Title: gpsd-clients.tcz Description: GPS (Global Positioning System) services daemon, clients. Version: 2.96bis Author: various Original-site: http://gpsd.berlios.de/ Copying-policy: BSD Size: 80K Extension_by: Arslan S., T. Buctoo Comments: Service daemon can be controlled using the command: sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/gpsd start|stop|reload|restart Configuration is set by the script /usr/local/etc/gpsd.rc Change-log: 2010/03/14 First version by Arslan S. 2010/03/29 Stripped optional components by T. Buctoo 2010/07/10 Moved libgps.so from gpsd-dev to gpsd (mounted extension causes broken symlinks) Fixed init.d script now returns exit codes properly when status requested by Arslan S. 2010/11/01 Updated to latest git revision by Arslan S. 2011/01/21 Updated to latest git revision by Arslan S Current: 2011/04/12 Updated to 2.96bis by Arslan S.