Title: ntfs-3g-adv.tcz Description: Read/write userspace NTFS driver, advanced package Version: 2009.4.4AR.21 Author: Jean-Pierre Andre Original-site: http://pagesperso-orange.fr/b.andre/advanced-ntfs-3g.html Copying-policy: GPL Size: 360K Extension_by: N. Carigon Comments: Ntfs-3g is considered a stable read/write driver for NTFS formatted volumes. This extension has been tested but use ntfs-3g at your own risk on production machines. The advanced releases are designed as add-ons to the latest stable release, so they benefit from all the improvements and fixes integrated in the main branch. This facilitates the subsequent integration of the newer features both for the developer and the user. *** This extension conflicts with the regular extension *** *** ntfs-3g and they should not be used at the same time. *** Source - http://pagesperso-orange.fr/b.andre/ntfs-3g-2009.4.4AR.21.tgz Change-log: 2009/06/23 First version 2009/08/08 Updated to 2009.4.4AR.16 2009/10/15 Updated to 2009.4.4AR.21 Current: 2009/10/15