Title: virtualbox-ose.tcz Description: A Powerful x86 virtualization solution. Version: 4.1.0 Author: Sun Microsystems Original-site: http://www.virtualbox.org/ Copying-policy: GPL-2 Size: 14M Extension_by: Arslan S. Comments: For host USB devices support: 1-) Download Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack and install it sudo VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack.vbox-extpack 2-) You need to be in 'vboxusers' group. This is done automatically by install scripts but you may need to relogin or reboot for the first time installation to make sure you are in the group vboxusers. 3-) You need to add virtualbox-ose.tcz to your onboot.lst for automatic group handling. If you want to use virtualbox-ose ondemand then you should manually add these commands to your bootlocal.sh addgroup -S vboxusers addgroup vboxusers # =tc by default This extension depends on Xorg. Change-log: 2010/10/16 First Version 3.2.10 2010/12/02 Updated to 3.2.12 2011/01/29 Updated to 4.0.2 2011/02/20 Updated to 4.0.4 2011/04/30 Updated to 4.0.6 2011/05/23 Updated to 4.0.8 2011/06/02 Fixed USB devices support for virtualbox-ose Current: 2011/08/07 Updated to 4.1.0