Title: pysqlite2.tcz Description: SQLite binding for Python that complies to the Database API 2.0. Version: 2.6.3 Author: Gerhard Haering Original-site: http://code.google.com/p/pysqlite/ Copying-policy: MIT Size: 104K Extension_by: Kingdomcome, Arslan S. Comments: This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2009/05/16 First Version 2.5.5 by Kingdomcome 2009/08/28 Rebuilt for Python2.6 by Kingdomcome 2010/12/08 Updated to 2.6.0 & built against python 2.7 by Arslan S. Current: 2011/03/25 Updated to 2.6.3 by Arslan S.