Title: ifenslave.tcz Description: Control Utility for Linux Ethernet Bonding Version: 3.0.3 Author: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bonding/files/Documentation/12%20November%202007/bonding.txt/download Original-site: http://bonding.sourceforge.net/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 8.0K Extension_by: brezular Comments: Ifenslave utility is userspace for for aggregating multiple network links into a single link. The ifenslave user level control program is included in the kernel source tree, in the file Documentation/networking/ifenslave.c The bonding driver is in the drivers/net/bonding subdirectory of the kernel source tree and it is available as module in Microcore kernel. Change-log: 2011/01/16 version Current: 2011/10/09 3.0.3 version