Title: treeline.tcz Description: Structured information storage Version: 1.4.0 Author: Doug Bell Original-site: http://treeline.bellz.org/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 920K Extension_by: robc Comments: This package requires pyqt, ispell, and their deps. ---------------------------------------------- Please see the man page for additional information. Also see http://treeline.bellz.org/ for more information. ---------------------------------------------- Change-log: 2009/6/11 Original 2009/07/31 Changed deps for updated pyqt 2009/08/27 Rebuilt for qt-4.5 and python 2.6.2 2009/11/19 Updated to v1.2.4 2011/04/18 Rebuilt for TC 3.x, updated to 1.4.0 Current: 2011/04/18 Rebuilt for TC 3.x, updated to 1.4.0