Title: mupen64plus.tcz Description: N64 Emulator (TESTING) Version: 1.5 Author: Richard Original-site: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ Copying-policy: GPLv2, Bitstream Vera Sans, bzip2 Size: 2.0M Extension_by: robc Comments: This package requires SDL, gtk2, Xorg-7.5, shared-mime-info, and their deps. No ROMs/games are included with this package. ---------------------------------------------- Please see the man page for additional information. Also see http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ for more information. ---------------------------------------------- This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2009/5/14 Original 2009/06/22 Rebuilt for TC 2.X 2009/10/09 Replaced user.tar.gz 2009/11/30 Rebuilt for TC 3.x, fixed .desktop file, fixed bugs Current: 2009/11/30 Rebuilt for TC 3.x, fixed .desktop file, fixed bugs