Title: ttf-arabic-font-ScheherazadeRegOT.tcz Description: Scheherazade Arabic Script Unicode Font Version: 1.001 Author: Copyright (c) 2004-2007, SIL International Original-site: http://scripts.sil.org/ArabicFonts_Download Copying-policy: Open Font License (OFL) Size: 135K Extension_by: Slim Amamou Comments: Version 1.0 of our Arabic Script fonts, Scheherazade and Lateef, were released as copyrighted freeware. All future versions will be released under SIL's Open Font License instead. In the meantime we have released ScheherazadeRegOT and LateefRegOT 1.001 under the Open Font License. This release is, in all respects other than the license, exactly the same as the 1.0 font except that only the OpenType version is available. Current: 2010/02/26 Original Change-log: 2010/02/26 Original