Title: stjerm.tcz Description: Light drop-down terminal Version: 0.15 Author: Kristopher Wilson Original-site: http://code.google.com/p/stjerm-terminal/ Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 68K Extension_by: vinnie Comments: Unfortunately this software don't work with ash (the default tinycore shell), but work correctly with bash, I recommend to install it, edit ~/.Xdefaults and add the program in ~/.xsession to autostart. This is an example of a string add to ~/.Xdefaults: stjerm.key: backslash stjerm.mod: alt stjerm.shell: /bin/bash stjerm.autohide: false stjerm.font: 16 stjerm.foreground: gray stjerm.width: 100% stjerm.height: 60% stjerm.scrollbar: right stjerm.allowreorder The package stjerm-doc.tcz contains man pages with all option of the program ---- Compiled for TC 3.x ---- PPI compatible Change-log: ---- Current: 2011/08/01 First version, 0.15