Title: x0vncserver.tcz Description: Remote Native X Display (TESTING) Version: 4.1.1 Author: RealVNC Original-site: http://www.realvnc.com Copying-policy: GPL Size: 180k Extension_by: robc Comments: This extension depends on Xlibs_support. Put the following line in ~/.xsession to start the VNC server for the :0 display upon startup of X: x0vncserver -PasswordFile=/home/tc/.vnc/passwd & Use vnc4passwd to set the VNC login password. ---------------------------------------------- Please see the man page for additional information. Also see http://www.realvnc.com for more information. ---------------------------------------------- Change-log: 2009/1/15 Original 2009/1/16 Updated to 4.1.1 2009/5/20 Created tcz 2010/01/19 Fixed library bug, changed deps Current: 2010/01/19 Fixed library bug, changed deps