Title: gedit.tcz Description: gedit is a text editor for the GNOME desktop. Version: 2.30.4 Author: Paolo Maggi, Paolo Borelli, Steve Frecinaux, Jesse van den Kieboom Original-site: http://projects.gnome.org/gedit/ Copying-policy: GPL-2 Size: 1.9M Extension_by: Arslan S. Comments: gnome-icon-theme is recommended. For some plugins gnome-python is required. Spell checker depends on huspell dictionaries (for example hunspell-en-us) This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2010/04/04 Original 2.28.2 2010/07/30 Updated to 2.30.2 Current: 2010/11/29 Updated to 2.30.4