyin-xxx add-on (20M+) For missing skins install fcitx-4.0-skin-ex For GUI based configuration tool install fcitx-configtool-xxx note: for chinese interface install fcitx-4.0-locale currently its Chinese interface doesn't work, the author has already fixed this waiting for his release update For fcitx-specific questions see their wiki page on googlecode.com Change-log: 2010/12/22 Initial release Current: 2010/12/22 Initial release