Title: gmpc-dynamic-playlist.tcz Description: Plugin for gmpc Version: git, 2010-08-28, (0.19.95) Author: Misery Original-site: http://gmpc.wikia.com/wiki/GMPC_PLUGIN_DYNAMIC_PLAYLIST Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 20K Extension_by: TaoTePuh Comments: Adds similar songs/artists/genre to the play queue based on last.fm data Will search for: * Similar Songs * Similar Artists * Similar Genres with last.fm (used as metadata-plugin) or with genre-tag and add it to the playlist if there is no new song at the end of that playlist. If no similar song is found - a random one will be added. Change-log: Current: 2010/08/28 First Version, git, (0.19.95)