Title: openssl-0.9.8-doc.tcz Description: The Open Source toolkit for SSL/TLS docs. Version: 0.9.8r Author: OpenSSL Project Original-site: http://www.openssl.org/ Copying-policy: OpenSSL License: http://www.openssl.org/source/license.html Size: 884K Extension_by: Jason W Comments: ---------- Change-log: 2008/07/30 First version 0.9.8h 2008/12/11 Rebuilt for i486, size, cramfs. 2010/02/27 Updated to 0.9.8m 2010/04/03 Updated to 0.9.8n and removed patchlevel from name. 2010/06/14 Updated to 0.9.8o 2010/11/26 Updated to 0.9.8p Current: 2011/06/20 Updated to 0.9.8r