Title: fluff_upgrade.tcz Description: File Manager Version: 1.0.0 Author: Michael A. Losh Original-site: http://tinycorelinux.com Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 60K Extension_by: Michael A. Losh Comments: PPI compatible. Upgrades the older versions of Fluff included in Tiny Core Linux 3.5 and 3.6 to the current version with bug fixes and a friendlier UI. Fluff is a fast, light utility for files. Fluff uses the FLTK user interface library, which makes it especially efficient on Tiny Core Linux. The source code of Fluff is released under the GNU license. This file manager features a directory tree and file details list; keyboard, menu, and drag-and-drop file manipulations; automatic configurable program associations; trashbin with restore; file renaming; file property editing; and more! Less than 150 KB installed. Change-log: 2011/05/13 (Initial release as extension) Current: 2010/05/13 1.0.0