Title: libgs.tcz Description: ghostscript shared lib Version: 9.00 Author: see list of sites below Original-site: see list of sites below Copying-policy: see list of sites below Size: 2.1MB Extension_by: juanito Comments: ghostscript shared library compiled with default options ---------- might require the ghostscript_common extension in some circumstances ---------- This extension contains: ghostscript-9.00 - GPLv3 - http://ghostscript.com/releases/ghostscript-9.00.tar.gz Change-log: first version 2009/11/01 updated 8.70 -> 8.71 2010/07/16 updated 8.71 -> 9.00, split out devs 2011/02/17 added check for libgs.so.8 and create if required Current: 2011/04/13