Title: meld-locale.tcz Description: visual diff and merge tool locale files Version: 1.5.1 Author: Stephen Kennedy Original-site: http://meld.sourceforge.net/ Copying-policy: GPL/MIT Size: 320K Extension_by: jls_legalize (unsenepopiu at tin dot it) Comments: locale files This extension is PPI compatible Change-log: 2009/10/26 First packging 2010/03/28 Recompiled & Repackaged 2010/07/02 Update to 1.3.2 2010/09/16 Update to 1.3.3 2010/10/06 Update to 1.4.0 added X-FullPathIcon in the .desktop file for tce.icons compatibility. Rebuild against python 2.6 cause doesnn't work against 2.7. 2010/12/29 Update to 1.5.0 Current: 2011/04/10 Update to 1.5.1.