Title: jarnal.tcz Description: JAVA sketch/annotation software (TESTING) Version: 10.48 Author: David Levine Original-site: http://jarnal.wikispaces.com/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 13M Extension_by: vinnie Comments: ---------------------------------------------- You need Java. Tested with sun-jre.tcz Jarnal able to notetaking (with primitive handwriting recognition), sketching, keeping a journal, making a presentation, annotating a document - including pdf - or collaborating using a stylus, mouse or keyboard. Package includes three executable: jarnal (standard version) jarnalannotate (with separate template settings) jarnalmini (mini interface, but i think this not work well, it's is better use this integrated within the standard version.) Change default template is possible using menĂ¹: File-->Options-->Edit Current Template and save changes, of course you must add to .filetool.lst the voice usr/local/share/Jarnal/templates . ---------------------------------------------- This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: First version Current: 2011/03/22 First Release