Title: pycairo-2.7-dev.tcz Description: Python bindings for cairo dev files Version: 1.8.10 Author: The GNOME Project Original-site: http://www.cairographics.org/pycairo Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 4.0K Extension_by: jls_legalize (unsenepopiu at tin dot it) Comments: dev files This extension is PPI compatible Changelog: 2009/03/25 Initial packaging 2009/08/26 Rebuilt against python 2.6.2 and updated to 2.18.0. (Jason W - I will field issues with this build.) 2010/06/05 updated to 1.18.0 Current: 2010/07/18 recompiled against python-2.7 and Xorg-7.5