Title: pngphoon.tcz Description: create a PNG file showing current PHase of the mOON Version: 1.1 Author: Sven Oliver 'SvOlli' Moll Original-site: http://svolli.org/software/pngphoon/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 52.0K Extension_by: SvOlli Comments: To use the current phase of the moon on the desktop, first use the "xvesa="-boot-parameter to specify the desktop dimensions, then select phoon.png as your background in panel -> backgrounds. Or you can run it from /opt/bootlocal.sh Change-log: 2009/06/12 first version 1.1 2009/06/21 rebuild using tcbuild scripts 2010/01/12 rewrote startup script Current: 2010/07/31 rewrote startup script, again