Title: ripperx.tcz Description: Gtk2 cd ripping program. Version: 2.7.3 Author: Dave Cinege, Jos Dehaes, Mark Thomas, Tony Mancill, Paul Mangan Original-site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ripperx/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 118K Extension_by: Jason W Comments: This extension requires the id3lib.tcz, gtk2.tcz, extensions to operate. Helpful for encoding are lame.tcz, libvorbis.tcz + vorbis-tools.tcz, and flac.tcz. cdplay.tcz is needed for the play function of CD's. Make sure your CD audio is not muted in alsamixer before using. Change-log: ---- Current: 2010/12/13 First version 2.7.3