Title: qemu.tcz Description: A full/cpu emulator Version: 0.12.2 Author: Various Original-site: http://nongnu.org/qemu Copying-policy: GPL Size: 3.2M Extension_by: Curaga Comments: Support for all architectures compiled in, both full systems and linux-cpu-emulators. As Qemu system emulation is by default completely done in software, it might work better but also slower than alternatives. - Support for KVM included (hardware virtualization). This optional feature depends on kvm- - Kqemu support was dropped in the .12 series. Depends on SDL. Change-log: 2009/04/05 Original 2009/04/25 Update to 0.10.2, KVM 2010/02/20 Update to 0.12.2 Current: 2010/03/03 Split non-intel out