Title: stardict.tcz Description: StarDict is an off-line dictionary reader Version: 3.0.0 Author: Hu Zheng Original-site: http://stardict.sourceforge.net Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 372K Extension_by: perthie Comments: To use StarDict, you must first install a dictionary. The squashfs-tools extension is needed for the following procedure and is included as a dependency. 1. Go to http://stardict.sourceforge.net/Dictionaries.php 2. Download a tarball. 3. Type: dict2ext dictionary.tar.bz2 This creates the extension dictionary.tcz. 4. Move it to your tce folder and reboot. Or type: tce-load -i dictionary.tcz Change-log: ------------- Current: 2009/11/17 first version