Title: proftpd.tcz Description: proFTPd Version: 1.3.3e Author: The ProFTPD Project team Original-site: http://www.proftpd.org/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 368K Extension_by: andriscom Comments: ProFTPd is a highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software (compiled with UTF-8 support). Built with CFLAGS: -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe Built with CXXFLAGS: -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe Built with LDFLAGS: -Wl,-O1 Built with the following options: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --bindir=/usr/local/bin --sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc --libexecdir=/usr/local/libexec --localstatedir=/var/run --sbindir=/usr/local/sbin --disable-ident --enable-nls --enable-scoreboard-updates --enable-tunable-buffer-size --enable-autoshadow --enable-shadow --enable-openssl --with-modules=mod_tls:mod_ifsession:mod_rewrite For man entries you can install the proftpd-doc.tcz package or visit: http://linux.die.net/man/8/proftpd http://linux.die.net/man/5/xferlog Some extra utils also come with this package: ftpcount, ftpdctl, ftptop, ftpwho, prxs, ftpasswd, ftpscrub, ftpshut The easiest way to start is to create virtual groups and users with ftpasswd: (You need perl for this script!) sudo ftpasswd --name readwrite --group --gid 1000 --file /etc/proftpd.group sudo ftpasswd --name readonly --group --gid 1001 --file /etc/proftpd.group sudo ftpasswd --name admin --passwd --home /mnt/ --shell /bin/false --uid 1000 --gid 1000 --file /etc/proftpd.passwd sudo ftpasswd --name user --passwd --home /mnt/ --shell /bin/false --uid 1001 --gid 1001 --file /etc/proftpd.passwd Change proftpd.conf if you want to use your real system users. In this case you don't need to use the ftpasswd perl script (and you don't need to install perl). If you would like to use FTPS (SSL/TLS) then: Set TLSEngine on in /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf. Generate server certificate and key: sudo openssl req -new -x509 -days 1460 -nodes -out /usr/local/etc/proftpd_server.cert.pem -keyout /usr/local/etc/proftpd_server.key.pem Generate server root CA key and certificate: sudo openssl genrsa -aes256 -out /usr/local/etc/proftpd_rootCA.key.pem -rand private/.rand 2048 sudo openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key /usr/local/etc/proftpd_rootCA.key.pem -out /usr/local/etc/proftpd_rootCA.cert.pem To control proFTPd: sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/proftpd [start|stop|restart] Use the: 'sudo proftpd -n -d 20' command to start in debug mode! Source: ftp://ftp.proftpd.org/distrib/source/proftpd-1.3.3e.tar.gz Change-log: 2010/09/28 First version (1.3.3b) 2010/10/16 Version: 1.3.3b - Added: CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, LDFLAGS, mod_tls, mod_rewrite, IPv6 support, Shadow file handling, init.d script added 2010/11/06 Version: 1.3.3c 2011/07/06 Version: 1.3.3e Current: 2011/07/06 Version: 1.3.3e - Added: mod_copy, mod_deflate