Title: lmms.tcz Description: linux multimedia studio Version: 0.3.2 Author: pgib, tobydox Original-site: http://www.alsa-project.org/ Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 9.6M Extension_by: jls_legalize (unsenepopiu at tin dot it) Comments: configure warnings: = You don't seem to have JACK-library installed and/or JACK-lib-development- = package is missing. This will disable support for JACK-transport. = This is no problem but you'll miss the great possibilities of interacting = with other sound-applications in realtime! = Consider installing the missing packages for using the full power of LMMS. = = You don't seem to have SDL_sound-library installed and/or SDL_sound- = development-package is missing. This means that you can only load samples = within LMMS if you have libsndfile and libvorbis installed! = Consider installing the missing packages for using the full power of LMMS. = = As the header file ladspa.h could not be found on your system, a version = shipped with LMMS will be used. This is no problem at all but generally = it's better to use files being customized to your system/distribution. = If you encounter problems related to LADSPA-support, try to install = LADSPA-SDK-package (ladspa-sdk, ladspa-dev or similiar) and run configure = again. = = You don't seem to have STK installed and/or STK-development-package = (Debian/Ubuntu: libstk0-dev) is missing. Without this package, the = STK instrument plugins ("Mallets") won't be built. = Consider installing the missing packages for using the full power of LMMS. = = You don't seem to have Festival development files. = The SingerBot instrument plugin will be ignored. = Before enabling this plugin, bear in mind that it is still experimental. = = You don't seem to have installed WINE or it's development-packages (headers, = winegcc etc.) which are neccessary for building LMMS with built-in = VST-support. = If you do not intend to use VST-plugins with LMMS you can ignore this = warning. = Consider installing the missing packages (Debian: libwine-dev, = Ubuntu: wine-dev, openSUSE: wine-devel) for using the full power of LMMS. = LMMS will be able to use * ALSA for audio- and MIDI-input/output * OSS for audio- and MIDI-input/output * SDL for audio-output * libvorbis for encoding/decoding OGG-files * libsndfile for sample-decoding * LADSPA-plugins --------------------------------- This extension is PPI compatible. --------------------------------- Changelog: ------ Current: 2009/19/05 Initial packaging